British Classic Cars

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Rare 1965 Morgan Plus Four Super Sports

I remember when I was waiting for the school bus on cold winter mornings, a gentleman in Irish cloth cap would roar by in his topless Jaguar XK120, his face as red as a beet. This is the other… more»

End of the Line: 1999 Rolls Royce Silver Spur

When you see a car that is near the end of its production run, you sometimes notice a detail or two that suggests it was one of the last ones made. I can’t put my finger on why this… more»

Make An Offer: 1969 Austin America

The seller has a large collection of classic cars they wish to send to new homes as they head towards retirement. One of the more unusual is this 1969 Austin America. We don’t see many of these relatively rare… more»

Once Grand Sedan: 1984 Rolls-Royce Silver Spur

One of the saddest sites you’ll see is a 1980s or 90s-era Rolls-Royce or Bentley product that has fallen on hard times, which sadly, happens quite often. This particular era of Britain’s premier luxury sedans seems particularly exposed to… more»

Original Paint: 1977 Triumph TR7

There was barely-concealed excitement among the motoring press and the buying public when British Leyland announced it would be releasing a new Triumph two-seat sports car in 1974. However, there was widespread disappointment when the new model turned out… more»

Another MGB Transplant: No Reserve 1959 MGA

We’re no strangers to the MGA at Barn Finds, and we’ve seen cars ranging from lost causes to stunningly restored. What is more unusual is to have two appear on our desks in quick succession that have received engine… more»

No Reserve: Fiat-Powered 1962 MG Midget Mk 1

The most common criticism of classic British sports cars is that some people wish they featured more powerful engines. I don’t necessarily subscribe to that theory because the modest power output of vehicles like the 1962 MG Midget meant… more»

MGB Powerplant Transplant: 1956 MGA 1500 Roadster

Sitting for thirty years is a harsh sentence for most cars, unless the storage time features regular starting, ambient temperature control, maybe even resting on jack stands periodically. Otherwise, cars end up like this MGA: brakes and wheels frozen… more»

Coast Line Road Tripper: 1990 Jaguar XJS Convertible

Ah, summer days on the coast line, gentle summer breezes whipping your hair while the salt spray threatens vulnerable electrical components and sensitive body panels – what could be better? All negativity aside, the thought of running around a… more»

1 of 511 Junkyard Find: 1976 Jensen GT

The Jensen GT was an enclosed version of the Jensen-Healey open-air sports car. It was only produced for a single model year and just over 500 copies were made. It was a 2+2 grand touring coupe with a small… more»

British, But Made in Italy: 1967 Innocenti Mini

How many cars owe their existence to tax laws? The buyers of many small-motored French, Italian, and English cars built in the ’40s and ’50s were granted a break due to low calculated horsepower ratings. Other cars never would… more»

Carport Find Parts Car: 1971 Triumph Stag

Triumph Motor Co. was in the automobile business for nearly 100 years, retiring in 1984. One of its least successful products was the Stag, a 2+2 sports touring car built in the 1970s. The U.S. auto market was always… more»

Well-Loved Wedge: 1985 TVR 280i

Why do certain cars continue to reside in relative obscurity, a sports car purgatory where values never seem to change? The TVR 280i, also known as the Tasmin, is a car that seemingly checks all the boxes for any… more»

One of Twelve? 1947 HRG 1500 Aerodynamic

Ok, just one more 1940s car then I promise I’ll move out of this decade for a while. But we’re not in Kansas any longer, Dorothy: rather than Plymouths and Packards we’re spotlighting this 1947 HRG 1500 Aerodynamic –… more»

Stored For Years: 1974 Rickman Montesa 250VR

Why have shipping prices for vehicles gone up so much in the last few years? Fuel doesn’t cost any more and in a lot of cases, it’s less than it was four or five years ago. Is it insurance?… more»

Snowbird Project: 1956 Bentley S1

Like the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud, the Bentley S1 was a luxurious car befitting the lifestyles of the rich and famous. So, it’s a shame to see one from 1956 languishing in a driveway, exposed to the elements including snow… more»

Barn Finds