Swedish Classic Cars

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Meet My Daily Driver: 1972 Volvo 145E

Some of you already know, but for those who don’t, I just bought another Volvo! After dragging our Amazon project home the other day, I decided that I needed the wagon that we found while out hunting. The Miata… more»

Out of Time: 1972 Volvo 1800E

Project cars: we love them, we loathe them. As I consider potentially adding a new project to my fleet, I’m reminded of the thoughts I had in the first few months of owning my E30. Feeling overwhelmed comes to… more»

Turkey Day Discovery: Volvo 122s

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us here at Barn Finds! There is so much to be grateful for – family, friends, and faith. The list could go on and on. We are grateful for you… more»

1972 Volvo 145: Should We Buy It?

You know I wouldn’t sell a car without having a replacement lined up! We found this wagon while we were on the hunt for an old Volvo. We did end up dragging home a 1964 122s, but also met a few Volvo… more»

Our Wild Goose Chase for a Mythical Amazon

As I have mentioned, Josh and I are ready for a new challenge. We weren’t really sure what car we wanted to acquire next, but I had secretly been wanting an old Volvo for a while, so I placed… more»

Say So Long To Our SAAB Project

The journey with my 1987 SAAB 900S has been an interesting one. At times I hated it, but there were times when I loved it too. Many of my updates were filled with negative rants about problems that had… more»

SAAB Project Update: The Dreaded Starter Swap

After my gripe session the other day, I decided it was time to get the SAAB back on the road yet once again. After a few quick tests with my trusty multimeter, I determined that the starter was indeed bad…. more»

Rhode Island Amazon: 1966 Volvo 122S

Submitted by John M – Just recently while driving around northern Rhode Island my eyes were drawn to a Volvo that I had been curious about for several years now. So I finally decided to stop and ask about the… more»

SAAB Project Update: Ready To Move On

Can you even spot the SAAB tucked back there in the corner? Well, that is where it has sat for the past few weeks and it’s not just because I have been having more fun with the Mustang and… more»

SAAB Project Update: Digital Detective Work

Now that the Starlet is sold, we need to turn our attention back to the SAAB. If you have been following our project updates then you know that we have been trying to track down a few gremlins. Fuel… more»

SAAB Project Update: Running Rough When Warm

We may have celebrated prematurely. After taking the SAAB out on a long drive the other day, the surging idle and stalling issues reared their ugly heads again. So, I went ahead and replaced all the vacuum hoses and… more»

Who Needs a Truck When You Have a SAAB?

The honeymoon is officially over. If you follow the site, then you know I had a lapse in judgment the other day and bought a 1987 SAAB 900 for $1,600. People warned me, but I didn’t listen. Don’t get… more»

My Saab Story

If you have followed the site for very long, then you know I have a peculiar interest in old Saabs. It hasn’t always been that way though. Saabs and the people that drove them had never really appealed to… more»

Sugga Wagon: 1957 Volvo TP21

When we think of vintage military vehicles, Volvo isn’t the first name that comes to mind, but after seeing this 1957 Volvo TP21 our entire perception of Volvo has changed. Volvo has always been known for building durable vehicles,… more»

Barn Bundle: Saab 95 Wagons

What’s better than getting one barn find? How about getting three barn finds for one price? These Saab 95 Wagons might not be every barn finder’s cup of tea, but for any Saabophile or even just the collector that… more»

Mid-Engined Saab for $2,000

Normally we try to stay away from modified cars, but this one is so absurd that it deserves a mention. You didn’t misread the title, the engine is mounted mid-ship in this Saab. The seller claims that it one… more»

Barn Finds