Parts Wanted: 1958 Moretti Tour de Monde

1958 Moretti Tour de Monde

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From Attila H – Hi, I am a devout reader of Barn Finds and enjoy the short stories. But now I need your help. I live in Budapest, Hungary and have a 1958 Moretti Tour de Monde Spider which is in a very rough condition. The engine is almost bare: a block with crankshaft, and a head with the valves and springs only. It is almost impossible to find original parts for this little 750 cc engine but maybe there are some hiding in a barn somewhere? Needed: con rods and pistons, flywheel and clutch, valve rockers and supports and camshaft, dynamo, starter motor, distributor support and distributor and fuel pump (these are one unit), oil filter support unit. I would be interested if a complete engine were available too. I hope there is something out there because I do not want to have to swap the engine. I would appreciate your help. Thanks!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Stephen

    Didn’t Moretti use Fiat engines?

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    • JesseStaff

      That’s what I thought at first. I know some cars were based off the 500, but not sure on this one.

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  2. Rick

    I’d find a modern late model motorcycle engine and swap it in and turn it into a white knuckle screamer

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  3. DolphinMember

    Hi Attila,

    That’s a very rare car you have. Morettis came with various engines, and I think the Tour de Monde models came with either a 750cc SOHC engine with a single downdraft carb, or a 750cc DOHC engine with twin Webers. I am not an expert on these, and I’m not sure whether it was just the head that differed and the blocks were the same. Some other Morettis from the same era had 1200cc engines, so determining what engine you need parts for would be important.

    Your car is in the general category of the “etceterinis”, and a great website for those cars is:

    It’s a great source of information, and I think if you post there you will get some responses from people who know about your car and might direct you to sources for parts. You could go to the “As found” page on the site and post photos and information on your car, and perhaps put your request for parts in there too,.

    One person I know of is Pete Vack, who has written books on Abarth and writes for He might be a good person to contact. I think he runs that website but I don’t know him personally. I imagine he could direct you to someone who could help you.

    Best of luck with your search.

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    • Bobsmyuncle

      Great input!

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  4. bcavileer

    Some of these were a fiat clone twin cam, some were coventry climax powered.
    FWA engines if my old brain is right. Cool find. Always loved these beautiful small output marques.

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  5. S.S. McDonald

    Henry Grady has parts for your car. In years past he had 5 Morettis and raced them. Contact me for further info.

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  6. jimbosidecar

    I thought they had 850cc motors either based on or directly from Fiat.

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    • Ross W. Lovell

      Greetings All,

      Add me to the rest……..Thought this was the same engine as my old 70’s Fiat 850/900 Spider.
      Had the optional 900 motor which gave it 50cc extra of Italian pavement shredding horsepower. Grew into a Jaguar person but still the thought of these little cars and throwing them around a curve at speed still excites me. If Fiat and other Italian manufacturers of that era had only put a little more money into better metal and rust prevention……

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  7. Steven

    I have a complete and used-to-run Moretti TdM, 750cc, SOHC, just like the one in the photo. It’s been stored in my heated warehouse for the past decade or two….maybe I aught to take a look at it and maybe sell it. It’s here in Orlando, FL.

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    • Dwight

      Looks like a reasonable project…very interesting, very interesting…

      Equally interesting item behind it!

      Heated warehouse? Orlando? How about air conditioned.

      Now my garage in Ohio needs the heat (it’s mid 30s today)

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      • Steven

        Yes, heated and air-conditioned warehouse of mine.
        It’s a 600 Fiat Multipla behind it as you would have already guessed. it’s a rolling chassis, no drivetrain. Interested in both?
        I’m not under duress to sell them so if you’re looking for a $1,000 Moretti or Multipla, please look elsewhere.

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  8. James

    This Dec 26, 20ll Barnfinds “1960 Moretti Tour du Monde Project” posting shows a photo of the Moretti SOHC engine that Attila H is searching for:

    Tour du Monde Morreti’s were powered by the Moretti designed and manufactured SOHC engine. Because of the relatively small number of engines (cars) produced and limited parts availability they’re expensive, or at least difficult, restoration projects.

    The earlier 750 DOHC engine cars are in a league of their own – extremely desirable and extremely expensive to restore or purchase.

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  9. Curtis

    This car would have had the 750 SOHC engine which was one of the best Formula Junior engines available back in the day. They were mostly used up in racing cars. Going to be tough to find. Combination of it being kindof a crappy little car in my opinion (loosely located rear axle, cross leaf front suspension, ect) and desirable engine means most are left without.

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    • James

      Formula Junior originated in Italy for production engines first of 1000cc then 1100cc displacement.

      Below is the link to the Formula Junior Historic Racing Association which provides history, technical information, and info on today’s historic Formula Junior regulations:

      Count “Johnny” Lurani in 1960 said of developing Formula Junior, “The problem was to find a Formula that would at once be international, capable of attracting many young people of various countries, and be reasonably inexpensive and popular….In Italy, Fiat and Lancia engines are used, in Germany the famous D.K.W. and Goliath, in England the B.M.C., the Ford and the Hillman, in France the Renault and Panhard and perhaps the Peugeot…”

      Obviously some of these engines quickly fell out of favor due to cost or limited development potential as more powerful full race versions of a few became the mainstay of FJ.

      I was a fan of H modified racing in its heyday in the US and don’t remember a Moretti 750cc SOHC engine used.

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      • Curtis

        Interesting and I appreciate your 1st hand knowledge. My comment was based on my experience seeing just 4 of these SOHC engines over the years, all in Italian, maybe one Spanish “FJ type cars”. Additionally I had a Morretti project like this in the 90s and looked unsuccessfully for the right motor (it had fiat 1100 retrofitted.) Is it possible that what I thought were Formula Juniors were actually for some other series ??

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    • James

      There were a few national formulas such as the French Monomill based on based on Deutsch-Bonnet Panhard parts and a Cisitalia formula in Italy, but these were basically “spec” formulas with identical cars. I’m unaware of any formula using Moretti SOHC engines however some cars could have been constructed to a local club spec. I haven’t found anything like that in my search. However I think the confusion may arise from the fact there were some Moretti “named” formula Junior cars built by Aquilino Branca (DOB – 1924).

      The Moretti Formula Juniors used Fiat parts throughout including highly tuned Fiat 1100cc engines. No Moretti “car” parts. These were fascinating Formula Juniors of the very early years. Only a small number were constructed and one #2.18 was purchased by Augie Pabst who had it flown to Florida where he trucked it from Miami (thanks to Avis) to Sebring and raced it. Lost a left rear wheel on a fast sweeper when leading. Pabst said it was the only Moretti in the US per his knowledge – from a article.

      Link to Moretti Branca tech description:

      It’s easy to see how the Moretti “named” Aquilino Branca cars could leave the impression that Moretti engines rather than Fiat 1100cc engines were the used. I’m going to have to re-read the April 1960 Road & Track Moretti Formula Junior article later today.

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    • James

      Last night I read the 18 page April 1960 Road & Track article “Formula Junior; A Survey”. It’s entertaining from both a technical and forecast point of view. Eighteen FJ cars are covered in greater of lesser detail. Most garner a full page (photos & description), a few (Isis & Sadler pg 54 – Faccioli, Yimkin, & Civet pg 65) share one page, while the perceived top of the lot, Stanguellini has a double page layout.

      There is a general 2 page article and spec sheet spread on the Formula and associated costs (to gain ultimate power from a production engine), etc., but writing about home grown specials it says, “On the basis of total power the specials may compare very favorably; some of our hot rodders have a touch that borders on genius in getting power from “pushrod” (R & T’s quotation marks) production engines. Chassis design is a different matter. There is little hope that the individual constructor will be able to show any improvement over the professionals in this area.”

      In hindsight it’s easy to see the Cooper and Lotus as the future direction of the formula.
      However the the beauty of the front engined, Stanguellini, Volpini, Taraschi, Lola & Elva are not to be denied.

      The small volume offerings such as the American Apache with reduced displacement Peugeot engines and specials fell by the wayside fairly quickly.

      Copies of the magazine are readily available on eBay from $5 – $10 +. Other in depth articles include 4 1/2 pages on the Lola 1100cc sports racer and a roughly 5 page article by Tony Hogg (years in the future R & T editor) “Racing on 2 Wheels” a reprint from “The Motor Cycle – London”.

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  10. johnforsman

    I’ll be back in Italy after the 12th, I’ll try making some inquiries.

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  11. Tasiaux

    To be seen until end january at Brussels’ Exhibition “Italian Car Passion” !

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  12. julian

    Got a feeling that Moretti, like Abarth also used Simca engines.

    My advice would be to stick with Italy and use anything from an 1100 up to the 124/125 twin cam engines which must still be plentiful and would look “in keeping” in the engine bay.

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  13. Steve Y

    Wow! You guys are something else! Best possible site anywhere to get a sense of direction on the oddest automobiles.

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  14. Fred

    Hi Attila, how are you, good to see you here.. ;-)

    I’ll send you an email, there might be a guy you should contact he was selling a big load of moretti parts on ebay last year, maybe he still has some.

    I’ll shoot you his email.


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  15. Aaron Quinones

    HI Jesse, I have been looking for a Moretti 750 Tour Du monde Spyder / Superturismo spyder / Pan Or Mica spyder for a while. Are you willing to sell it? It’s my most favorite car ever made. Also it’s by my favorite car designer Giovanni Micholatti. Please let me know. my email is

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    • Paul

      If somebody is very interested, and make me a very good offer, maybe I sell the car. I have to increase my collection a bit ;-(

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      • Fred

        Hi Paul, which car are talking about ? There are lots of pictures on this thread ..;)

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  16. Paul

    Hi Guys,

    the Moretti on this foto, is now mine !
    Fantastic car !!!


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  17. Paul

    The white one Fred, in concours condition

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    • Fred

      OK, chassis #3149 then, isn’t it in the brussels museum now ? I saw it when it was fully restored in padova. Have you talked with Silvio in switzerland ?, he might be interested in a spider for his moretti museum.

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      • Paul

        That`s right Fred chassis #3149.
        It is in my private collection.
        Silvio knows I have this car, I bought it just after Padova.

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      • Fred

        Cool, if you are ok with it I can inform about the sale the network of moretti owners i know. I run the

        I would love to have you email to include you in the list :


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      • Fred

        Paul, I know somebody interested, how can he contact you ?

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  18. silvio

    Hello Paul, good to read from you!
    I still need to pay you a visit in NL !

    can you come back to me on silvio@moretti-cars,net ?

    Like 1

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