Talking someone out of $2000 usually takes more than twenty-eight words, but that’s the proposition for this 1966 Dodge Coronet convertible project. Thanks to “AMXBrian” for finding this affordable project car located in Waterford, Connecticut and posted here on Eastern Connecticut craigslist, this barely-recognizable drop-top B-body features a listing straight from the days when you paid by the word, and didn’t mind talking with strangers on the phone. People sometimes become lonely around the holidays, so show some compassion; the seller is merely angling for small talk, preferably from someone who simply must own what may or may not be enough parts to assemble an unremarkable ’60s Mopar. All joking aside, this could make a nice cruiser and, having owned a 1966 Dodge Coronet myself, I picture this car becoming as handsome as this stock-looking custom at
Sadly the car’s “440” moniker does not identify the engine size, but the trim level, with 440 positioned above the base and below the fancier 500. Some of the stainless 440 trim can be seen in the car’s mostly gutted husk. The potent 440 cid mill did not grace the Coronet until a year later, 1967. A 1966 Coronet might have been ordered with the 426 cid street hemi, and such a car (especially a convertible) could be sold in minutes with far fewer than 28 words. There is good news, however; this car comes with “too many parts to list!” Consider your problems solved, and buy with confidence.
The 318 Polysphere V8 has been rebuilt, presumably to stock specifications. The 1966 model year marked the swan song for this “semi-hemi,” also referred to as the “wide block” 318. The Poly was Chrysler’s attempt to get some benefits of hemispherical combustion by using canted valves instead of the hemi’s more complicated and costly valve train. The following year saw the advent of the “LA” 318 that powered Chrysler vehicles through 2003. Thanks to for some details. You won’t find many enthusiasts talking about their tire-shredding 318 Polysheres, but this interesting Hot Rod build yielded 550 HP! Not too bad for an engine that’s normally a snooze-fest.
Much like a model car kit opened with glee on Christmas morning, this Dodge comes with a body full of holes you fill using parts you hope are somewhere in the box. If you’re lucky, you put everything in the right place and everyone compliments your amazing skill. Then there are the other 90 out of 100 times where you look for the sign that says “Bang Head Here.” Having never assembled (or disassembled) a particular car, re-assembling it can challenge your jig-saw puzzle skills. Not everything is documented on YouTube. Perfectly restored, this car may fetch over $20,000, but probably not much more. Does this Dodge elicit your Christmas morning excitement with its implication of “some assembly required?”
I was cussing at Christmas putting toys together. And that was with all the parts and directions! Can’t imagine putting this puzzle back together. I do like the VW sitting next to this though.
Its ’66 Satellite cousin has been sitting in my garage for 25 years – only the trim is off mine, and it will be painted (finally!)by spring!
That pic of the “rebuilt” motor gave me a good laugh.
Aye, particularly the overspray on the chain…
RNR does that flathead six fit in there?
Yeah – in the trunk, laying down (B body trunks are huge)!
this is a good family project for a man with teenage kids or a husband an wife or two brothers to enjoy doing. not worth much money but think of the pride your family would have when it’s completed. have done 3 projects with my son and we loved every one but my son, I think enjoys driving them more than working on them, cause with me they are never done.
I think its a good deal. These are easy builds. All you need is a 4 door parts car.