Rare! 1959 Chevy Apache Good Humor Ice Cream Truck!

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According to the seller, only a handful of these Good Humor ice cream trucks were made under the Chevrolet brand with only three known to still exist. I don’t know about that. A quick internet search yielded some results like the one found here. In any case, they are rare and although they fit a niche part of the collector car market, they have a ton of potential. This one is from 1959 and looks like a lofty project. It can be found here on eBay with a buy-it-now price of $10,500. Now located in Billings, Montana, the truck apparently spent its life in New Mexico and Texas. Let’s take a closer look and thanks to Patrick S. for the tip on this sweet project.

As stated before, the seller indicates this truck spent most of its prime in New Mexico and Texas. The ad also says it is believed to have been used on military bases and they have traced the history back to the family of the man who operated it. There are even vintage pictures included with the truck.

There isn’t a close-up photo of the interior in the ad, but the seller says it is “extremely basic” but the dash is complete. The body is said to be solid and the refrigerated box is complete and structurally sound. The truck came originally with a 6-cylinder engine and 3-speed manual transmission although they are not currently in the truck.

Here is a close up of the vintage ice cream menu. Too bad the weather has taken its toll and you can’t really read it too well. If the new owner is doing a period restoration, there’s enough information left to recreate it. Based on the fact that the roof is already gone, I would have a hard time not making it into a cool short-box roadster pickup. How about you?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Bud

    I’d go full Drew Carey and sell beer out of it . Does anyone know how to make that stupid pop up stop ?

    Like 7
    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      @Bud – Turn cookies on.

      Like 1
      • Bud

        Thanks .

        Like 0
    • bry593

      “Hey Baby, wanna big stick?”….. Will anyone get the reference?

      Like 2
      • bone

        Yes ! LOL

        Like 0
    • danwat1234

      Adblock Plus browser add-on. RIP Drew Carey’s ex-wife.

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  2. Sam61

    Some “craft brewer” needs to buy this, restore it and use it to sell tap and bottle beer at events. Keep the ice cream menu boards as a nod to its history.

    Cool find!

    Like 7
  3. 86_Vette_Convertible

    Ad shows it’s sold at $10,500. It’s an interesting truck none the less.

    Like 2

    It is possible this was at one time a good Humor truck. People like to assume when they look on the net and find one like it. These would have had a GH property id service tag.

    Several companies made ice cream truck conversions.These trucks were ran into the ground and often stripped and parted out. Wrecked junked. Few Good Humor trucks if any were sold from the fleet. They didn’t want to compete with their old trucks. The GH trucks that survive are the later ones still in service after the company sold out.

    These seem cool until you think of the limited use you would actually have not to mention only able to drive when it isn’t raining. Haul one other person unless you are going to a funeral and use the cooler in the back.

    Pretty dumb idea to have your crew drive around in these rigs and have the tops of the cab cut off. Driver retention as well as sales improved when the roof was left on on later units.

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  5. Del

    10 grand. No motor ?

    The Moon, Alice……..

    Like 0
    • Robert White

      That got your pulse going, eh, Del.


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  6. Jack Quantrill

    Just the picture brought back that Good Humor jingle! Ear-worm crawls again: “da da da da da-da da da da da da da di da”! .10 cents for the mint/ chocolate bar.

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  7. Stangalang

    Reminds me of Cheech and Chong…small block and a auto please..major cruiser and yall have nice dreams

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  8. E.G. Frizzell

    I sold ice cream for part of a summer on Cape Cod out of one of these trucks. Lived with a bunch of SigEps from University of Rhode Island. Great memories. Was owned by a young entrepreneur by name of Carl. Don’t remember his last name. This was in the Kennedy era. Even got kicked off the compound. Great memories.

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  9. danwat1234

    The freezer box has a compressor powered by the alternator? Probably has a high output alternator.

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    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      I had a 1965 Ford GH truck about 30 years ago, and it relied on dry ice to keep the well-insulated freezer box cold. There was no compressor or mechanical refrigeration on the truck. Sold the truck when I was advised by a former GH mechanic that the insulation was “rock wool containing high levels of asbestos”.

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