After having looked at a lot of Lamborghini replicas over the years, I’m honestly not usually very impressed with them. Typically, they just vaguely look like the real thing and are poorly put together. Don’t get me wrong, I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who is crazy enough to take on building one, it’s a huge amount of work, but getting the body to look right is tough and the interiors just don’t ever look like the real thing. Yet, I find this Countach Replica to be surprisingly appealing. I’m not so sure about the F1 Tribute graphics, but the car’s stance looks right and the fit and finish are impressive. You can take a look at it here on eBay with a current bid of $20,300.
One of the reasons this replica works could be that it’s riding on a customized chassis, so the wheelbase is correct for a Countach. Most Lamborghini replicas are slapped right onto a stock Fiero chassis, which doesn’t match the real deal’s wheelbase perfectly. The seller states that the rear chassis is from a Fiero, but the rest is a boxed frame with a dropped floorpan for added legroom. The steering rack and front suspension are also custom, hopefully, it was built by someone who understands suspension geometry. Power is provided by the Fiero’s V6, which is said to run well as is.
While the exterior is the main focal point here, I’m also impressed with the interior. Lamborghini wasn’t known for having the nicest of supercar interiors, but you can definitely tell the difference between a Countach and a Fiero interior. It appears whoever built this car went all out and did a full custom interior and it looks almost as good as the real thing. If you spotted this car in the wild, you’d believe it was the real deal, right up until you heard the engine fire up.
The seller seems to be banking on someone buying this purely to go to Las Vegas for the Grand Prix. Maybe that will work out for them, but personally, I’d like to see what it looked like before they had it wrapped. It appears it’s wearing white paint under that vinyl, which is one of my favorite colors for the Countach, but the wrap could be hiding body or paint issues. Hopefully, that’s not the case, as this replica is really quite compelling if you want the Lamborghini looks without the Lamborghini price tag. What do you think? Is this something you’d enjoy owning?
Why not a V8, one would fit.
Yep, no,cereal deal or nothing.
The interior is very nice, but 41 photos and zero of the engine.
Its still just a Fiero
There is a reason for not having a picture of the engine cause it’s a fiero v6 !
Shouldn’t it really say “Red Bull____” on the sides?
Long drive to Vegas … in this
I gotta say, I’m a little disappointed this got some ink time. First: “Tribute.” Second: “Fiero.” Third: Just no!
Buy this beauty, and sit back at the car shows, and explain to everyone that it’s a….Fiero. But then, maybe they won’t notice your comb over.
Nice car. Great to see this instead of just another lifted Ram 1500!
I could sneer at this, say it has all the impracticality with none of the performance, but really…. I agree it’s quite an achievement to build it so well. Hats off.
That nose angle looks off. Kinda looks like when Kermit the Frog gets mad, he makes that face where his nose points down. Someone out there knows what I’m talking about. :)