Road Trip Runner: 1978 Dodge Class C Camper

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When it comes to a class of vehicles that is enjoying a resurgence in popularity due to the “influencer” culture that it sweeping the U.S., the old-school camper van is a home run by most accounts. The ability to pack up your gear and hit the road for wherever your GPS takes you is appealing to people who have somehow found alternate means of cash flow that don’t involve sitting at a desk, so rigs like this clean 1978 Dodge Class C motorhome here on craigslist are quite hot right now. This Dodge is a runner and is listed for $4,950.

One of the biggest dings against an old RV is how God-awful they can be inside. Years of unmitigated water damage or simply the funk of previous inhabitants can make them downright unlivable. The good news with this Dodge is that in addition to being healthy mechanically, it also appears to be a well-loved example based on the cleanliness of the cabin. The dark fake wood trim isn’t exactly a popular look right now, but when it comes to the cost of restoring a motorhome, not having to touch the inner cosmetics is a major value proposition. This one comes with a kitchen and bathroom as well.

I’ve had an old Dodge motorhome like this for sale for a few months now. It gets a ton of inquires but very little in the way of traction because it needs a proper mechanical going-through. The issue I find with shoppers looking at vehicles like these is they expect to get in and go across the country the next day with no attention given to basic upkeep items like tires, brakes, hoses, belts, and the like. It’s maddening, to be honest, because there’s zero context for what is involved in driving an older vehicle, whether down the street or to the opposite coast.

This Dodge sports original cosmetics and looks like it’s been fairly well taken care of given there’s no apparent body damage aside from some paint scrapes and general fading. Speaking of upkeep, the seller doesn’t provide much in the way of detail about what’s been done or yet needs doing, so if you are a potential buyer for this clean Class C, I would plan on budgeting for the basics. If nothing else, “Korz Auto Farm” sounds like a fun place to poke around if you’re in the area. Thanks to Barn Finds reader Gunter K. for the find.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Old greybeard

    At least this one is reasonably priced. Been looking at camper vans and the market is too hot. High mileage vehicles at high prices everywhere. If I’m spending $10k on a 20 y/o base van I expect it to pass state inspection, or price it accordingly.

    Like 5
  2. Brent in Winnipeg

    “On the cutting edge of design and function is a Class C motorhome” – Winnebago Man

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    • Brent in Winnipeg

      IN a Class C motorhome.

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  3. George Birth

    Not a bad deal if you live close to Kansas City, Ks.

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  4. Troy

    That thing is borderline class C or class B plus I think it needs to be gutted checked for leaks then resealed And remodel the inside but now its old enough some private RV parks won’t let it in at least in Florida anyway.

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    • Joe Bru

      Why not letting in older campers?

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  5. John

    Damn, I don’t like the looks of the ceiling, very possible it’s leaking! The top looks like it was beat by hail also.

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  6. Homer

    I worked for a Pontiac dealership when the vans were hot in the 70s. A guy in the used car dept put the slogan “Do It In A Van” on the big sign out front and the dealer thought it was too suggestive and had him change the message. Very tame by today’s standards.

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