This old goat is listed on craigslist in Owensboro, Kentucky with an asking of $7,900. It has all the goodies including AC, power steering, Ram Air hood, “rally dash” and more. If it’s a true Ram Air car, that would add to the value of course. It sure looks nice when wet! This car has set for 20 years. The engine was rebuilt and it ran when parked, but it’s been removed and torn down now. It’s complete except for the front valance and gas tank.
The interior looks mostly complete but will need work. The data plate indicates this was a gold interior, so if that is correct and one wanted it original, they would have to redo the entire interior.
There might be some rust repair necessary in the floors and trunk. There are several pictures of both in the ad, so be sure to take a closer look.
The paint still looks pretty nice when it’s dry and dusty, but if you want it original the data plate seems to indicate it was “April Blue” originally. This GTO could be more of a gamble than most cars. There could be a lot of bondo from when it was repaired for repainting. If everything is really there, one could rebuild the engine and have the upholstery redone as necessary for about $10K if you are lucky and don’t fix the rusty bits.. Or, you could buy a nice driving GTO for $12k to $16k. Perhaps this might be the basis for a complete restoration? What possibilities do you see for this old Goat? I really look forward to the comments and seeing what you think.
Is that a 69 dash?
Could be nice.
Without A/C the 68 vent windows are ok.
With A/C the 69 looks cleaner.
Could you switch doors?
Seems to be hidden rot throughout the body. It starts with the hole over the wheel opening and the nightmare in the trunk.. Overall, this would be a good project providing the engine is matching and the block isn’t cracked or damaged.. I don’t understand why you would tear down the engine and just leave it..
Good find, great car.. Worth the investment..
Nice find and with some bodywork could be a nice cruiser. I wondering why he would tear down a newly rebuilt motor that ran when parked unless the rebuild was not done correctly. If I had time and the room I would make an offer of 5K then hopefully meet him in the middle at 6K.
title is missing
colors both interior and exterior do not match the data plate
i’d check the vin against pmd records just to be sure ……
granted the original blue exterior / gold interior would not be as desirable as resale red over black (in ’68 or now) but someone somewhere went through a lot of trouble to change the entire appearance of the car.
From what I can tell from the data plate it is supposed to be “April Gold” paint upper and lower, no vinyl roof “GG”, and a Gold interior “221”
Also that looks like a Chevy Camaro steering wheel, it definitely is not a Pontiac.
I also don’t see any indication, from the pictures , of any ram air package, you would need to see the letters stamped on the engine block “XP” for an automatic transmission and if it is a Ram Air II, the stamp on the heads would say “R96A”
Somebody did go through a lot of trouble to change this car, if this data plate supposedly came with this car.
ps @van doors can be switched between ’67 and ’68 firebirds (w and w/o vent windows) dont know why you couldnt switch between similar generation goats.
That’s what I was thinking.
I wonder if this Goat was under water in Nashville’s great flood? That would explain a lot! 🏊
I don’t recall all that goop on the data plate when these cars were new.. They were plainly visible, clean and painted chasis black so as not to stick out from the cowl aesthetics. This one just doesn’t look right to me.. Maybe it was tactfully replace and shot over with undercoating to look real.. I don’t trust this deal at all..