When Barn Finds reader Ted sent us the tip on this 1969 Checker Marathon Station Wagon, he mentioned not remembering ever seeing one before, and I’m not sure I have either, at least not in person. While the company… more»
Pair of Checker Marathon Taxi Projects
Before there was Uber or Lyft, there was Yellow Cab which was usually a Checker Marathon in the bigger cities. Technically, the for-hire vehicle was called the Checker Taxi and the Marathon was the version sold to consumers. But… more»
The “Chagster”! 1982 Checker Marathon
Getting picked up in this 1982 Checker Marathon taxi and telling the driver to “Step on it” could render a unique car hire service experience. At first blush, it’s obvious that it’s hardly in what would be considered an… more»
BMW Chassis Swap: 1981 Checker Marathon
Sometimes, a listing just demands more details than the seller offers. In most cases, it’s because vital details are missing, but in this instance, we just want to know how this project came into existence. This is a genuine… more»
8-Door Wagon! 1972 Checker Aerobus
We’ve featured a few 8-door Checker Aerobuses here on Barn Finds over the years. They were made by Checker Manufacturing Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and were a great way to transport 12 passengers in comfort with room for luggage… more»
Check It Out: 1976 Checker A-12E Limo
Most car people are familiar with the Checker automobile, the ubiquitous, boxy sedan that dominated the taxicab market in places like NYC during the ’60s and ’70s. If you are of a certain age, you may recall actually getting… more»
Not a Taxi! 1967 Checker Marathon Wagon
When most folks think of the Checker automobile brand, a yellow taxicab comes to mind. And they would become quite prolific in the 1960s and 1970s in big cities like Chicago and New York. But Checker also sold a… more»
The Only One Left? 1949 Checker A3
Most people think of Checker Motors for its iconic and long-lasting Marathon, which was ubiquitous as a taxi cab for decades, but few people know that there were cars before that. In this case, it’s a 1949 Checker A3… more»
Stretch Limousine: 1970 Checker Marathon
The Marathon was the mainstay of Checker Motors out of Kalamazoo, Michigan between 1961-82. Most of them were built for fleet buyers, and many of those were taxicabs. This ’70 Marathon was rescued from a junkyard many moons ago… more»
6 Doors Too Many? 1966 Checker Aerobus
Based on observation, it appears that two doors are preferred over four doors. If that’s the case are four doors then preferred over eight? Looking like something that would have been at home in the Beatles movie Help, is… more»
Never A Taxi: 1975 Checker Marathon
Anyone who’s ever ridden in the back of a Checker cab probably remembers how much legroom there was. Most of the Marathon workhorses that were built over a 22-year period went toward fleet use, most notably taxi services. By… more»
Arizona 8-Seater: 1972 Checker Marathon A11
Taxi!! Do people even yell for taxis anymore? I would think that it’s mostly done by phone or app now, or maybe by waving a hand in the air or being in the right place at the right… more»
One Of 413: 1967 Checker Wagon
One of 413 Checker wagons produced in 1967, it appears this vintage longroof was intended to tow from the beginning. It’s listed for sale here on eBay and is located in Toledo, Ohio. Surprisingly to me, the bidding has… more»