Truckloads of Parts: 1962 Sunbeam Alpine

1962 Sunbeam Alpine S2

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Buying someone else’s unfinished project can be a bit scary, but sometimes these stalled they can prove to be great buys. Obviously there are a lot of factors to consider, but this 1962 Sunbeam Alpine S2 might be one if them. This car looks to be solid, but it does have some rust. The seller has a lot of extra parts they are throwing in though. But before it can be called a true bargain, it will need a closer look and a more detailed description of what all is included. It is currently located somewhere in Maryland. The seller put their phone number in the listing, which can be found here on eBay.

Sunbeam Inline 4

Unmolested Sunbeam Alpines are hard to come by these days. Many have been stripped apart and converted into Tiger clones. I understand the desire to own the V8 powered version, but the much lighter four-cylinder Alpine wasn’t a bad little car. It might not offer the V8 sounds, top speed, or tire blistering torque, but they are still fun cars. You can have all the power in the world, but if the car can’t turn or stop then your fun is limited primarily to the quarter mile and stop lights. Now this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but the added weight of the V8 did impact handling. The added acceleration of the V8 would be enjoyable, but considering it only decreased 0-60 times by 5 seconds and increased top speed by 20 mph it is hard to justify the massive jump in cost between the two cars.

Sunbeam Alpine Interior

The seller really didn’t provide much information about the Alpine and their photos aren’t much help either. From what I can see, it appears to be complete and other than a few problem areas in solid shape. Of course I would still want to see it in person before pulling out any cash. I would also want to know more about the included parts. The seller claims to have $2k worth of new parts, but doesn’t list everything, simply stating that they have “truckloads of Tiger/Alpine parts”. The complete additional engine, rear end, and sheet metal does sweeten the deal a bit and may point to some of what is currently wrong with the car.

Sunbeam Alpine

Untouched Alpines are becoming rare sights, so I hope the next owner will decide to keep this one original. If this car turns out to be as solid as it looks, it might not actually need a complete restoration. I’m sure there will be hidden problems though, so whether this turns out to be a great buy or not will depend on what is discovered after an inspection. If it were a bit cheaper and a lot closer to me, I’d already be on my way to take a look. So is there anyone in Maryland that could go take a peek?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Chris A.

    For starters, this car shows some changes like the non-standard steering wheel and the fact the SU’s have been changed out. “Some rust” can be a real problem as the structure on Alpines is a bit complex. But a well set up Alpine is a nice cruiser, especially with the hard top and roll up windows. If you are really lucky, this one comes with the OD and the parts box has the original now missing parts. Good cars that are usually less expensive than the same year MGs.

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  2. rancho bella

    I am fan of Alpines……..with the four pot not the eight. Well balanced to include very strong X frame welded to the body, when interior is done right they are very nice, good parts availability and a good looking car. Love the fins and factory hardtop.
    Great hobby cars and very affordable.

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  3. jim s

    if you were close, could do a PI and inventory the spare parts the price might work. overdrive unit, extra motor and hardtop ( looks different then a tigers hardtop) are interesting. nice find

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  4. Brian

    I really do like these cars, especially the early “finned” versions, but I have to say, I’m not encouraged that this one is a Maryland car. After seeing some pretty sad Atlanta Alpines, the thought of one from up north makes my blood run cold! I was hoping to read that it was freshly shipped in from Arizona! I fear a sea of bondo would be there to greet me when the garage door goes up…

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  5. Rick

    One of my oldest friends rom my old neighborhood still has the ’67 289 Tiger his dad bought new and back then it was one of the coolest cars around, rode in it not long after they got it, I was 10 years old at the time and it made a big impression on me. Fast forward to the 2000s, and nearly every Summer I get to go for at least one cruise in the “Beamer” as he calls it, and he always lets me have some seat time behind the wheel. Doesn’t seem to have any stopping or handling issues especially when you consider its almost 50 years old. Have never driven a 4 cyl Sunbeam, but it doesn’t sound like my kind of car anyway.

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  6. The Other Doug M. (West Coast)Member

    I love these Alpines, though I personally prefer the later non-fin look. I have owned 3 over the years. Also owned many TR’s, MG’s, and more, and still consider the Alpine the most comfortable driver of them all… great seats, first British convertible with roll-up windows, easy steering, assisted brakes (at least in the later models). Great cars all-around!

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  7. Chuck Foster 55chevy Chuck F

    I had a 66 and it was a great driver, I keep meaning to call about one on Mobile AL C’list as they don’t have a price, but I have a TR8 in the yard that needs attention, must resist.

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  8. julian

    when I was too young to afford it, my neighbour had an early one with hard top – all in powder blue with chrome wire wheels and it looked fantastic.
    Sunbeam got to windy windows, proper heaters and Contour 7 reclining seats before triumph or MG, which made it sell well.
    These early ones were correct with a twin choke down draft carb and some had twin downdraft carbs but I never saw a factory one on S.U.s.
    If there’s not too much rust it could be a good project.

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  9. JesseStaff

    SOLD for $4,600 with only one bid.

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    • ken

      still for sale

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