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We all wonder why projects are abandoned, and perhaps we can understand why when we look at this one here on craigslist. When I first saw it, I was actually hoping it was a replica. I think they ran out of ways to hurt this sad old TD. Yes, they seem to have bolted headlights onto the fenders and painted the car a sort of purple. There’s even a non stock rear axle. There is a large pile of parts, including an engine. It’s not really worth $6,750, is it? What do you think you’d find if you went to Powder Springs (northwest of Atlanta) and had a look?
One sold recently near me for $6000. It was quite a bit better than this one.
It’s not worth anywhere near that price. Had it been the later TDMkII that would be a whole different story. The buyer might get lucky if the wood in the body hasn’t rotted out underneath the sheet metal. Otherwise this is close to being needs everything rebuild or a parts car. Feel free to trash the Moon discs. However I saw an MG TF 1500 all apart but with good body wood go for $16K. If you want a TD, your $6,750 wold be better spent elsewhere.
If there is anybody REALLY interested in someone looking at this thing, I am local and willing to go be a set of “eyes” and offer feedback. I have extensive knowledge of vehicles in general but not anything specific to this style. So, if you want my “eyes” you will need to give them focal points. Just shoot something back on this site with a way to contact you and we will go from there.
It’s another example of a car falling through the cracks and into the wrong hands. This poor oaf had some grand, spontaneous ideas (then lost interest, like they all do) and now only wants to dump his Big Mistake. Sad…