Robert R found this posting here on craigslist. It seems the fellow has two 1955 Cadillacs, a Fleetwood and a sedan. He’s been restoring the Fleetwood and will include the sedan in the sale. He says there’s no rust and the Fleetwood is in the process of being restored. At $8500, it seems this might be a reasonable deal, but one needs to know a lot more about what’s been done on the restoration and the quality of the bodywork and paint. The seats look nice, but the rest of the interior is a mystery. And then there’s the state of the mechanicals, which the seller doesn’t even mention. One would have to spend some time in Upstate, New York where these are located to sort through both cars and all the parts.
another seller trying to sell off their unfinished project.
My father had a 54 Convertible. I like the 55 better than the 54.
More detailed pictures of each car would be nice. From what I can see, these are good project cars. The Fleetwood has the very rare ‘8 ball’ shifter, that should add some value! A close inspection would be in order.