1959 Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Garage Find

1959 Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider

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Since founding this site, we have watched the values of classic cars climb. Some makes more than others, I think Porsche would be the perfect example of this. Sometimes I regret not buying a 911 when there were still in my realm of affordability, but you live and learn! Shortly after Jesse sold the Alfa Romeo GTV he used to own, I told him he would likely regret that decision. I wasn’t thinking in terms of future values, but simply because I think little Italian sports cars are a blast to drive. Well, now I’m starting to think he should have kept it from a value stand point. It’s been said before here on Barn Finds, but I honestly believe Alfas are heading the way of Porsches. I know early examples have always been valuable, but take a look at this ’59 Alfa 2000 Spider and it’s asking price here on eBay.

1959 Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Interior

While the $68k asking seems a tad high to me, take a look at Hagerty’s most recent price valuation of a #1! I honestly doubt you could get this car up to #1 condition for under $10k, but if it is in as good of shape as the seller claims it is, than maybe it would be possible. They also claim the car was parked in a Texas garage 44 years ago after one of the front fog lights was damaged. I don’t know too many people that would park a car because of a damaged fog light, but I guess anything is possible. So do you see this Alfa going up more in value or do you think these have hit their peak already? If the most recent auctions are any indicator, they could keep climbing, but I’m curious to see what you guys think. Special thanks to Dennis Collins for letting us know about this Alfa!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Ken

    Good grief, nearly $70K. It’s clear my salary hasn’t managed to approach car value inflation! We had a red 2000 spider when I was a kid. I recall mostly watching as my Dad and a friend did a timing chain on it if my memory is correct. It got traded in on a new 1968 SAAB 96 two stroke with dealer installed A/C. That SAAB became my first car 5 years and 100,000 miles later. Someplace in a file I have the sales invoice from Checkpoint, Inc the SAAB dealer in Clearwater/Largo FL showing the Alfa trade-in. It was just a wee bit less than the BIN ask for this car…

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  2. francisco
    • Darrel H.

      Not the same car. The 2000 of this vintage was more of touring car than sports car. Alfa later installed an inline six-cylinder to make it a 2600. Rarer but to me not nearly as desirable as the Giulietta Spider which though smaller is similar in appearance at first glance.

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  3. Stuart

    I bought a 1963 Giulia Spider for $115 at a farmer’s estate auction in 1973. I was 14 years old, that was hard fought newspaper route money. The roof was shot, but except for a crumpled left front fender, the body was strong. Gas tank full of rot, so I rigged a water bottle for gas to drive around the fields behind my parents house. I remember the day I bought that Die Hard battery from Sears, that was probably $30, but when those lights came on and that engine turned over, my goodness. I’ve owned a lot of cars since then, Jags, a new M3 and a 911 Cab. But that Alfa gave a 14 year old boy a (blank) everytime he started it up…do I wish I still had it? Oh hell to the yeah I do…by the way, I knew about the 2600 but never the 2000. My Giulia was a 1600, the Giulietta was 1300.

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  4. 365Lusso

    Lotta good ‘old Alfa’ stories out there, here’s another:
    Bought a nice running 2600 Spider in Oregon for $3,000.00. Started out for New England to see family, about a third the way across the diff started going out. Limped all the way to Tom Zat’s place in Wisconsin where he sold me another 2600 diff, I put it in while he supervised. Great guy, awesome gearhead place.

    I made it across the rest of the country, but the top wasn’t very good, so I’d haul a$$ to the nearest bridge and park there until the rain blew over. Or go fast enough that the rain didn’t get me. Back then CBs were almost a license to speed without smokey hassles.

    PS: the 2000 can’t get out of its own way, but still is beautiful. Good touring car as said above.

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  5. DolphinMember

    Darrel is right, the 2000 isn’t just a slightly bigger Giulietta. It was larger, more upscale, and more expensive, but with no better performance. Because of that they sold far fewer 2000s than Giuliettas, so they are rarer, and so are parts for them.

    This would be an expensive resto. Best to just drive it……..once you get the engine running well, all systems serviced, new brakes and tires, new top, and no doubt more. So come to think of it, it will probably be expensive just to get it to good driver condition. And then your eyes will always go to that heavily checked paint, so you’ll want to get it painted, but there’s some rust…..and then the interior will look dumpy, so……..

    Except for the whitewalls on this one I really like the look of the 2000, but with this car if you’re not an experienced and well-connected Alfa guy, just bring money.

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