1965 Ford T-Bird: Ready To Fly


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This 1965 T-Bird was rescued from a barn 2 years ago. The owner has cleaned it up and fixed a few things, but the transmission still won’t go into high gear and his rust repair sounds dubious and would need close inspection. The pictures certainly make it look nice! Perhaps it really only has 60,000 miles on it. If it’s as nice as it sounds, $6500 doesn’t sound too unreasonable does it? Hopefully, one could repair the transmission, add air conditioning and have a nice cruiser. The owner describes it’s faults in detail and none sound too daunting, just things like a fuel sender gauge and the high beams. It’s in Jacksonville, Florida and listed on here on craigslist.


Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Cassidy

    One of my favorite years! Too far away tho

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  2. Ed P

    Beautiful old ‘Bird. These cars were made for cruising in style. Fix the tranny and off we go!!

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  3. moosie Craig

    I like it even with no A.C. I especially like the rear seat treatment, reminds me of a Lounge. I’d buy it or one like it if the funds were there

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  4. Rocco

    Vacuum line at trans modulator????
    Green dot on shifter is drive, not the first notch after neutral.

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  5. Karl

    Transmission repair is never cheap, and this car probably has the Fordomatic 3-speed. If money were no object, the thing to do would be to update to a C6, which was new for ’66 and should retrofit just fine. The problem is that the money ceiling on these Birds is rather low, so you can spend more than the car’s worth rather quickly.
    It has to be love, not dollars and cents.
    Back when I was just out of high school I accompanied a friend of mine to look at a ’66 T-Bird he was considering. It was white with the only-for-’66 optional rear roof pillar that went all the way from the door window to the rear glass–an ugly roofline that I thought looked awful (and still do). The car was filthy inside and out. The owner fired it up and it idled so-so, kind of like an old hound dog with its tongue hanging out, and he told my friend he wanted $500 for it.
    My friend looked at it for a moment, then said, “Nah.”
    The owner turned to me. “What about you?”
    I was along for the ride and had not thought even slightly about buying the poor beast. I shook my head.
    “C’mon. Three hundred dollars!”
    I still shook my head.
    I still wonder if I should have went for it. After all, “Three hundred dollars!”

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