The seller of this ’65 MGB is a confessed MG hoarder. His posting is the most honest and informative I’ve seen in a while. This fellow did all the usual things and more to revive this B after it set for 20 years. He’s sorted the brakes with new rotors, calipers, shoes and drums. The gas tank has been cleaned, fuel pump and carbs rebuilt, fluids changed, etc. He even pulled the head to check out the engine and replaced the intake valve seats. So, the bad? The trans is noisy in first and reverse and it has had bad body repair behind the passenger door. He says it needs everything, but it sounds like a fun, dependable little car as it is. The rubber bushings in the front end tend to rot away, especially after sitting so long, so perhaps replace those? Does $3,500 seem like a reasonable price? It’s advertised here on craigslist in Garden Valley, California.
May 29, 2015 • For Sale • 7 Comments
1965 MGB: Honest Project
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it is noisy in first/reverse because both are straight cut gears. includes a second car for parts, i think. nice find.
I want and wish!
Over the last few years, B’s have been the scruffy little neighbor kid that no one paid a lot of attention to. Now that (metaphorical) kid is older, is starting to look OK, has good manners and is inexpensive to keep around. Compared to the other neighbor kids (Jaguar, Healey, Lotus) he is a real treat.
It seems the abundance of Mk1 B’s has seen its day, and the market is beginning to recognize the bargain that MGB’s have always been. Two years ago, this would have been a $2000 car, five years ago,,, $750 – 1000. Now, for a novice gearhead set on doing an easy restoration, or a newly retired guy looking for a project to fill those empty spots, this looks like a good buy. Sure, it’s easy to pick at it, wrong this – rusty that, but more and more folks are figuring out that right here is the dead simple novice project that just may come to be worth what you have invested, in another ten years.
Get ’em before they’re hot.
Have fun
I ran my 76 B down to the carry-out tonight, and it remains one of the funnest cars I’ve ever owned. 3 of my buddies have ’em, and we’re all in our mid-50s+. Indeed it’s still the affordable classic that can be maintained and worked on by the average guy or gal. And it starts every time.
That said, I’d still want to see underneath this car before spending 3500. I got mine, which is nicer, for just 2200 on craigslist.
Yes, inexpensive rubber bumper B’s are very plentiful, two thirds of the MG listings on my local CL are 75 -80 B’s. The difference I was speaking to is the Mk1 cars (63 -67) that are becoming difficult to find in restorable condition. The market has been answering that difficulty with rising prices. The basic answer is, if you are looking for an inexpensive two seat sports car to use as a driver, a rubber bumper B is a good alternative. Find good rust free examples all day long for $3 -5000. If you are looking for a “more collectible” restoration candidate, the early chrome bumper cars are the prize, and as a result are becoming fewer and more difficult to find.
Have fun
’65, one of the best years, pull-handle doors, pre-smogger, pre Abington pillow.
Main thing to care about is the inner/outer sills ‘specially behind the front fenders.
If the doors close easy and the gap is even, then it may be ok to start with. A new body shell is $ 14K, so this is perhaps a good starting point. Hopefully someone will look at it carefully and decide it’s worth the effort as these early B’s are getting rare.
this ’64 B for $2,500. Sat for 10 years in a barn. Had to replace the windshield, water pump, the hydraulics for the clutch, rear leaf springs and shocks, replaced the generator with an alternator and the battery. It had brand new tires on the wire knock offs, good brakes and a very solid body structure with very little rust. The front suspension is a night mare so that’s getting attention next but I’m happy to own this little gem