As someone who occasionally drags home the carcass of a project car, I’m not immune to the prospect of trading a vehicle for something better. However, in my experience, it rarely works out, for no other reason than finding someone who wants your car and you theirs is darn near impossible. The seller of this 1967 Ford Mustang here on craigslist doesn’t want your money – he wants to swap rides. This car, discovered by Barn Finds reader Tom B, features the Sports Sprint package and looks reasonably complete. From what I can see of the interior in the single photo on the ad, it does look as nice as the seller says, and the unmolested nature of the car is appealing. Less so is the seller’s attitude, which doesn’t leave much room for negotiation if you aren’t in possession of a car he’s willing to swap for. Have any of you ever successfully swapped project cars?
Jul 16, 2015 • For Sale • 11 Comments
1967 Ford Mustang: Trades Only
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How ’bout this, fella? Seller the car for MONEY, then take that money and buy whatever the heck kind of used car or truck you want.
I wouldn’t classify a 200hp 289 as a muscle car or even a performance package. A Jeep trade maybe, but I doubt a true muscle car will be offered. it’s also in Florida, so beware of flood damage.
I traded a rusted out 80’s ford roll back tow truck for a 4 door model A sedan, then traded that for a 49 ford ratrod pickup with a blown transmission. Fixed the truck and used it for a few years as a fun putt around rig then traded it off for a 39 desoto that ran and drove. Regretted trading the truck, and ended up selling the DeSoto. No cash was exchanged till I sold the DeSoto.
Had a 55 DeSoto Fireflite, traded the hemi for a 1960 Dodge Dart Phoenix hard top coupe, then traded the rest of the car and two other 55 parts shells I had to a guy for a 1960 Dodge Dart Seneca post coupe parts car, then sold both Darts to a buddy who’s working on getting the Phoenix back on the road as his daily.
Traded a pair of rough Mercury Comet coupe’s for a 78 ford crew cab short box 3/4 ton pickup someone had put a cadillac 500 V8 in. Parted out the truck, made way more money on it than I would have on the comets.
Traded a 59 Edsel Ranger sedan for a Mercury Comet sedan driver and cash, then later sold it for more cash.
Traded a Pontiac Lemans stock car for a couple winged mini sprint cars. In retrospect, shouldn’t have done that trade, but I did sell off the sprints for more than I was asking for the ratty old stock car, so that worked out. I just miss the stock car.
So yeah, trades happen. Just have to brows Craigslist a lot and throw out offers on stuff. Worst they can say is no.
I would be wary. 1st, its a FLA car – notorious for being hard a classic cars. 2nd, what’s up with the square hole on the cowl (can be seen in first and last photo). There’s a reason he wants to trade it. Unlike jaygryph, I’ve not be lucky at trading – most likely too concerned with simply getting cash then shopping for vehicle I wanted… Looks fairly solid, interior has issues too – pass seat jacked up, looks to be a vent window stuck in beside/in front of it. I guess, for an old beat up Jeep…
Probably has a rotted cowl, hence the inspection hole.
what an idiot! will not sell , only trade? good luck on the deal!
cash is king. i have in the past and still do take trades, whatever you have ( that is yours and not hot ), that i think i can make money on. but i never turn down cash, not sure why sell is. car is interesting but needs a good PI looking for rust. interesting find.
Once traded a pair of Fox body mustangs in high school. Buddy was given his dad’s 5.0 GT with a stick and I got my Step mothers LX automatic. Buddy hated stick, so we swapped cars. His father was pissed and 20 years later he still hears about if from his father. About 5 years ago he inherited a car from his Grandfather’s passing and his father made him put it in both my buddy’s name and his wife to make sure he did nothing stupid with it.
I have done all kinds of trades, however they often are problematic. When i used to run a shop for vintage vehicles, you also screw yourself often for not maintaining real cash flow. Thats the problem when an enthusiast first and Business second. I will always CONSIDER a trade, but trades on CL are well known to ratchet up the CL Flake factor. NO i dont want your Ford Escort that only needs a little work and a load of firewood. Gun offers are frequent, and scary to execute not to mention legalities. Now, with Oregon having weed legal, i get a LOT of offers for medical and recreational pot in exchange for parts or vehicles im selling. Seriously… its crazy. It is ALSO a very good idea to NEVER EVER put your full address in your ads.(General area is GOOD, often very helpful, but NEVER your actually addy) I have gotten 2 recent emails from CL users who clearly had some mental health issues going on. last thing i want is them knowing where i live.
It has been pulled from Craigslist. Must have found a trade or realized how those things work out.
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