1975 Chevy Monza: No Words Needed


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I really should stop being amazed at how poorly some cars are presented on eBay. This 1975 Chevy Monza is listed for $1,000 and even has 5 watchers. But the seller has not taken the time to tell us how the car got in this state or what might be needed – probably because the assumption is that it needs everything! Its rotted tires and signs of long-term storage in an overgrown bush may be of some concern for the next owner, especially since the price seems a bit ambitious for a car that is in sore need of disinfectant and a shop vac. Plus, the interior looks like it’s been a home for either wildlife or a hobo or more likely, both. It’s not a place you’ll want to spend much time in before being thoroughly cleaned. This example could be a good starter project – the 2+2 is an interesting anecdote in Chevy’s dalliance with a GM-Wankel rotary engine – but I’m thinking $500 is the only price I’d consider taking something like this on. What about you?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. JW

    Does everyone think they have a classic worth restoring. Ebay is becoming a joke, another piece of scrap metal not worth hauling home.

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    • Duffy

      Piece of JUNK.

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  2. jim s

    looks like seller is parting out a small factory or machine shop. some of the items listed on ebay are interesting. as for this car seller needs to take the first offer and be done with it. interesting seller.

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  3. Ralph PucciniMember

    Yeah, $500 is the max I’d pay for this. Looks like it has an after-market flip-up sunroof, too.

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    • Bobsmyuncle

      That sunroof probably explains the Fred Flintstone floor boards and rain forest interior.

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  4. KLHarper

    This is a good start for a Lemons or chump car racer. But you are throwing about everything away on it. Not sure how that 4.3 engine really performs, but change is easy and cheap.

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  5. George

    The 4.3 V8 had decent power to play in these at the time. Especially compared to the 4… However at 130K for a ’75, that’s a lot of miles for a car of that vintage. But hey! Look at how clean everything looks! Oh, wait…

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  6. don

    JUNK! there is nothing special about this car, not worth fixing, rusted out floor board that you can see, aftermarket sunroof, 500 bucks is still to much. the asking price of a $1000 is just a joke! and agree, ebay is becoming a joke site for morons to put up for sale what they think is a “classic” that is worth a lot of nothing.

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  7. Peter

    It may be worth $500. to some, but you couldn’t give it to me. Literally. IMO, Life’s too short to remediate big-league floor rot like that, unless a person has a particular attachment to these cars. (And my first g.f. had one, albeit with a V-6 and a stick [5-speed?]. And I’m STILL not feelin’ it–sorry).

    Anyone know the approx. weight of this Monza and the actual scrap value, per pound, of cars, these days? (In other words, is it worth $300. in scrap value?)

    Just curious.

    And I agree–some ebayers are getting downright insulting to one’s intelligence. I’m interested in antique, pressed, steel toy trucks, from the ’20’s and ’30’s (Kelmet White, Sturditoy, Buddy L, etc…). And it is UNBELIEVABLE how some ebayers outright LIE in their listings for these toys. E.g.: “Original paint, untouched,” etc…. And yet you can clearly see:

    a) Old rust pock-marks, that were never filled in, before the (lied-about) repaint, or

    b) RUNS in the NEW paint.

    c) And I could drone on, but you get my point. They’re either unrealistic, like Monza-man, here, or they LIE, or BOTH.

    And yet they’re asking money like it’s on the block at a Bonhams, Morphy’s or James D. Julia auction.

    Hey–whatever happened to the low-miles C-3 that was on Barnfinds, recently, that the guy wanted almost $30,000. for (IIRC). That was worth a laugh!


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    • Roy

      Oh I love the Monza. In fact its one my most favorite cars ever made especially the hatchback model. They didn’t make a lot of them so they are somewhat rare. If you need a windshield it can be hard to find one and when you do they may want as much as 500 dollars for it. Anyone who has one of these cars is usually looking for or needing parts. last of all, Im glad not everyone loves these car because there are already too many people who want one making it hard for a guy like me to find one and buy it before someone else does.

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  8. Howard A Howard AMember

    My ex-wife bought a brand new 1977 Monza like this. It had the 305 motor, as opposed to the 262 motor, seen here, which, I heard, you had to lift the motor off the mounts to change the plugs. The 305 motor was a little better. It was a fast car, no doubt. Power to pass, but, didn’t handle very well, front heavy, you know, and terrible in the winter. This one is pretty far gone, maybe for parts, as B-O-P-C were pretty much the same body.

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  9. grant

    My brother in law had one of these in high school. His dad dropped in a turbo Buick V6 and it went like stink. With that said these cars need to be allowed to fade to obscurity. Especially this one.

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  10. Peter

    Howard A,

    When you say, re: the 262 V-8 “I heard, you had to lift the motor off the mounts to change the plugs…” that sounds familiar to me too. If so, that’s ridiculous, “Ferrari-class” maintenance! LOL

    Can anyone confirm/deny?



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    • Karl

      Yes, it’s true. The Monza was slated to be the first GM car to receive their version of the Wankel (and AMC was going to buy it from them for the Pacer). When that program died, GM substituted a four-cylinder and V6, like the ’74 Mustang II. I’m not positive whether one has anything to do with the other, but Ford shoehorned the 302 V8 into the Mustang II for ’75, and I wonder if perhaps GM heard about that development and upgunned the Monza to match. No matter what the reason was, the Chevy V8 was such a tight fit that the engine had to lifted off of its mounts to reach the rear spark plugs. I don’t think it matters whether it’s the 262 or the 305–they share the same block, don’t they? I would think they both have the same problem.
      Regardless of all that, this particular specimen looks like a Hurricane Katrina victim–filthy inside and out, with vegetation jammed into its panel gaps and blown tires. I’m serious about that–one look at this heap, and it was September 2005 all over again, when every street and driveway in New Orleans was littered with cars that looked this bad. I can’t believe anybody paid more than scrap value for this junker.

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  11. Gary

    Appears to have sold for a $1k bill. Prior to the sale I was thinking they would have to pay me a minimum of $250 to haul it away. Can’t believe someone actually bought that bucket.
    Just go’s to show you there are buyer’s out there for just about anything.

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  12. Rex Kahrs Rex KahrsMember

    A complete POS when they were new…it’s a Vega for crying out loud! Possibly Chevrolet’s lowest point, but there’s still time.

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  13. Chebby

    Too bad, it’s a good color, V8, panels look pretty rust free. Could have been a decent example if kept nice, but looks like it was swept down a river.

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  14. Lester Kleidon

    I had a 1978 with A/C and a 305 which we replaced with a 350 . F A S T ! Incidentally , YOU DID loosen the left motor mount and jack up the engine just enough to get a swivel ratchet and extension on the number 8 cylinder . (Drivers side rear) . I sure would like to find a 76-79 Towncar (Notchback) with 305 V8 in NICE SHAPE ! I know they’re out there !

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