$400 for a TD?! Oh, wait…


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Since test driving an MG TD a years back, I have considered picking up a T-series project to restore on multiple occasions. They aren’t very fast, but with a slick gearbox and agile handling, they present an affordable opportunity to experience what sports cars used to be. The only problem is that values are not that high and cheap projects are not that common. Well, Pat M. just sent in a link to  one he found here on eBay bidding starts at $400! There are some obvious concerns here though… Take a look and let us know if you would take the risk of bidding on something like this. Thanks for the tip Pat!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Mark E

    NOTE: The seller is NOT asking $400, that’s the current bid. If you could actually buy it for $400 and it’s not in the middle of some woods somewhere so you could load it onto a trailer fairly easily it would make a good parts car if you were restoring a rough TD or if you even owned one and needed spares and/or a nice lawn ornament!

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    • Dave H

      A “T series” in 1957? Thot they were all MGAs after ’55!

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      • Horse Radish

        thought ??

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  2. George H

    He says it is a 1957, 1953 was the last year for a TD.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      He also says it is a TF, which it obviously is not. I’m guessing he is just guessing on a car that he found out back.

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      • Horse Radish

        …not just that, Jesse, notice a brand spanking new E-bay user account (with Zero feedback).

        This is obviously a “Caveat Emptor” purchase.
        One where you only pay, IF you get a title and get it rolled right onto your flatbed tow truck immediately.
        Definitively NO E-BAY purchase, as your money will have to be reclaimed through a lengthy paypal claim.

        Not to worry about this sale, I’d say. which really isn’t one.
        This is a find in the woods, and obviously behind a fence, therefore the grainy ‘long-distance’ photo and lack of any close-ups or other angles.
        The lack of description (and what’s there is wrong anyway) supports that theory.

        I would say flag it, or report to E-bay as fraud.

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  3. L.M.K.

    Agree with Mark E and I will add that there isn’t enough juice in his listing or single photo to make a decision on it…This is perfect for those in the area who can actually inspect this car in person. If you want it, you’d better find someone to get up close to it….

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  4. Jim C

    The seller has no transactions = Red Flag.

    One Pic and not much of a description. Not worth the effort IMHO.

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  5. cory

    Little bit light on the description.

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  6. Julian

    There’s something wrong with the proportions.
    The bonnet to scuttle line is too high. Front wheel is too far inset. Now it could be that the bonnet is not properly fitted, or it could be a replica from one of about three UK kit car companies.
    Need more info!

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  7. shawnmcgill

    Ya know, everything about the ebay listing looks bogus to me.

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  8. Drew V.

    Makes me wonder… All these negative comments and warnings but no one has asked the seller a single question about the car… So what if it’s the sellers 1st auction, everybody has to start somewhere, and did your auction look like they were listed by Sotheby’s the first time you posted???? No need to run someone down because they are a neophyte…As most ppl know “Caveat Emptor”…

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    • shawnmcgill

      If it was my first auction, I think I’d put in the effort to post more than one fuzzy picture, and write as much description as possible. Coupled with zero feedback, this ad says “watch out” to me, much more than it says “neophyte.”

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    • Horse Radish

      Mind you: Questions may have been asked plenty !
      BUT, if the seller chooses not to answer them OR chooses to answer them, BUT not post Q&A to the listing, then it will show as is….

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  9. Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

    According to eBay, there have been 19 questions asked (so far)…but zero answers.

    I don’t think so (unless you’re near Houston and an inspection works for you)

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    • Horse Radish

      How do you find that ?, please.
      Useful info.

      Just out of curiosity I reported this Item by clicking on “report item”

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  10. Vincent Habel

    It isn’t for me. not enough info and too far away. I like the F better than the rest of the Ts.

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  11. DolphinMember

    Didn’t bother to walk another 15 ft closer and take a few more photos instead of just one? Looks to me like he cribbed the photo from somewhere, probably an old one. I don’t think you can get photo technology today that’s that bad, not even with a bad cellphone.

    It’s been in Ebay since Dec. 4th with zero description, wrong year, wrong model, wrong/no VIN, zero feedback, zero answers to 19 queries.

    Move on, nothing to see here.

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  12. Will

    VIN # 555555 Interesting.

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  13. hhaleblian

    MAYDAY! Check out the proportions of the windshield. Not!

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  14. tom999p

    It could be a speculator/ opportunist listing a car in a field that’s not his. Then if he gets enough interest he’ll go and see if he can buy it to sell it for bigger money…
    Just last month I saw an ad for a car for sale in a junkyard that said “my buyer has this yard-find car for sale……” I looked at the photo and it was in the junkyard of a guy I knew. So I emailed the guy with the junkyard and he said he had no knowledge that a third party was trying to sell HIS car. So I emailed the original ad poster and he apologized and said that “his buyer” gave him the information… I thought the whole scenario was VERY strange, since the seller DIDN’T EVEN OWN THE CAR HE’D LISTED FOR SALE!!! (I know this story sounds silly, but I’d be happy to forward the ad and the correspondence to any doubters, I still have it in my inbox)..

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  15. jim s

    it is still up on Ebay and it does have 1 bid so far!

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  16. geomechs geomechsMember

    If it was a TF, I’d be going after it. The TF, to me, is the ultimate MG.

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  17. Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

    @HorseRadish — if you just click on the auction, look under the gray block. You’ll see a “x inquiries” where x = # of questions. BTW, it’s up to 26 now. It’s up to the seller whether he posts any questions or his answers, though.

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    • ToMe

      Useful info. Thanks.

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  18. Eric

    Sort of looks like a Bigfoot sighting. Cell phone camera on extreme zoom?

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  19. Woodie Man

    My neighbor has a TD with a tree growing through it out back………would you like to buy it?

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  20. waynard

    Stay away from this one. You can do better.

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  21. John M

    One lousy photo, poor english in the description, and a ebay ID name like haki.khali ??
    Ha ha.. Go ahead and bid. The next thing you get is a notice that they will mail you a cashiers check for an amount way over the purchase price and you cash the check and send them the leftover cash. Or something like that, along with a story that they cant show it to you because it has been moved into storage and the person with the key is overseas at this time. Ha..ha…

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  22. gunningbar

    Looks like a replica (windshield).

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  23. waynard

    Notice too that there was a retracted bid of $488.00 earlier. That bidder got smart quick.

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  24. RoughDiamond

    Ask yourself why the picture is so hazy and taken from a distance? What is the car surrounded and protected by, an unruly gang of vicious grasshoppers? Since most adults now consider a cell phone a necessity and cell phone cameras take good pictures, there is only one reason I would think the seller would post such an uninformative picture and give such few details. If it’s too good to be true, “Caveat Emptor”.

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  25. Packard38

    It’s marked SOLD for $610!

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