427 Dual-Quad 4-Speed 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible!

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Convertibles appeal mostly to buyers who relish traversing the landscape with sun on their face, wind in their hair, and zero concern for superfluous acceleration or white-knuckle driving of any kind. Occasionally we discover convertibles like this 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 in New Lebanon, Ohio that challenge that story-line. Ordered with Ford’s potent dual-quad 427, a four-speed manual transmission, and 4.11 gears, this drop-top could drop the hammer on most cars on the road in ’64. Currently seeking a new owner here on eBay, this Galaxie offers a decent starting point for someone wanting a rare car of this vintage, or who appreciates the curious combination of neck-snapping performance and open-air motoring.

Picture a convertible in side view with its doors open and you can appreciate how removing the roof structure leaves the front and rear portions of the vehicle connected only by the floor stampings and rubber-insulated body mounts. Convertibles often exhibit “cowl shake” when subjected to rough roads, rail-road crossings, and hard cornering; The physical stresses of these gymnastics work their will on the barely-connected body. NASCAR racers usually chose the less sporty-looking “post” car over the pillarless “hardtop” to gain the extra structure of the B pillar, so you can imagine what they would think about racing a convertible. The rear shows decent-looking trim on this Space-Age Ford with large round tail lights mimicking dual rocket thrusters.

The bench-seat and stick shift offered performance and the opportunity for your significant other to slide up close when encouraged by affection or the cool night air. This one lost its four-speed sometime in the past in favor of an automatic gearbox, yet the clutch pedal remains. Relaxed six-passenger cruising let the whole family enjoy a top-down drive, though rear-seat passengers should plan to counteract wind buffeting with a hat and/or hair-ties. My family experienced a number of Summer drives “around the lake.”  back in the day in our ’66 Galaxie 500 convertible.

For details on these cars and the R-code 427, check out the excellent page at 427galaxieregistry.com. A 390 replaced this Ford’s original motor years ago. It runs (on starting fluid) but the fuel system –like everything else– will need a thorough going-through before any Summer-evening cruising. Ford’s motors were not VIN-stamped so building a “numbers-matching” car means finding a date-coded 427 block… no piece of cake these days. Picture this beauty in the original black paint and interior, bright trim glistening in the sun. The seller states that the “power convertible top does work with help,” and estimates it will need (at least) “trunk floors and misc floor repair.” The Ohio zip code may be enough to scare off some enthusiasts. What’s your high bid for this full-size drop-top in its current state?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. wuzjeepnowsaab

    Ohh…Todd you got me! I was lapping it up reading every word, leaning closer and closer to my computer screen, completely drawn in deep by a vert with a dual quad 427. Thoughts of what hero walked into a Ford showroom and said I don’t care, get me this car! Then I got to the picture of the engine and sat up thinking “wait…that’s not a dual quad…” And THEN I saw where the engine was swapped out.

    Wahh wahhhh. Disappointment first thing in the morning :)

    Like 52
    • Todd FitchAuthor

      Sorry about that, wuzjeepnowsaab! I didn’t mean to pull the rug out from under you. I love the concept of an R Code floor-shifted convertible, and would love to know the original story. I suppose it was either someone with a love of performance and top-down driving or maybe someone with deep pockets who just ordered up the “biggest motor,” etc.

      Like 6
  2. 8banger Dave MikaMember

    Aww, me too. As a ’64 Galaxie owner, I was jazzed at the chance to see the eng/trans combo, but…

    Like 6
  3. John T

    Me too. Please change the title to “EX 427 Dual-Quad 4-Speed 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible” since it no longer has the 427, the dual quads or the 4-speed.

    Like 23

    427 or not…this beauty is worth restoring.
    Bidding is starting to get a tad to the high side already

    Like 4
  5. DAVID6

    😲i have a 631/2 c3ae-a head’s and c3ae-h block, steel crank, lemon’s rod’s, gear drive & a complete 6 pac & more👍😎

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  6. 433jeff

    My old man had one of these in 64 he ordered it with 411 but it came thru with 350 gears, then in 64 he had me, then in 65 he had a comet with a 6 cylinder. He said the 350s in the rear would not hitch up just smolder the tires

    Like 4
  7. Joe Backer

    Im off the fence with this one. The tag on the door don’t seem right.

    Like 1
  8. Hide Behind

    If a trusted bud called and said he knew of a 64 Galaxie Convrt, 4 spd and dual quad 427 for sale, my words would be “Where, and I’ll meet you there,” When, right now.”!
    Only to find this rig, lets say disapointment is putting it mildly.
    Then again through many years I chased a few rainbows and never clould find that pot of gold.
    I bev to differ on those who drove open top open topbautos not liking, brute power and speed, as haven driven early years of imported sports cars on track and street versions open tops and early american roadsters, as we sure had a blast in themTop down and sounds of motor screaming out of apex and the upshift, wind in face and smell of world being passed, pure adrenaline rush.
    Would one race with a vette vert, damn right.
    These Galaxie converts were well built, great two thickness tops that did not balloon at speed, glass rear windows not plastic as Chev and Mopar used, very plush upholstery and seats, no plastic or cheap interior panels, well thought out dash. Any Ford with the 427 dual quad, or a single 4brl for that matter, was a threat on street.
    This low geared vert with these rear gears and 427 would of been a terror on cruise nights.
    Many a run was stoplight to stoplight, and on open roads a rolling start.
    The only threat to 427 dual quad autos c ame from others were 426 maxi wedges, Chev 409 dual quads were slow wallowing barges,.
    That said even today even as but a shotgun rider in a top down cruiser it brings back great memories of my best Buds Brand new 64 Galaxie 500 convert with 390 4 brl and 4 speed that would bury needle with top down at 120 mph on long streights.
    This as it sits is now a run of mill galaxie that needs a lot of work, 3-5 K max.
    One I would gladly pour another 25-30k $ into, as I know of an original rebuilt Ford 427 dual quad just waiting to find a home.
    There are replacement parts and 427 top line mills out there but costly, and many a sucker “know not” has found some hogged out 390 dual quad instead of the Ford Grail.

    Like 7
  9. John

    Now this one rings a familiar tone! When I lived in Hull, Mass in the mid 70’s, I owned a ’64 XL-500 convertable. It had a 390 with a three speed stick… on the floor. Don’t think it was original, but thats how I got it… for $50.00! (The guy couldn’t get it started, so he wanted it gone. While I beat him down on the price, my partner was out in the driveway installing a new starter solinoid) I came out of the house, nodded to my buddy, and he spun it over & started it! I had the title in my hand and the former owner’s jaw was on the ground! We got it to our shop and changed fluids, threw a tune up on it and I had an awesome cruiser… that car could hit 90 m.p.h. in second gear! I remember going to a bar with my girlfriend in that thing to watch a new band play for a $2.00 cover charge… Aerosmith… Good times!

    Like 12
  10. 4 Barrel

    I see only one carb and it appears to be an auto. What’s up BF?

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    • Jesse Mortensen Jesse MortensenStaff

      Someone swapped out the engine and tranny.

      Like 2
  11. BoatmanMember

    Not cool, Todd. Not cool.

    Like 2
    • Todd FitchAuthor

      Hello Boatman and everyone. To me the cool thing is that Ford *made* such a car and folks wanted them new. Anyone could put a big motor in an old car, but some cars came that way. If this were an original 390 automatic car that someone converted to 427 and four-speed it would *less* interesting and *more* misleading to feature it. Many of these original factory cars have lost their original motors, which is sad, but the car itself, the purpose it was meant to serve… that’s the story. Another example… there are tons of 455 Skylarks out there but I’ll only feature one that came that way. Thanks everyone for your comments and personal stories about these great cars!

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  12. chrlsful

    427 Dual-Quad 4-Speed…”

    o0OPPp, no it’s not…
    sar rie

    Like 1
  13. Falstaff TR

    BF your no better than the unscrupulous sellers that use these bait and switch tactics. Did it hurt when you toppled off the pedestal?

    Like 2
  14. nrg8

    Much nicer than that one a$$ monkeys buddy was trying to get 22k for featured back March. Although the locked up power train was still in it. Meh

    Like 2
  15. pilotxp

    Open top big motor cars/smaller body is my style. In ’73 I bought a ’70 4-4-2
    ragtop, 4spd, convertible from a neighbor and still have it!.. Nothing like throwing that baby into a sweeper and plunging the right foot down to drift on out. Folks forget how well these old beasts could be made to handle if you knew how… I still have her all these years later….yeah I still like the wind in whats left of my hair!

    Like 2
  16. Mike

    Well, that was a giant let down…it would still be fun to play with

    Like 1
  17. Miguel

    As soon as I can get over to the other state, I am going to buy this car.

    Like 5
  18. Miguel

    Here is the engine.

    Like 5
  19. Miguel

    And the shifter.

    Like 6
  20. Greg

    NASCAR used the hardtop/fastback body style because the aerodynamics were much better than the sedan post body style. I used to race local tracks in the 1970’s and used the post body for the stiffness.

    Like 1
  21. Hank

    In the early 60’s NASCAR had a division just for convertibles.

    Like 0

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