Anti General Lee: 1968 Dodge Charger

1968 Dodge Charger

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You can’t fault the last painter of this car for not being bold! With bright orange accents on a black background, I’ll bet you could see, and probably hear, this car coming a mile away when it was in its glory. For sale here on eBay and awaiting your rescue in Sharon, Wisconsin, this Charger is not made up to resemble a General Lee like most Chargers of similar vintage (and yes, I know the General was a ’69, but it hasn’t stopped a lot of folks from painting them all orange!) and is packing a 383. Or at least one comes with the car. The current bid is only $660 with no reserve, so this project might end up going for a decent price.

Interesting paint scheme

Mileage showing is just under 20k miles, which I’m sure is at least the second time around. While the seller asserts the doors are solid, fenders, floors, rear frame rail and the trunk pan will all need work. It’s pretty obvious from this picture that this project will need some concentrated cosmetic work to revisit it’s former glory. I think it’s worth it, especially if you are willing to do the metalwork yourself. I say this having used up most of a tank of inert gas welding and plasma cutting all day long on our race car; at this point, there’s not a lot of metal work that scares me, and plasma cutting is just plain fun! So, are you up for this project Mopar? Or would you look for a better car to begin with?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Charlie G

    I don’t know about the mileage on its second time around. I purchased a 69 Road Runner way back in 1974 with only 29K on the odo for $400 dollars. The 3rd generation dealer was closing up shop and didn’t want anything left on the lot. He was wheeling and dealing on the new as well as the used vehicles on his lot. Over the past 45 years, I’ve seen many a car or truck that was garaged in my area and came out with very low miles on it. One in particular was purchased by a kids parents for him as a graduation gift – 1969 Malibu 396 w/4 spd. Hank drove it maybe for 4 months before Uncle Sam’s invite took him overseas to a little place called Vietnam. It sat on blocks for 3 years. I ran into a mutual friend of ours that we both grew up with a few years ago and I inquired about the car. Hank still has it. Blocks it for 6-7 months out of the year. It’s had normal maintenance to keep things in shape. Still sports the original paint.

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  2. JW

    All those cars look pretty well used up except maybe that roadrunner he’s talking about but until he puts it up with more pics who knows. That 69 Mach1 looks pretty beat to me but restorable if you got deep pockets. The coupe forget it not worth the hassle. JMO

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  3. Rocco

    This car could be the one that ended up in the petroleum fire in Bullitt. Put this along side the ’68 MustangGTA that’s on Barn Finds after it’s painted Black, and the Mustang is painted Highland Green with some American Racing wheels, and they both could be tribute cars for the movie. One loser, one winner.

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  4. David

    I remembered watching the very first episode of the dukes of hazard, the car they towed out of the junk yard to build the general lee was a 68 charger, it had round tail lights and it was black.

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  5. Cameron Bater UK

    Hmm at first glance it looked alright but after looking again it would appear that this needs a long list of jobs doiung to get it back on the road, a few include a complete new floor, which, I suppose, is do-able but then I saw the roof; on the rear right side (OS-UK NS-US) it would appear to have buckled under its own weight, if it hasn’t and some gelous P***k has it it with a long hard object then it may only require minor work but considering the state of the rest of the car I suspect the rust on the roof has set in so far that it buckled under the weight of the windscreens and what remains of the good metal.
    Additionally I don’t see an engine in front of that Bulkhead and i’m not sure but it looks like the left side (NS-UK OS-US) headlight cover has caved in and to top it all the interior needs a complete replacement.
    With that short list of issues being only a few that I can see I don’t forsee this as a viable candidaite for a full rebuild, If I bought it it’d be with a view to stripping it out and putting a perfomance engine, tranny and so on in it to make it a Track Day Thrasher and/or a Drag Monster but I fear the days of this being a road car are far in the past.
    I beleive this car has been resprayed since it left the factory which may be why its paint is peeling and its so rusty underneath, if any moisture was trapped during the process thenover time you’ll get (to put it simply) bubbling of the paint where moisture has built up and the car will rust underneath that.

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  6. Ian Chorne

    Hmm, I think I would paint it over, that looks pretty ugly in my mind. also, it looks like theres a lot of rust, and you would have to buy a motor for it. The interior looks pretty bad too. In other words, this thing needs a lot of work.

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    • PRA4SNW

      The ad says it comes with a usable 383. Of course, no pictures means that we have no idea what his interpretation of usable is.

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  7. Chris

    I think this is one of those cars that has no value. It looks like a base model. The cost for parts for coke bottle chargers is crazy and this one needs a lot of the really expensive stuff. I bought a 47k mile really nice survivor about 5 years ago that only needed a couple of minor trim replaced and some gage fixing. It was insane what the parts cost.

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  8. Matt A.

    Well, y’know they rebuilt quite a few ’68 and ’70 Chargers to look like ’69 models for the show.

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  9. bruce R. Colbert

    ” The engine bay is not as bad as it looks in person ” Heh. Huh?

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