Baby Ferrari: 1960 Moretti Tour de Monde


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Moretti isn’t a name we hear often, but when we do we tend to get excited. Why would we get excited about a small rusty Fiat based car? Take one look at a fully restored Moretti Tour de Monde 750 and you will understand. They might not be fire breathing V12-powered supercars, but for the price, you would be hard pressed to find a better looking or rarer car. If you’re like us and want a baby Ferrari that you can actually afford to own and drive, take a look at this 1960 Moretti Tour de Monde 750 Coupe here on eBay that just came out of long term Californian storage. Thanks goes to Jim S. for the tip!


Looking head on, one could easily mistake this little car for a much more valuable Italian, but as soon as you see the entire profile of the car, the proportions give away that this isn’t a Ferrari. The Tour de Monde isn’t our favorite model, but it still offers a lot of Italian flare for not a lot of coin. The seller claims that it was found in a barn with a stash of Italian cars and parts.


As you can see, the seller has a mountain of parts, but they still aren’t sure what belongs to the Moretti. They claim to have several motors that will work in the Moretti, but they don’t state whether they are Moretti labelled motors or standard Fiat units. Being based on the Fiat 750 has it’s pros and cons, but one things for sure, parts should be cheaper and easier to find than if Moretti had built their own motors.


The seller’s photos don’t reveal much about the condition of the interior, so we have to assume the worst. From what can be seen, it looks like most of the pieces are still there. Finding interior pieces could be the most challenging part of this project, as there weren’t many built. With any luck, the seller will be able to find all the parts they have for it before the end of the auction.


We have to admit that this isn’t the Moretti that we dream about, but it’s close and is within budget. We have no doubt it would turn a few heads and we are sure it would be mistaken for something much more valuable on every outing. Is anyone up for saving this little car?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Don Andreina

    You’re right, Josh, this isn’t the Moretti to dream about. An importer has been trying to sell a convertible over here for around AUD$30,000, needing full resto. It’s been listed a long time. The 750, on the other hand, would have to be the best looking baby sports cars ever made – followed closely by the one that looks like a mini Dino.

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    • rusty

      Hi Don yes I have been interestingly following that convertible listed for what seems like a year. Maybe he has the correct value?, but I have no idea what its truley worth. I’ll finally find out as I’m gonn’a follow the “related Find ” pages here been waiting for one to appear on here. Still would have checked it out if it was cheap.

      No one has jumped at it nor has the price altered. To me though that means nothing here, as I’ve had my convertible Skoda Felicia [and combi wagons] listed on same publication for more than a year, though rare and sort after in europe, here they are not, even though they are only $2000 cheapies. Like many rare [to aussies] cars here no one knows vintage skodas here and even though inexpensive no one wants to do full restos anymore if it aint a holden/ford or MG etc.

      So the aussie market isnt easy on rarity..if its difficult for parts then your market is reduced here. If it needs restoration then your market is further reduced/stuffed. [this aint the 80’s anymore Toto, people buy older restorations to tart up not full restos]

      Having said that the Moretti is different being an upmarket marque, chased by a different buyer. But there is still a very small market for such a project here. Even if his price is spot on perhaps few here will pay a high price for a Moretti project car. He probably has taken it away from its true market overseas. But if his price is correct he should hold to it till the right person comes along.

      Anyway looking forward to following this one. Perhaps this blog will answer what are they worth? [I talk to much]

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      • Don Andreina

        Gday Rusty, it’s been a while. So those Skodas are yours. I occasionally venture to that website and type in ‘wagon’ as my keyword, and both those cars keep popping up.

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  2. paul

    Not interested in this one, but the Alfa Guilietta Spider on the rack is more my thing.

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  3. David

    Here’s a link for a ’68 Moretti GS16. Not as cheap as this barnfind, but its complete and running:

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    • JesseStaff

      Nice find David! That one might be a smarter buy.

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    • Don Andreina

      If it were RHD, and in Australia, I would take it in a second. Good spotting.

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    • paul

      This one is an interesting shape I like it, but as an X body guy I can tell you from these photo’s that this whole car is bondo the shadows in the sunlight show bad body work & knowing what I know about Italian cars of the era this car was probably quite rusty.

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  4. Dave @ OldSchool Restorations

    ” for the price” ???? about 40k-50k when done as a nice driver … If that’s ” within budget” , then finding the parts will keep you busy for years.
    There are a lot of nice rides already done in that price range, this one will require serious $$$, and even more serious stamina.
    The convertible you had a while back was more complete, only a few bucks more, and a lot more desirable when done.

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    • rusty

      hi dave

      what do you think a restored convertible is guage the price asked for the resto project in aussie? When the excitement of finding one in Aussie subsided I too considered what other marque i could buy for that price that was already restored. And its an understandable action.

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  5. DolphinMember

    That Italian car mechanic looks to have accumulated a pile of very interesting stuff that would be well worth looking through if you need something obscure, but you’d need a bunch of experts on different vintage Italian cars to know exactly what’s there.

    The convertible Morettis look really good for such a small car, a bit like a small vintage Ferrari convertible with a big grille opening. The coupe looks OK but not as appealing as the corresponding convertible. Some Morettis, like the Sportiva, look terrific, and even better than the similar Fiat Dino coupes, IMHO.

    This coupe is well worth restoring, at least to the point of being a decent driver, and the way it’s being sold—no reserve, with a very fair opening bid—it probably will be.

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  6. Tom S.

    Wow, you had me going until I saw the profile view. That’s when I thought to myself, “Damn, that thing’s hideous”.

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    • rusty

      hi tom…hee hee

      Nah …I love the profile [talking about the featured car]..think its a great shape but only thing I dislike is the bonnet out of place and too big…

      as the bonnet is rusted I’d be tempted to make a fibreglass one without the scoop [although it may just be functional and needed] keeping the original bonnet if I decided it should be fixed and used.

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      • rusty

        self discovered reason for scoop..looking at the above photos i can see something thru the hole in the scoop…looks like it was needed for clearance but to keep a lower profile.

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  7. Curtis

    I had one. In person this the ugliest, most ungainly ridiculous little car you have ever seem. It has two neat parts. The gorgeous egg crate grill and the SOHC 750 engine. Sadly the engine is rarely there as they were widely raced in formula juniors.

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  8. Charles

    Never seen one of these. So this company Moretti built the car that used a Fiat engine? Is the rest of the running gear also Fiat?

    Neat little piece of history. Maybe someone will buy it and restore it.

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  9. Tom Greenacres

    The Moretti looks best from headon. It’s proportions are out of whack in profile- tiny wheels and cutouts, short deck, high roofline. I agree with above: ask yourself what sort of Alfa or Lancia you could get for the same $.

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  10. Chris A.

    When I saw the heading I thought we would be looking at the also rare but much prettier ASA 1000 GT legitimately known as the “Baby Ferrari”. Rare for the italians to make an unattractive car.

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