BF Exclusive: B&Z Electra King 3-Wheeler


UPDATE 11/8/16 – Steven has lowered his asking price to $900!

FROM 9/17/16 – Who needs a Tesla when you can get one of these? B&Z started building small electric cars back in the sixties and ended up cranking out quite a few. One of their best known could be the Electra King! It offered multiple power options and three or four wheels. Most were used to zip around warehouses and airports, but a few people actually used them for transportation and fun. This particular 3-wheeler was purchased from a guy who had five of them which he liked to take down to the beach.


This Electra Kind is complete and said to run per the previous owner, but no guarantees can be made by the seller. It will be sold on a bill of sale only. Lots of unknowns here, but you don’t see many of these around so if you are in the market for an odd little electric car, it might be worth a look. Steven would like to get $1,500 for it and you can contact him here via email if interested. It’s located in Buena Park, California.


Thanks for listing this with us Steven! If any of you have an oddball or micro car that you are trying to get rid of, please consider listing it here on Barn Finds!


  1. ScottyStaff

    I’d love to have both versions.
    Best of luck with the sale, Steven!

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      HA! I KNEW IT!!!

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  2. Howard A Howard AMember

    No takers on the Electra “KING” ( not Kind, no wonder nothing came up.) Actually, this is not a glorified golf cart. It’s a pretty cool looking unit. jalopnik did a pretty thorough evaluation of this. For what it was intended, it did reasonably well. Like most vehicles like this, it only had a range of about 20 miles, and was too heavy ( full of batteries)Come to think of it, it is a glorified golf cart.

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  3. Rex Rice

    I had one of these. The cost of the batteries caused me to trade it for another useless project.

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  4. lawrence

    So whats with the lowered price OF $900 back in 2016….and now he’s asking more because it didn’t sell ?

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