War-era trucks like this 1941 Dodge Power Wagon Carryall were built for function. Everything is over-built and creature comforts weren’t even close to being a consideration. As you’ll see, this particular project needs a lot of attention, but seems to have some potential. It can be found here on eBay with an asking price of $12,500, which has been lowered recently from nearly $14,000. Currently located in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, the seller says it spent a lot of its life in West Texas and has commercial registration paperwork from New York. Although there is quite a bit of minor damage, the body doesn’t look too rusty. Take a closer look for yourself.
As you can see, the original floor boards need to be replaced. If this was my project, I’d be tempted to replace the wood entirely and go with an all-metal floor. These wagons have so many options, but with only two doors, rear passengers would need to get in and out of the front or rear. If you were building a truck like this, what would you do with the rear portion?
Unfortunately, the dash has been vandalized a bit. But if this truck is going to be fully restored, the damage should disappear with a sand-blast and maybe a tiny bit of body filler or sanding. Other than that, the interior looks pretty typical for a Power Wagon of this age.
The seller says the engine turns over by hand, but doesn’t run. These flat-head 6-cylinder engines were rated at about 100 horsepower with a top speed of less than 50 miles per hour. I’ve seen modern diesel conversions done on trucks like this and they are awesome. The grumble and turbo-whine of a 12-valve diesel is hard to beat!

With a lot of time, money, and dedication this project could end up like the truck above. If you were building this one, what would your ideal outcome be?
Still lots of these around. I can understand why people would want to change the engine over to a Cummins 5.9 and up the axle ratio to something that will keep the cyclists from passing you. But the engine bay in this is SMALL!!! There’s an outfit in ID that modernizes these quite well and uses a high output Cummins 3.9. That’s what I would be tempted to do if that landed in my driveway. Of course, in reality, it would be a very nice parts hauler to take to swap meets. I would lighten up the suspension a bit too. I don’t have a problem with 45 mph, although there are lots behind me who would….
If I am correct, this is a Dodge WC and not a Power Wagon. Power Wagons have less sloped hoods and were introduced in 1946.
I’ve seen running vehicles like this, go for just over half, of what they want for this.
These trucks are a thing of the past, not good for must maybe a 4th of July parade junk
Isn’t any old vehicle a thing of the past ?
Eons ago a cousin had an ambulance like this. We towed it behind U Haul truck up I 5 from San Diego to Portland. It was something else, a tire blew on the front and the stdeeriy was so bad it wouldn’t go around a corner. Of coy the tow bar broke. Those were the days when we were Young and stupid,?
I have to agree with Mike, this vehicle might be worth $2000 at best. I have recovered over 400 MV’s over the last 40 years to help keep our military history alive. It has been a fun hobby.