Can You Identify This Kit Car?

Breadvan wannabe

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We have all seen a lot of VW based kit cars over the years, but this one caught my eye when one of our readers sent it in. I’m not sure what the creator was going for when they laid the fiberglass body, but I personally think it looks like a crude squared off version of the famous 1962 Ferrari 250 GT “Breadvan”. Read more about the breadvan here and see for yourself. Ok, so maybe you have to squint a little to see that, but this is probably the closest any of us is ever going to get to that beautiful shape. Find it here on craigslist out of Las Vegas, Nevada for $1,500. Thanks for the tip Chuck F!

So small

Chuck mentioned that he has looked at a lot of kit car magazines over the years, but wasn’t able to identify this one. It could be a one-off, but I thought it would be fun to present it here and see if any of you recognize it before coming to that conclusion. This shot shows how small this diminutive Beetle based car really is! Even so, I have a feeling that when you pull up in this little guy and push open the gullwing door, everyone will take notice! Since it is a kit car though, you will want to take extra caution while exiting the car as to not break anything off thus spoiling the effect…


  1. Don Sicura

    I believe that this was named the Shalako, I recall seeing this way back in the late 60’s

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  2. Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

    Don, that’s what I thought at first as well. But the nose is different from this one (although the windshield and rear vents are identical, so they must be related….

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  3. Robert J
  4. Robert J

    Actually, Price of His Toys says it IS a Shalako;

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  5. Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

    It’s a long-nose version called the Shalako Shala Sport GT (no, I didn’t make that up). Recollections of someone that tried to buy a kit from Dick Dean (the designer) located here:


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  6. Dave S. Clark

    Very cool. At first glance I thought it was a Sportee Monno GT, but it’s not. If anyone does find one of those, let me know!

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

      Wow, thanks, Dave for making me aware of that one–never heard of one before. After googling, it looks like the original Lola GT, is that what it was modeled after? And made in Canada!

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  7. Graham Lloyd

    I remember seeing a couple of these when I was growing in Toronto. Never knew what they were.

    Now I know.

    Never too old to learn something new.

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  8. sp8z

    The term”Butt Ugly” comes to mind. I’ve seen the bread van and it’s not this bad.

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  9. Cameron Bater UK

    I think I’ve seen one of these at a rally, it may have been the Wickham Boxing Day Festival though. I think it’s called a Salaka or something similar.

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  10. Dave the pole-sitter


    Made by Dean in La Habra, California
    …..had a vette looking front end…not louvered….someone did something to this / it???
    The reg. shalako, not the shala sport GT; was a snub nosed version(GT’s headlights were in the same place as the shalako, sticking up in center of nose) dune buggy style. Both fit on 8-10″shortened pans I think. Dean also made the SR2 and a myers C cab thing Cost was $1600 for the sport GT version.. by the time I got 900 saved and got back in touch company was gone, tried to locate thru chamber of commerce at the time with NOLUCK.

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