Can You Identify This Pre-War Barn Find?

Pre-War Barn Find

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From RT W. –  I travel for work and found this gem on my recent travels.  I was not able to talk to the owner but his wife said it would be ok to take pictures. The owner is not looking to sell.

Thanks for sharing RT. I’m sure we can help you identify it. What do you guys think?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Fred

    1937 Buick Roadmaster

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    • jeff

      Yes, beyond a doubt.

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    • Dan

      Instantly knew it was ’37 or ’38. The side mounts indicate the likelihood of Roadmaster but not 100%

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      • Geri

        it can be a roadmaster or a Buick Limited Limo. I can’t see enough of the side. as an FYI -we had a ’38 Buick limited Limo in 1960 with a Chrysler 392 hemi for power we used to tow our ’37 Buick special coupe to the drags.
        I took this picture in 1960 at Lodi Calif (Kingdon drag strip) before going to Bakersfield march meet-we won F/gas with it with the 322 Str8-8 ,6 carbs,magneto,Herbert cam.

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    • JACK R

      I totally agree – its a Buick!

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  2. Dave Wright

    My thoughts as well

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  3. Vince Habel

    Knew it was a Buick but that was all I knew.

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  4. Walt

    Yep, A Buick, ’37 or ’38. Why oh Why do they leave em like this ?

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  5. junkmanMember

    Not a LaSalle??

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  6. Michael RogersMember

    Like so many– they weren’t of interest or value until the more desirable cars were all gathered, think of the 32 Ford sedan, I bought one for $25 long ago and drove it home–“it wern’t wurth nutthing”–then Same with a 34 Cabriolet at $45.oo– it wasn’t a duce.

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  7. jeff6599

    No doubt it is a 1938 Buick. Check out the bumper!

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  8. AllenMember

    ‘ Don’t think it’s a ’38; it’s a ’37. Note the insignia on the center bar. This cloisonné coat of arms disappeared in the ’38 model year.

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  9. ric Parrish

    I would guess 1938, but not sure about that center bar insignia, that’s a bit beyond my experience. My first car was my great aunt’s 40 Buick, Sports Coupe. 20 k miles.

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  10. George

    Looks like a 38 Mclaughlin Buick

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    • Roy

      it is a Mclaughlin George! I saved some of the pictures to see what the response would be. The steering wheel has the Mclaughlin name/emblem on it and there is a glass privacy shield between the driver and passenger compartment! Very sweet car, I can’t wait to go back and talk to the owner on my next trip!

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  11. George

    I live in Oshawa Ontario Canada, birth place of Mclaughlin and later G.M. Canada. Every now and then you shows up at a local show.

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  12. Oldstuff 1941

    Well, I was gonna say a 37 Buick ‘ Century ‘ but you guys got it…×478.jpg

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