Century High-Top Conversion! 1988 Chevrolet G20 Van

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Don’t you miss the days when vans were plentiful, and your average Joe could just walk into his local Chevrolet dealer any day of the week and drive out in a new van that didn’t break the bank?  And I’m not talking about those minivans that got so popular in the eighties, either.  I mean full-size, road-ready vans that most buyers could afford and take the family comfortably cross-country in.  Granted, there are still a handful of the larger offerings available in the current marketplace, but those Chevy vans from about the mid-seventies through the early nineties just have a wow factor that’s hard to beat.  If you’re longing to re-live the era, this 1988 Chevy G20 here on eBay certainly ticks a lot of the right boxes.  It’s presently chilling out in Dayton, Maryland but could be in your driveway today for $19,900.

Tipster Larry D. spotted this one and sent it our way, and we’d like to thank him for bringing it to our attention!  From the looks of this one, things do sort of appear like stepping back in time to the late eighties, as the G20 is stated to be in pristine condition, and judging from the photos it’s hard to argue differently.  Although we don’t get a whole lot of information about the van’s past, the seller does mention that it’s all original and has been kept in a garage, and if what we’re seeing is the original finish it seems to have held up exceptionally well.  This one’s also a Century Motorcoach high-topper, raising both the roof and the cool factor up a couple of notches.

I’m also not only impressed by the inside’s layout but by how well things have held up in there.  Obviously, this one hasn’t succumbed to the party van lifestyle so many of these vehicles fell victim to in the days of yore, and it doesn’t look like PBR has been spilled everywhere in sight.  If anything, maybe a classy gin cocktail has been enjoyed in those Century glasses, a much more shabby way to sip a beverage than your average martini glass if you ask me.

The rear swivel seats offer two of the back occupants a great view of whatever terrain happens to be going by from numerous angles, plus there’s another seat behind them that looks like it would hold maybe three more passengers, perhaps four if they all really like each other.  And as long as you don’t fold it into a bed, there’s even more space behind that third seat which can be accessed from the rear cargo doors, so if everyone packs reasonably there’s ample room inside for most of the essentials a group of friends would need to take on a trip.  You could even skip Motel 6 and sleep in there if everybody agrees to it.

Powering this traveler is a 350 V8, and some good news here is the mileage, which is claimed to be just shy of 68k.  It’s said to run great, with things under the small hood looking to be in good order, and the seller also states that everything regarding the van is working as it should.  This one’s said to be road-worthy and capable of long-distance traveling, plus there’s also the option to submit an offer should a potential buyer find the almost $20k asking price a bit steep.  I’d love to own this one and treat my family to a vacation the old-fashioned way.  How about you?


  1. Doone

    Have an 85 G20 Beauville, they ride like an old Caddy. Comfy and quiet. Wish this one didn’t have a high top, won’t fit my garage door opening otherwise I would be driving it home tomorrow and still keep the 85. GLWTS

    Like 4
  2. Ed

    Absolutely NOTHING was worse on which to work and harder on a dealership’s customer satisfaction survey scores than custom vans. The upfitters used discontinued and close out TVs, VCRs, microwaves and other appliances so when one failed, replacements that fit were all but impossible to find.

    Like 6
    • vanman

      interesting point about the appliances.

      Like 1
  3. Larry D

    @Mike Stephens

    You are welcome for the contribution.

    Like 2
    • Larry D

      @Mike Stephens

      Barn Finds

      Tip Approved – 1988 Chevy G20 Century High-top Conversion Van With 63,919 Original Miles 350ci Auto Factory Air

      Like 1
      • Mike StephensAuthor

        Sorry for the oversight- it has been remedied! We’re very grateful for this and all the tips that come our way- please keep them coming in 2023! The van seller has lowered his price to $17,900 since Christmas day and added a make-offer option. I’m surprised nobody has snapped this one up yet…

        Like 2
  4. George Birth

    This would make for a plush ride, with nearly everything needed for a long distance travel. I used to have a G-20 Chevy van but mine was strictly a work van. I usually put 1,000 miles a week on a slow week. The week I bought it I had to bring it in for 3K mile check up. Blew the dealers mind!! Moved to Fl. and sold it after I got married. Guy I sold it to called and wanted to sell it back to me. He’d put 210K miles on it, and it still ran great. All he’d done to it was reg. oil changes and tune up.

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  5. John Underwood

    We owned several conversion vans and loved them! Sorry to see the SUV’s take there place!

    Like 4
    • Larry D

      @John Underwood

      It seems SUVs and pickups have taken over everything.

      Like 2
  6. vanman

    god i loves those universal movement captain chairs in the back. That’s a party van!

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  7. MTBorst

    We bought a brand new one in 1993 for $18700 otd. ! 250,000 miles stuck back doors and sticky side doors. I guess they had a recall we never received. 4 deer later my at the time wife drove it.
    It was totaled.

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  8. Chris Cornetto

    I hated these when I worked in body and fender. I now have a 77 Nomad version and smile every time I see one now. I hope this one finds a loving family and lives on.

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