Classifieds Find: 1980 Peugeot 102 SP U3 Moped

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There’s new and then there’s new. This 1980 Peugeot 102 SP U3 moped is new, as in parts of it are still wrapped in plastic and it has zero miles on it! The owner found this time capsule at an estate sale and they have it listed on the Barn Finds Classifieds page. This pedal-pusher is located in Denver, Colorado.

Mopeds and frankly any motorcycles under.. ohhhhh.. let’s say 250cc usually get made fun of as not being manly enough. It goes without saying that I’m confident enough in myself and/or my manhood to not give a ___ what anyone else thinks if I were to ride a moped. I literally could not care any less than I do about such things. We get one life on this planet, why spend even one second of that time worrying about what anyone else thinks about your rides? It’s the folks who swing the hardest that are usually hiding something. That being said, I have never even sat on a moped let alone driven/pedaled one. I do have several small 50cc oddball minibikes that I ride around whenever we get our annual 2.47 months of non-snowy weather.

This moped is new as you can see, as in it’s never been driven and it still has zero miles on it. It even still has plastic on quite a few areas. The seller “obtained the moped at an estate sale, where the owners had bought the moped and kept it garaged with wrapping on it its entire life.” The Peugeot 102 was made from 1967 to 1985 and this model, the SP U3, was good for up to around 30 mph. Yeah, ok, they ain’t no Harley but you ain’t ridin’ no Harley around a college campus either.

There are no overall engine photos, just this detail photo. This monster has a 2-hp 49cc inline-four.. ha, just kidding, it’s a one-popper obviously. There isn’t a photo of the odometer but at least we know that it runs. The seller “put gas in the tank to make sure it runs, and it sounds 100% perfect. I replaced the fuel petcock; the rest of the bike is original.” If any of you are confident enough in yourself or if you have kids in college, this Peugeot moped may be for you. You can find it on eBay in Denver, Colorado!


  1. Dick Johnson

    If you want to see moped ‘insane-a-mania,’ come to Davenport’s Blackhawk swap meet on Labor Day. This event really shows how the moped restoration movement has kept it’s momentum.

    This moped should bring 25K at Mecum. Right up there with CB 750 K-0 prices.

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  2. Jay E.

    I was guessing it would go for over $1500 and its already past that. Sick fuel economy, mine got over 50mpg. People were impatient back then, I can’t imagine trying to go anywhere, even on a rural road, today.

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    • Doug

      I had one of these back in 1978 and rode the moped everywhere. I think it topped out around 30 miles per hour. The electric bikes they have now go about this fast, but have better pick up. And much wider tires. I wouldn’t feel safe on one of these, or even an electric bike these days. People are way to distracted with their cell phone.

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  3. Michael

    What a great find. Belongs in a moped museum.

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  4. michael streuly

    Its just a crappy moped nothing to see here move along.

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  5. Mtshootist1

    Not to disagree but I rode a 1952 panhead around campus.

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  6. Al_Bundy John Leyshon

    Thanks for the posting ! There was nothing uncool about being 12-14 years old and independent. Had multiple mopeds i bought and resold, learned how service engines. I became a newspaper delivery tycoon by 13 years old !!!

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  7. David K. Needle

    Is this moped still available

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