Dagmar Equipped: 1956 Cadillac Coupe DeVille

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This 1956 Cadillac could be considered a barn find but it’s really a yard find which isn’t too auspicious a find because there are old cars outside, in yards, everywhere. They hide in plain sight, you just need to keep your eyes peeled for such gems. In this case, the yard is in Stockton, California and this DeVille is available, here on Facebook Marketplace for $6,250.

In a peculiar styling cue, Harley Earl, GM’s lead stylist from 1937 until 1958, got this notion that after WWII, Cadillacs should have Artillary Shells as part of their front end get-up. In 1951, the “bullets” became more prominent and started being known as “Dagmars”, the stage name of actress Virginia Ruth “Dagmar” Lewis known for her prominent silhouette. Cadillac kept the gig going, with increasing Dagmar size through 1958 when they finally decided to knock it off. The ’59 Caddies had enough other visual outrageousness going on that they didn’t need the additional distraction.

This Cadillac is referenced as Coupe DeVille, but it’s probably a Series 62 Coupe DeVille; whatever the case, it is definitely weathered and has obviously spent a lot of time outdoors. The old lacquer finish is sun-burned through in places to the point of surface rust bleeding back. But there does not appear to be any visible destructive rot working its worst on this old, thick GM steel. The underside, of course, could be another matter as that’s how non-rolling yard finds roll. Good to see is all of this Coupe DeVille’s stainless trim which still seems present and accounted for.

In the ’50s, Cadillac’s were known for power, in this case, that being a 285 gross HP, 365 CI V8 pushing through a Hydramatic automatic transmission. The seller gives virtually no description of any aspect of this Coupe DeVille, typical for Facebook Marketplace auto ads, so we have to do our own sleuthing. The engine has clearly not run in many, many years. About all that can be said is that it appears to be original and intact.

There is one partial image of the interior and it looks to be a mess, which is probably why the image is only a partial. The seller suggests, “complete car needs full restoration“, there’s an understatement and from what can be spied, the interior will probably have to be gutted to make way for a complete make-over.

On the surface, it would appear that there is a good basis for doing precisely as the seller admonishes, a complete restoration (keep in mind that this listing under the “Clean title” category states, This vehicle has no significant damage or problems. But the devil is always in the details, and in this case, that would be the interior, the underside, and engine internals. The Dagmars, however, look fine, maybe nothing more than a rub and a shine, and they, along with the rest of the extensive chrome accouterments will come back to life. It would be nice to see this Cadillac returned to its hierarchy on the automotive totem pole but the tariff is a bit stiff considering all of the unknowns. And then there is the entire issue around the level of interest in cars like this from this era. What do you think, a viable restoration candidate or better suited to modification?


  1. KurtMember

    Not enough pics of the interior, probably because the pan is more rusted out than it appears…rain got in that lowered window.

    Like 6
  2. John Hamilton Farr

    Cut bodywork at the hood ornament. Restore the nose, bumper, etc. Mount on wall.

    Like 11
  3. Bluetec320 Bluetec320

    I can just imagine what a Cadillac with Dolly’s on the front would look like!

    Like 11
  4. Rant Winters

    Kinda pricey for an obvious yard turd. There’s too many unknowns on this, my guess is you are buying the upper body shell and some salvageable glass and steel. Best guess is it’s a candidate for one of those retro style diners that make booths out of shells, instead of just grabbing some glass deco?

    Like 9
  5. Paolo

    Interesting. Has air conditioning, you can see the air intakes on top of rear fenders, but has crank up windows. I would have expected power windows if you were going to go for the expense of air conditioning.
    The price seems a little optimistic but it appears complete and with out damage. And it’s a Coupe. Restored with a set of the cast Sabre wheels this would be a nice ride. !956 was a good year for Cadillac.

    Like 11
  6. John

    This is a series 62, not a DeVille, fender badging and interior trim give it away. While I love these cars, and have owned the same car, restoration cost would be well over sale value when done. I hate seeing one that the economics don’t work on, I’d like to save them all.

    Like 8
  7. Kenneth Carney

    Dad had one of these before he married
    Mom. And his was this color too! I don’t recall his ever having AC though.
    It did have power windows and the Sabre style wheels wrapped in WSW
    tires. I won’t lie, seeing this car makes
    me want it, and I want it in the worst way. But it’s time to get real. This car
    would cost a pile of cash to restore
    authentically but if you went old school
    and put in a modern drive train (Caddy of
    course) and had the body work and interior done locally, you’ll have a great
    daily driver that’s guaranteed to steal
    the show anywhere it goes.

    Like 2
  8. Chris

    This needs a lot of time but really its a part mobile

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  9. Chris

    Restore the front & make a desk out of it or a wall hanger

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  10. KurtMember

    You could put a 454 Caddy engine in it for a better power to weight ratio.

    Like 3
    • George

      Did you mean 472? They never had a 454.

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      • v

        i think the caddies came with 472’s and 500’s in the 1970’s. anyone know what they had in the 50’s??? thats a lot of cubes for a land yacht…

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      • KurtMember

        Thought they did, sorry. Maybe a 500 would fit? This thing is a real tank 😮

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  11. A.G.

    I see a very reasonably priced parts car which hasn’t been stripped. The body looks straight and all the brightwork is present. Besides the AC the car has the optional tinted glass and fog lamps. The latter are built into the parking lamps.

    This is a model 62 Sport Coupe. There is no Coupe de Ville script under the Cadillac crest on the front fenders.

    Like 3
  12. Robert Pellow

    I thought I was the only one left alive who remembers Dagmar!

    Like 3
  13. Malcolm Boyes

    If this was a Coupe De Ville it would have had full power windows, seats etc…like the lovely one I had for 20 years. I think this is just a plain Coupe with the Coupe De Ville being one notch below the Eldorado.These are tremendous cars..comfortable, powerful and stylish. I hate to see one looking like this. To the right person..at the right price..it could be restored. His asking is too high for a car you could end up putting over $20,000 into..

    Like 1
  14. Larry D

    I’ve often wondered why the license plates on derelict cars are crooked!

    Like 4
  15. Robert White

    When I encounter these 56 Cadillac coupes sitting in the dirt waiting, and patiently summoning me to buy them, I become smitten every time.

    I’m the perfect greater fool for any 56 Cadillac coupe, rust, or no rust, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I’d buy all of them at the listed price every time.

    If I ever do buy something like this I will seriously need to consult with you guys before hand knowing that I am a born sucker for a rusted old 56 Cadillac coupe.

    Smitten I tell ya!


    Like 5
  16. v

    air conditioning is worth the asking price. fantomworks redid a 59 cad and they spent $10,000 just on putting ac in that cadillac…

    Like 2
  17. Bob Mck

    I currently own one of these and have owned two others. I love 56 Cadillacs. The one I have is original, but really needs to be reupholstered and painted. But she still looks good from a few feet away.
    Maybe I will win a lottery and just get her done.

    Like 1
  18. Kenn

    Numbers matching? Original Miles? Come on folks, you’re losing your touch on criticizing finds beneath your perches.

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  19. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

    Every time you show a ’56 Cadillac i relate this story. You are probably tired of by now. My aunt and uncle next door had a baby blue with white top ’56 Cadillac coupe. That car single handedly gave me my love for Cadillacs. I’ve had a few over the years. In fact, when I was 13, I had a ’56 Fleetwood, in black, with a/c, power everything (for the time) and A.G…… this car does not have fog lamps. This car has the tiny round parking lamps set in metal, whereas if it had fog lights, the metal was replaced by plastic lens and the parking lamps and fog lights would be behind the plastic cover. Making a much larger parking lamp. I know this because my Fleetwood had foglights.
    I’m still pissed at my father for junking it 51 years ago.

    Like 6
  20. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

    The clear tubes on the rear package shelf are always missing. The a/c was in the trunk (which i don’t see that either) and had clear tubes running up into the roof, with overhead outlets over each door and rear side window.

    Like 4
  21. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

    Robert White…… wanna get married? We seem to both have been bitten by the Cadillac bug! No kidding, if I had the room, this Caddy would be going home with ne

    Like 5
    • Bluetec320 Bluetec320

      Lol, you win the best comment award for this post!

      Like 0
  22. Curtis

    I’ve seen a couple shows where they restore old Cadillacs and they’re always a nightmare to do. Even the ones that are in much better condition than this one. Someone would have to be a dedicated fan of the brand and take on most of the work themselves in order to get it done. But stranger things have happened.

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  23. Larry D


    “i think the caddies came with 472’s and 500’s in the 1970’s. anyone know what they had in the 50’s???”

    331, 365 and 390s

    Like 1

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