Death Trap! Dragula-style Coffin V8 Custom

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If you’re dying for something different to drive around, check out this V8-powered Coffin Car! Road-legal and regularly driven, this 1972 casket car thing in Anchorage, Alaska will make its new owner the life of the party, especially around Halloween. With a 350 cid (5.7L) Chevy small-block V8 and TH350 three-speed automatic transmission, acceleration should be lively. Lake pipes run through Flowmaster mufflers or remove the plugs and you’ll really wake the dead. The listing here on eBay has summoned motorheads to do its bidding, at least five live ones, and one stands ready to cash in their chips, $4400 worth. Alas, poor Yorick, it will take more bones to meet the seller’s Reserve. With barely a day left in the auction, it may end in a duel to the death.

Entombed within the front portion of the authentic converted casket lies the handiwork of a fastidious Dr. Frankenstein, no-doubt drawing upon the Munsters Dragula built by master custom re-animator George Barris. A custom box frame connects the reincarnated 350 to a GM 10-bolt rear end housing reasonable 3.08 gears. That front-mounted urn holds fuel, the lifeblood of this shiny custom death trap.

Could this be the end? Though no horsepower numbers are given, even a 250 HP 350 in a vehicle this light would be enough to send most challengers home in a box.

The drag-style butterfly steering wheel includes finger scallops – perfect for the death grip you’ll need when dropping the hammer on this deadly box-ster. A host of gauges let you monitor the subject’s vital signs, and the interior’s as respectfully prepared as the rest of the ride. The only thing missing is a lighter for your coffin nails.

Check out that Rat Fink hood ornament! The Speedway Motors Spring-Over setup makes a simple time-honored front suspension, complete with hydraulic disc brakes. If this sort of project car is what you live for, act quickly; the auction is not long for this world, and regret can be a fate worse than death. You may not need to pay the ultimate price, but it might take more than $5000. Is owning this crazy casket car on your bucket list?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Scotty GilbertsonStaff

    Ha! That’s fantastic, Todd, you kill me…

    Like 17
    • Todd FitchAuthor

      Thanks Scotty. Hopefully I won’t offend members of the Corn Lobby.

      Like 8
  2. Mitchell GildeaMember

    But will it help me bury the competition?

    Like 12
  3. Bill D

    Rob Zombie CD optional?

    Like 4
  4. William

    I find this disrespectful.

    Like 1
    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Really? Why is that? I don’t think it’s anymore disrespectful than a $70,000 Diamond T pickup or a 5 figure Charger with no floors. We’ve forgotten how to have fun.

      Like 30
    • Steve Clinton

      Snap out of it, William!

      Like 17
      • Richardd Adams

        Life is a short 80+ years,
        Live it without tears,
        Let the only regret be,
        not having bought that 356, back in ’56.

        Like 4
  5. Crazyhawk

    Building that car must have been a grave affair. I wonder if I can pay in Crypto currency..

    Like 21
  6. AKRunner

    I saw this on the road last summer. Looks like a fun car but right now it would be the proverbial death trap trying to drive it on ice and snow! lol. Doesn’t look like the driver can have long legs.

    Like 5
  7. scott m

    Excellent obituary… er, write up Todd! Especially liked the crack about coffin nails, lol

    Like 11
  8. Rodney - GSM

    Timing is everything. At one time these were quirky and fun. You smiled when it went down the road. Today, not so much. A bit on the nose and too close to the dark reality of sudden death. At the moment “fun” is not the first word that comes to mind. Pass (for the moment).

    Like 4
    • William

      A good way to explain it. This has been a horrible year and I feel many here have not been close enough to experience its wrath. Are people here even turning on the news? I come here to be made happy, not have an awful display such as this put before my eyes..

      Like 2
      • Steve R

        They even had the nerve to feature a hearse yesterday. That proves people on this site are horrible!

        From this point going forward will refuse to click on any featured car that I am not interested is so as to not offend my delicate sensibilities, maybe we all should.

        Steve R

        Like 21
      • Steve Clinton

        To Steve R; do I detect sarcasm?
        To William; chill out!

        Like 11
      • William

        @SteveR, Maybe your right, I am too sensitive. My problem is more than just the usual 2020 tragedy, my good friend was killed by a repeat drunk driver earlier this year. A REPEAT drunk driver. If only that woman had been in prison like she should have been, but he met up with her in Wisconsin (on his way to visit the grandkids) where drunk driving is laughed off. It is like a sport there. I will try not to bring my feelings into these conversations. Sorry.

        Like 3
      • Stan Marks

        William, you tell it like it is. Good for you, my friend.
        Let’s pray 2021 is the beginning of civility & respect.

        Like 5
      • Howard A Howard AMember

        I apologize to William, humor is an odd thing. George Carlin said it best, “the world is a giant freak show, and comedians have a front row seat taking notes”. There’s nothing funny about Williams experience. Coming from Wisconsin myself, I’m very sorry to hear that and a non-drinker, if you can believe that, Wisconsin continually excels at #1 drunk driving in the US. Repeat offenders, like 5 and 6 times, go unpunished, something I’m not very proud of. The Tavern League there still has a lot of clout. HOWEVER, we, as mortals can’t do much about it, and the cards will fall where they may, it’s not up to us, unfortunately. No problem on the feelings, the staff is pretty gracious on letting us spew our views( see Diamond T post) and that’s what makes BF’s a great site.

        Like 2
      • William

        Thanks Howard for the understanding. Wisconsin in general is such a great place, and oh so pretty to drive through. Great back roads with lots of twists. Yes, I have watched in great disbelief how the tavern league has a leash n the people in Madison, it does have to stop. Even more then that though, why are some people so selfish as to drink and drive? You can risk your own life but why do you have the audacity to risk mine? My friend and I were also non drinkers, but we had nothing against it in moderation. In fact, on our road trips together (many in the great state of Wisconsin) we stopped at many a back road bar and grill to eat. (WI has great food). Take care my friend, and please stay safe.

        Like 2
      • Stan Marks

        William, there’s a reason people drink, to excess.
        Alcoholism is an illness.
        There should be a one strike rule. Not three.
        Especially when it comes to loss of life.


        Like 5
      • William

        Stan, yes they have a disease, but it does not make up for such selfishness. People who have Covid also have a disease, yet there are some who knowingly go out in the public anyway. I agree, even one drunk driving conviction is too much, prison for sure with number two. That would have saved my dearest friend.

        Like 2
    • Claudio

      Having had the ultimate pleasure of attending the detroit dreamcruise in august , this is where i would imagine such a THING driving, cruising along withmany other oddities only seen on woodward !

      Like 3
    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      But-but-but, Rodney, The first word in funeral is fun!

      As a former Packard hearse owner, I just had to say it!

      Like 3
  9. Jeff

    Dear Santa, I’m Dying To Have One.

    Like 21
  10. 8banger dave

    Aww, really, I’d take it. Shorten the rear axle? Or would that be a grave mistake?

    Like 8
  11. Phlathead Phil

    Completely De-Riculous!

    But, but I chi chi I bet it goes fast!

    Like 0
  12. Fred W

    When you wipe out they can remove the wheels and motor and plant you right in the ground next to the road. Very efficient.

    Like 20
  13. Stangalang

    You guys are crazy..hope I don’t die laughing..all it needs is a skeleton in the driver’s seat. I wonder if it runs on 93 octane formaldehyde lol. Maybe I should stop before someone buries me 🤣👍

    Like 13
  14. William Shields

    Guess this explains what Alaskans do in those long cold winters.
    Note to self; Alaska visits SUMMER only!🤔

    Like 1
    • AKRunner

      Summer is why we live here! That and being the largest state with by far the fewest inhabitants per square mile. After Summer comes Fall which has it’s own attractions, then comes Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve. The next day is called what am I still doing here and is a good time to start a month long vacation in a warmer climate.

      Cars like this one have a limited number of days they can safely be driven here.

      Like 0
  15. Howard A Howard AMember

    It’s too bad negative comments come up on vehicles like this. It just shows how we’ve truly lost our way when it comes to fun stuff. 1st, this qualifies as fun stuff, and if nothing else, a tribute to the late George Barris, and Al Lewis who drove it. 2nd, before you get all bent out of shape, this vehicle would have a tough time passing vehicle licensing today. Things like fenders, windshield, are usually required, in Wis. anyway. Just a fun machine to run in a parade, and have some fun. If a casket on wheels is offensive to you,,,,well, I don’t know how to finish that, except, THIS is what I tune into BF’s for.

    Like 32
    • GPAK


      What is a hearse but a casket on wheels !

      Makes me wonder how these offended people are going to get themselves to their own funeral.

      Lighten up everyone,
      Life is too short !

      Like 5
      • Camaro guy

        Amen to that 👴👴

        Like 1
    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      Howard, once again you have provided a great commentary, and [as of my posting] almost 30 people agree.

      Like 0
  16. Moparman MoparmanMember

    Herman & Grandpa Munster, your car is ready, sirs! (Showing my age, LOL!!!) :-)

    Like 7
  17. Rodeo Joe

    It sure would put some FUN in FUNeral.

    That 10 bolt might hold up considering the chassis weight. George Barris’s car was Ford powered.

    Like 6
    • Cav427

      The Barris car had a 289 Cobra, Rated stock at 306 HP. However the Barris car had cross rams on it, and two 4bbl carbs, so anyones best guess as to the actual HP rating. The scary part, no catalogue (AFAIK) lists crossrams for the Ford 289…

      Like 4
      • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember


        It’s equipped with twin four barrel carbs, on a Mickey Thompson Ram-Thrust manifold.

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  18. rustylink

    I’m building a cremation urn based dragster…

    Like 8
    • Bill D

      Why, so you can make an ash of yourself?

      Like 21
      • Camaro guy

        That’s good 😂😂😂

        Like 2
  19. Satan

    The (10) bolt will hold up fine. The small tires will never hook up, just burn like Hades.

    Like 4
  20. Steve Clinton

    “It’s not the cough that carries you off, it’s the coffin they carry you off in!”

    Like 7
  21. Stan Marks

    Are we on a death theme here?? We’ve seen a man getting buried with his Harley, in a plexiglass box. A beautiful ’59 Caddy hearse.
    Someone trying to tell us something??
    Keep the puns coming, guys. I DIG it…..

    Like 4
  22. Desert Rat

    Can’t we just all get along ? And have a little fun along the way? People take one look at custom built hotrods and they make some of the cuff comment about the car, usually negative and walk to the next car and repeat the process never giving any thought to what the car builder went through to create his vision. The hours designing suspension systems, brakes, wiring, fuel so on and so on, to make a functioning ride. Most of these folks that make these judgmental comments have no clue how to begin to build something like this car. Having built my 32 ford roadster from scratch and spending over two years and countless hours on my hotrod I for one applauded the effort that went into this car. From the pics it looks well built, a lot time and money went into this fun little coffin on wheels, good job!

    Like 13

    Great thinking out side of the box. . . Built to please one person. I guess that if it doesn’t run an LS and look like todays cookie cutter Hot Rod or Rat Rod it’s not acceptable? Well time to shut the lid on my opinion.

    Like 6
  24. luckylugnut

    I remember the time my rich uncle passed away and I was asked to be a pall bearer at his funeral. He lived in a large city that was built on a hilly area and the old Gothic stone church where the services were, was built at the top of a hill.
    It had a long flight of steps down to the street, and since it was the middle of winter the steps were really icy. His metal casket was very heavy and we had difficulty negotiating those icy steps down to the waiting hearse.
    All of a sudden one of the pall bearers lost his footing and that caused us all to try and brace ourselves with the extra load. Unfortunately, it was more than we could handle and the casket slipped form our grasp. Since everything was so icy, the casket slid down the frozen steps, bounced off the side of the hearse and to the shock and horror of everyone, it went skidding down the street. Once it made it to the bottom, it glanced off a telephone pole and headed down a side street, straight for a pharmacy. Uncle’s casket hit the curb, bounced up and flew through the pharmacy’s plate glass window with enough velocity to crash into the counter at the rear of the store. It was at this point, the lid flew open, my uncle sat up, and said to the druggist, you got anything to stop this coughin’ ??? !!!

    Like 23
    • Stan Marks

      I’m gonna use this one, thanks.

      Like 2
      • luckylugnut

        This joke works great at a party (the more alcohol, the better), ’cause you lure them in with a semi believable story and they never see the punch line coming. The look on their faces when they realize they’ve been had is priceless !

        Like 5
  25. Robbie R.

    Maybe the pun-iest thread ever on BF… love it!

    Like 4
  26. martinsane

    Ignoring the unnecessary 20 plus posts and attempts at ire and sarcasm, the vehicle is quite interesting.
    To me it looks too long and that area where the chrome keg and urn are seem to be the place where the motor should have been offording more leg space and giving the car a better stance.
    2 more curiousities, what will it be sold for and what will the shipping costs be from Alaska. That is a long ways from most of us.

    Like 2
    • Steve Clinton

      Being such a gloomy Gus, this vehicle would be perfect for you!

      Like 2
  27. Autoworker

    I bet this casket has no trouble coming out of the hole.

    Like 4
    • Autoworker

      Does it still have the factory tuck and roll interior?

      Like 1
  28. Cav427

    I’m really diggin’ this coffin dragster!

    Like 2
  29. JS

    With no firewall and a Chevy 350, what could possibly go wrong? You might be toast.

    Like 1
    • Steve Clinton

      At least you’ll be in the right place!

      Like 1

    this exhaust system makes my head want to explode!!! it comes out of 2 different places on both sides somebody please explain this to me!

    Like 1
    • Stan Marks

      Wasn’t there a gas mask that comes with this death trap??

      Like 0
    • Todd FitchAuthor

      Hello REDNECKER THAN YOUUUU. The short route on the side is capped off for normal driving, sending exhaust out through the muffers and rear tailpipes. If you want to go crazy you can remove the plugs on the end of those side pipes and basically have an unmuffled exhaust. You can see a similar setup at this site:

      Like 0
  31. Robert de Bellefeuille

    No one has said it yet, wouldn’t be caught dead in that thing!

    Like 7
  32. DeTour

    I’m all about a deal, and this is a steel!! You can have your adrenaline fill, enough room to lay down for a nap, and you can ride this baby right into the grave. If you’ve ever had to bury another family/friend, you know that buying a casket is financially the same as buying a car. With this, you get more bang for your buck!

    Like 2
  33. Camaro guy

    I haven’t laughed so much at a post since I’ve started reading BF THANKS guys for the comedy i really needed that with all the crap going on in the world today i think we all needed that

    Like 4
  34. ChingaTrailer

    Doesn’t run. Blew a head casket.

    Like 1
  35. ChingaTrailer

    Local new car dealer refused to take as trade-in, finance manager said the guy was buried in it . . .

    Like 0
  36. tony t

    REALLY clever retorts … smiling n chuckling
    Death Trap
    Doomsday Machine
    Built for William Randolph Hearse (“Mank”)
    Dig it
    Hole shot

    Like 0
  37. unclemymyMember

    I can see the ad 100 years from now, after they dig this thing up from a former cemetery to build a new Amazon warehouse: “RUNNING WHEN PARKED”.

    Like 0

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