Demo Model: 1974 Bradley GT

1974 Bradley GT Demo

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You don’t usually think of kit car builders making demo units, but when kits were big back in the ’70s, most of the builders took new demonstration models to events all over the world. Listed here on craigslist in Macon, Georgia and parked in Thomaston is this ’74 Bradley demonstration car. The owner is testing the waters before they runs this on eBay or other outlets. He doesn’t list a price and is considering trades as in a Jeep Wrangler or CJ7, or even a hot rod of sometype. The owner states that Bradley Automotive built 5 demo cars and this one is the only one that is left that is not in a museum or totaled.

There were approximately 6,000 GT kits produced and we don’t know the story is behind the demo cars and/or how many were produced. The owner says he has documentation and a title. In the 1970’s the leading producer of kit cars in the United States was Bradley Automotive of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The company was sold in the ’80s and soon closed after the sale. This car supposedly only weighs 900 pounds and has a 1855 cc engine. The owner says he is 6’4″ and he just doesn’t fit in it well. The history of ownership, maintenance, mileage or rust is not given in the ad. The owner does point out that one Bradley is running on Barrett Jackson for $9,995, so he is not putting a price right on it just yet. This car has won trophies at a number of shows, for what that’s worth. So what do you think this Bradley is worth to you?




  1. brakeservo

    So what on earth does the seller mean when he says “…one Bradley is running on Barrett Jackson for $9,995.” Barrett-Jackson is an auction house known for primarily no reserve listings, not a retailer or listing service . . . or have they added that to their resume? As far as listing on eBay as he says he will do – my experience is that eBay is primarily a ‘bottom-feeders’ market for low dollar junk and mis-represented garbage. Good luck with that!

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  2. Scott Gorecki

    is it still for salle todays date 2/3/20

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