While the pictures aren’t great, they are good enough to tell me that I should be out there looking at this car instead of writing it up. Circumstances don’t allow that; hoping one of you readers picks this one up in a hurry! Located in Henderson, North Carolina, this original-appearing Triumph is advertised here on craigslist. The price is a low $2,500 or best offer, and the car is said to have a good engine, transmission and tires. I own two TR6’s already; a third would be truly redundant! Places to check on the car if you are interested are the rear trailing arm mounts on the frame, the differential mounts, and of course floors and sills. The car happens to be in the same town as one of the best Triumph specialty repair shops around, so if it needs any of those things, you could just drop it off after purchase if you don’t want to do the work yourself. Let us know if you pick up this diamond in the rough!
Jul 29, 2015 • For Sale • 9 Comments
Diamond In The Rough: 1974 Triumph TR6
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2500 is a deal, have seen on ebay for 5k in same condition, it if here in atl I would jump on it!
Would you guys knock it off ?( featuring restorable TR-6’s for not a lot of money) This is about the best you are going to find for one of these in this condition. Doesn’t say if it has O/D, which is imperative on these cars. Again, it’s the same old thing. These aren’t exactly rare, so do you buy this and sink money into it or just buy one that’s already fit to drive. Since my old knuckles don’t bend like they used to, I’d probably buy one road ready. I swear, one of these days, Alice, one of these days.
Howard, part of me really wanted to look at this rather than pass it on… :-)
Yes, looks like a good deal, but seems like good deals still come up fairly often, I am at my limit of projects, still get tempted pretty regular though. I know, I’ll start a car finder business. I had a $500 TR6 back when, rusty frame, parked a long time, I got it running, and then sold it, don’t even remember what I got for it, but I wouldn’t mind having another one. Someday. When I win the lottery, ya know. Oh yeah, I have a rusty TR8 in my backyard, and a MG TF1500 in the garage, what am I thinking?
Chuck, if you ever want to get rid of the TR8, let me know. BTW, the TF wheel owner and I have made contact and I’ll probably pick it up this weekend… :-)
Of the Triumph line, the bottom end used to be the Triumph 250, then later it was the spitfires as entry level vehicles. Next was the TR4, and supposedly the TR6 was more valuable, refined, and upper end.
I do not follow the TR6 market much but they always seemed to do well. I DO follow what TR4s go for as we own a 1966 TR4A and just based on TR4 prices this car seems like a VERY GOOD deal, just my Humble opinion. Its not car show level, but it sure looks to me like a smokin’ good deal. Assuming of course you do most of your own work. Not a credit card restorer who drops it off to some shop.(I am not knocking those people, you paid my wages for many years, i am just suggesting this is a good target for a DIY guy) I sure hope this goes to a good home and a happy future
If there is a Triumph specialty shop in town one would suspect they know of this car and passed…? But then a lot of time they are too busy to find cars right under their noses.
Does seem like a deal. Lots of caressing and this car could be a good driver. Not sure I’d go full restoration unless I was doing all the work myself. I am surprised its still available…
Don, I checked with the shop owner and he was going to look at it yesterday…don’t know what happened as a result, but he wasn’t aware of the car prior to that.
I have had a TR2, TR3, TR4, and a Spitfire but have only driven a 6 once. Really liked it and the sound it made. Around the Northwest his would go for 6 or 7 grand. Really good price. Love the color.