Discount Membership: 1974 Porsche 914

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We all long to stumble across a high dollar barn find. You hear those stories of average guys discovering a Gullwing or a Bugatti stashed away, but truth is, most of us wouldn’t be able to restore one if we did find it. Sometimes it is better to start with an attainable classic that you can enjoy while you search for that holy grail. This 1974 Porsche 914 is one of those cars. Find it here on Boise’s craigslist with a low asking price of $2,500.

This Porsche has been sitting in the seller’s garage for eight years, but they claim that they have gone through things to make it road worthy. We would want a more extensive list of what has been done so we would know what is left. Be sure to replace all the fluids and get some new tires on there before driving too far.

Don’t let the Volkswagen connections detour you here. These are fun cars to drive and they are relatively roomy for a mid-engine sports car. This car benefits from improvements made over the years. The transmission shifts smoother and the 2.0 engine provides a little more power than earlier models. This one is also equipped with the optional appearance group which is a very good thing.

Rust is the 914’s biggest enemy. Batteries would leak and rot things out under the battery box (hellhole). The rest of the body didn’t hold up to the elements very well either. Luckily this one is claimed to be rust and accident free. If those claims are true, this is quite a bargain for entry into the Porsche Club of America

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. DolphinMember

    This 914 2.0 is priced significantly under market—-IF the body, the hellhole, and the engine check out, which are big ifs since none of them are pictured or described in the listing. Or at least the underside of the body isn’t pictured, and what is pictured definitely needs paint….and maybe more. You won’t know without going to Boise and having a close look. The sale suffers from the in-the-middle-of-nowhere problem, which probably helps explain the low ask. No offense, but it’s a good long drive from any Pacific NW center, and much farther for everywhere else. It’s tempting because I’m within striking distance of Boise….but having bought 2 sportscars that need remedial work in the past 2 weeks I’m in no position…..This may be a great buy for someone. These can be $10K…..and rising….if really nice.

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    • Barn Finds

      As luck would have it, I am headed to Boise on Tuesday. If it hasn’t sold, I will be sure to take a look and let you know if it is worth the trip.

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  2. paul

    Hay for $2500, what can you get, for me in so Fla the shipping would be another grand or more.

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    • paul

      Oh & as for it never being in an accident, it appears to have had the front left fender & left door refinished at some point & the left rear quarter repainted at an earlier point .

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  3. Doug MMember

    I have two of these right now, and know them well. I may be repeating the obvious, but as Dolphin clearly states, IF it does have the 2.0 motor, and little or minimal rust under the battery, this IS a bargain…probably under-priced by 1 or 2 big ones! Of course, it needs everything redone, paint, interior, etc. but it has all the right pieces: 2.0, center console, decent body…. These are a lot of fun and fairly easy to work on. I think Dolphin is exactly right on suffering from “being-in-the-middle-of-nowhere.” …hmm, new strategy for finding great deals: start combing the Boise or Spokane or Walla Walla craigslists!!

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  4. DolphinMember

    @Doug M:
    Exactly right. I bought 2 cars at significantly under market prices in the last month from places that are in the middle of nowhere from Craigslist and kijiji listings. The first was a Volvo XC (I know, I know….it’s for the family) from a small town high in the Canadian Rockies. You can guess that there’s not as much of a market for Volvo wagons as there is for pickups there. The second is a vintage sportscar, stored well and nearly rust free, not driven since 1994, for half market value. It was literally on a mountain top in the middle of nowhere in….yep, the Canadian Rockies. Even with a Featherlite hauler and a diesel 3/4 ton pickup the trips were among the hardest I have ever done. With a total rig weight of 10,000 pounds and lots of 6 to 8% grades it can get hairy.

    Check Craigslist often and you can still get great buys, but you may need to be prepared to travel with a truck and hauler. No commercial car transporter would have been willing to go to the places these cars were for anywhere near a reasonable cost, and I barely made the mountain top pickup. No commercial hauler would have been willing to even try to get there for that pickup.

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  5. Robert J

    Another prime example of why I like Barn Finds better than BAT.

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  6. Francesco

    Aren’t BaT and BF owned by the same owners?

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    • Barn Finds

      Actually we are not affiliated with BaT in any way.

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      • Francesco

        sorry for the mistake, I was confused by the similar look and feel…

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  7. Rancho Bella

    Put in a Jake Raby engine (not cheap) and these are something. I have owned quite a few P cars. I think a “four pot teener” is a wonderful bang for the buck.

    The side shift five speed can take a bunch of horse power. Parts are plentiful and if done correctly and with taste…….a lovely little car to look at.

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