Eight MGBs In The Forest

MGBs in the Forest

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MGBs aren’t the most valuable of classics, but these little British cars are great to drive and are one of the cheapest classics to keep on the road. Finding them usually isn’t a difficult task, just search your local craigslist and chance are you will find at least one. They are pretty simple machines that are easy to get parts for and fairly simple to work on. Seeing as there are so many still on the road, it is hard to justify buying one that needs a complete restoration, unless it is something special or an early car. And that could be a problem for this collection of 8 rough MGBs, that are set to go to auction on July 11th. The auction house states that 2 are convertibles, but I only see two MGB GTs, so I assume they mean 2 of the cars don’t have hardtops. They don’t provide any additional information about them, but I see a couple wire wheel cars and a lot of parts here that could be worth saving. The hardtops alone could make this auction worth attending! You can find more information about the auction here on Crawford Auctions. If you are in the Greenview, Missouri area and can attend, we would love to hear about how this auction turns out! Special thanks to Dennis T for this tip! So would you bid on any of these MGs?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. DolphinMember

    Sorry to hear that Tom Martindale passed on, but to be honest this is just another local estate auction of stuff collected over a lifetime that’s mostly just ‘stuff’. In this case there happens to be a bunch of MGBs that have been left with their floor pans resting on the ground, probably mostly rusted through by now. Why all MGBs? Who knows?

    I think Josh is right—much of the value is probably in the hardtops, and maybe in interior parts of cars that had their windows rolled up and any drivetrains that didn’t settle too far down into the moist earth. They’ll probably go cheap and might be useful to people nearby who need MGB parts. I’d be interested to hear about this lot from anyone local who attends the sale.

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  2. krash

    ….it’s a regular M-G-B-hive…

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  3. George

    Parts cars. Although parts cars are getting more expensive, it’s hardly worth travel and shipping.. The tops appear to be good enough to salvage, and the other cars have NLA parts, put to drag them out and strip them for parts makes it a lose-lose situation unless you are close by and can get them for $100-200 each. It’s too bad they were allowed to settle into the dirt. GC

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  4. jim s

    i to wonder why all mgbs. but then in the past i have been a single make/model collector. i do not how/when it starts or how/when it turns into mess but it does, many times. i hope he had fun with them while he was alive.

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  5. John

    I’d like to have the red machinist’s vise. Don’t see much more that would be of interest. You have to know how much rust is under an MG sitting in tall grass in Missouri. Shame. I really do like the vise though.

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  6. julian

    Agreed on works hard tops. they are as scarce as hens teeth in the UK.

    Also engines, carburettors, gearboxes, overdrives?

    And perhaps one shell might be ok?

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