EXCLUSIVE: 1963 Mercedes 230SL Pagoda

Seller Description: This Mercedes has been in my barn for 12 years and it’s been in the family for approximately 20 years. Fuel-injected engine and transmission in good shape without many miles. Lots of good parts in interior. Some of the body panels are aluminum. Underneath is rusty though. Either a project car for an old Mercedes lover or parts car.

Thanks for listing this with us Jim! Looks like a big project, but there are plenty of Mercedes guys out there how love these old Pagodas. If any of you have something like this sitting in your garage or barn that you would like to get rid of, please consider listing it here on Barn Finds!

Location: Blacklick, Ohio
Title Status: Clean
Mileage: 112,700
Asking Price: $6,000

Sorry, this one has SOLD!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. JC

    Looks to be a good price on a fairly complete car. Any chance in seeing more pics of the rusted areas and how severe it may be ?

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  2. audifan

    It’s a very interesting car, the price is right too. But after I was trying to buy the 350 SD listed on Barnfinds a couple of days ago and never got any response from the seller, I won’t ever be interested again in a car listed here.

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    • JC

      I wouldn’t hold Barn Finds responsible for an irresponsible seller or buyer, they have no control over their actions and only provide the listing and contact info.

      Depending on the severity of the rust, this could be a pretty good deal.

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      • DrinkinGasoline

        I agree. BF’s cannot be responsible for the actions, or the lack of a seller’s actions. As for the Mercedes, cool little car, just not my cup-o-tea or in my case…stein of lager :)

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    • Jesse JesseAuthor

      The seller of the 350 SD had entered their email incorrectly so the response was delayed. Plus they had over 100 inquires and are older so it was probably difficult to reply to everyone. The car sold right away to one of the first people who contacted them. You just gotta move quick on these.

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  3. Ulm210

    Interesting that this car was listed on Craigslist for $6k. I reached out to him and was told I was third in line and the car was bid up to 16,500… that was Sunday night. He said it would be sold Wednesday.

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    • JC

      If that’s the case, this seller is a real douche. This kind of “auction” without it being a real auction stuff is going on all over right now, especially here in CA with low end properties as well as cars.

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    • Jesse JesseAuthor

      Please send the link so we can check if it’s the same car. The seller sent this in as an exclusive.

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  4. L.M.K.

    That’s not good….

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  5. Jesse JesseAuthor

    I’ve marked the listing as sold until we hear a further explanation from the seller.

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    • Steven

      Yeah you marked it that way cause of nonsense. So be it your the blame Jesse

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      • Jesse JesseAuthor

        What? That made no sense.

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    • Steven

      Your the one that’s nonsense Jesse! A fraud..

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      • Jesse JesseAuthor

        What the heck? Where is all this coming from?

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    • Steven

      From you on how you posted this Mercedes without knowledge of that seller as again never post anything until your sure that the car is for sale??? Look back at you saying I POST IT THIS WAY, that was you mistakes

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      • Jesse JesseAuthor

        It was for sale Steven. Maybe you need to go back and read the full conversion before calling me a fraud.

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    • Steven

      Sorry Jesse and excuse me, but that’s right you have been duped as this owner got to you.. He should be made to pay restitution for saying $6000 when it never was.

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  6. RoughDiamond

    When this type of shenanigans is verified, should the listing not be pulled immediately and the Seller banned on BFs as a Seller? I also submitted proof that an “Exclusive” Impala listed on BFs was anything but an Exclusive. Also, if you are going to accept vehicle for an Exclusive listing, should you not keep us informed as to the availability of the vehicle down the road or if it sold, etc.?

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  7. Steven

    Very nice , but its gonna take me complete restoration.. Pew at that smell gonna be in it of setting with musky mold!

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  8. Adam Wright

    eBay without the eBay is like hamburger helper without the hamburger, I hate calling about a car with a stated price and the owner says he is “taking bids”

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  9. Joe Nose

    A car like this is not busy collecting pad-thai-na (couldn’t say the real word). Wash the freaking thing so we can see just how good a bargain this really is.

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  10. Jesse JesseAuthor

    I just talked with the seller and clarified things. He received a ton of inquiries through the site and the first few people offered him significantly more than he was asking. He wasn’t taking “bids” and the car ended up selling right away.

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  11. nessy

    The problem with this deal is that you can not buy a 1960s Mercedes SL convertible anymore for 6000, even in poor condition. I would not be surprised if this car sold for 20k. This was one of the best buys here if it was really priced at only 6000.

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    • Jesse JesseAuthor

      That is what the seller was asking, but the first person to contact him offered more than double that.

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  12. JC

    You can buy a real nice driver in the 30’s, this model doesn’t constitute big money or a bidding war, they are plentiful and I’d stay away from the real rusty ones. The new buyer will spend 30k plus to get this one back to a decent condition and twice that if they choose to restore it completely. At the end of the day, they have a nice cruiser but not a performer or an asset.

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    • nessy

      Nah, you can’t really buy a nice driver example of this model anymore for 30ish. The fact that the first guy who looked at this car offered him more than double his asking price shows how under priced it really was. If it was cleaned up and presented better, over 20k would have happened. Maybe it did anyway.

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      • JC

        Uh, yea you can. Here’s a beautiful one owner with a restored interior. Spoke to the sellers yesterday and the car can be bought below 35k if you bring cash. And I only search for 30 minutes yesterday, give me a couple days and I could find several others in that price range that are ten times the car this rust bucket is that just sold to an uniformed buyer. The fact that the buyer paid twice as much only serves to show his lack of buying skill and ability to control his emotion over the car. The bonus with this one below is that you can start enjoying it right now and not wait for some bozo mechanic/body shop to rip you off over the course of the next couple years after which you retrieve in pieces.


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  13. Patrol2620

    If the car was for 6000 and the first buyer offers 12000, why didn’t he sell it then? Why to creat a bidding game thereafter. It is not making sense.

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    • Jesse JesseAuthor

      He did sell it. There wasn’t a bidding war. Ulm210 was late to the game and other people had already made higher offers. This is silly. Some people are just upset because they weren’t first in line and they didn’t get it for the original asking price. There was nothing dishonest going on here. The seller undervalued the car and someone offered him what it was worth. It’s as simple as that.

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      • JC

        Ulm210 stated that when he called, the seller told him he was 3rd in line and the bidding was up to $16.5k and you don’t believe there was a bidding war going on here ? Come one Jesse, I believe you to be a genuinely good guy but you have to be blind not to see the truth on this one.

        I don’t think people are upset about missing out on a good deal, we all like to see people get a good deal which gives us hope that one day we too can get that type of deal. I think people are upset about people selling a car under false pretenses such as setting an asking price and then turning it into an auction and playing buyers off one another. I for one wasn’t a buyer and even I’m frustrated when I see these type tactics used to sell a car. It’s just like sellers that dishonestly use shill bidding tactics on eBay.

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      • Jesse JesseAuthor

        Come on. How do we know the seller said those exact words? A few people here are obviously frustrated that they were not able to buy the car for $6k because they knew there was money to be made at that price.

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  14. L.M.K.

    You nailed it Jesse…..

    Time to find new opportunities and move on….IMO….

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  15. JC

    We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. While we don’t know that those exact words were said by the seller, I don’t know what the motivation would have been for Ulm210 to lie about it. I guess it’s as likely we’ll get to the bottom of this he said/she said, as the 30k emails from Hillary about yoga and weddings will ever be uncovered.

    I think “deals” like this have a bit of karma attached to them that ends up biting both seller and buyer eventually in the ass.

    My issue, as stated prior, is not missing out on a good deal, it’s the unscrupulous nature of some sellers and buyers.

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    • L.M.K.

      JC, But that’s nothing new…I think the seller found out quickly that people were willing to pay more and decided to accept their escalating offers…. It sucks but it’s not worth losing sleep over….

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      • JC

        I’m not losing sleep over it, just voicing my opinion so that Jesse and others who control listings such as this, hopefully will notify sellers that these type shenanigans will not be tolerated. It already happens all over eBay but they don’t care.

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  16. Steven

    Really people should stop posting cars on Barn Finds until they are for sure its for sale or has sold.. This has turned into nonsense just like some other postings on BF in the past, those who do this are the blame! This page should get logic as who post don’t even own the cars.. There is alot of these little Mercedes Benz online for sale..

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    • Jesse JesseAuthor

      Again, that made no sense.

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  17. ulm210

    Well, look what I started…

    First of all Jesse, you can read my post a million ways from Sunday and if you are implying that I was complaining about A: not being there first and/or B: not getting it for $6k you need to take a reading comprehension course. Either that or direct your comments to the people who are actually giving you a hard time.

    With that said, my comment was in regards to him telling me Sunday that the price was $16.5, yet posting it here Tuesday for $6. Now, unless he listed it with you sometime before the asking price went up and you did not post it until Tuesday, the only thing I can think is he was looking for a bigger audience to try to up the price even further. In and of itself I have no problem with him getting as much as the market will bear, but listing it for significantly less than what he already had been offered is a classic “bait and switch” and I don’t think that anyone who does that should have an outlet to do so, here or anywhere else. That was the only intention on my part, to alert the other members here that something was amiss with this guy.

    C’est la vie…

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    • Steven

      Who ever be the owner should have gave it a wash down and parked it in his yard with a FOR SALE SIGN ON IT.. That’s the problem with eBay and Craigslist too much nonsense! I don’t blame BF as they likely don’t have anyway of checking out much of cars for sale anyway. As there is always a bunch of shady deals around and if it sounds good then you can bet its to good to believe.. Same way of all these folks are gonna be on the hook in Bitcoin transactions as BITCF has no public site as in my emails today saying who ever is running up those prices its Black Market and gonna be Banking all who bought these coins their money and leaving them with worthless coins.. Lol 😁

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    • JC

      Glad you clarified your position and provided time frames. This speaks further to the disingenuous nature of this particular seller if in fact they asked to list on BF for 6k when they were already taking bids at 16.5k and/or above.

      Unfortunately, Jesse, I think you were duped by this guy as it looks like he’s the classic Craigslist scammer. I still don’t hold BF responsible but you should vet these guys a little more so the listings are authentic and these scam artists don’t infiltrate and discredit your hard work here.

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  18. Steven

    Ulm210 you haven’t started anything that’s been going on for quite sometime, millions of people out trying to make a profit. You can’t do that on old cars that’s been setting around that’s in dismay and of all people who should know its this owner or he hasn’t followed the classic car market lately as only a handful of folks know how to make profits in the market on cars like they are setting? Chasing classic cars Wayne he can!

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    • JC

      Wayne Carini isn’t the only guy making money on classic cars. I’ve been buying, restoring, selling classic muscle cars (mainly Mustangs and Shelby’s) for many years and have never lost a dime on one. Just like Real Estate, you make your money on the buy, always be fair, honest and know when to walk away. It’s really not that hard but it’s just a hobby for me and I don’t have to make a living doing it. I only wish a had a couple acres for more cars.

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  19. Jesse JesseAuthor

    The seller did post the car on craigslist after submitting it to the site, but there is a delay because we have to write them up before posting them. I still think a few of you are making a bigger deal out of this than you need to. If you listed a car for sale and a bunch of people offered you more than your asking, you would take it. There is no way for us to control where people list their cars or how they negotiate. Perhaps we need to come up with a better system, but for now, that’s how it is. It’s been fun, but I’m closing the comments on this one. Thanks guys.

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Barn Finds