EXCLUSIVE: 1969 Sega Grand Prix Survivor

Seller Description: Perfect for the Man Cave! “Made in Japan” 1969 SEGA Grand Prix. Original condition stand up Arcade game, tubes run, lights up, game & sound work. Some expert TLC required to clean tubes and tweak operation and scoring. Some minor damage is shown in photos.

I have to admit, this is one of the more interesting Exclusives we have ever had! I know a vintage arcade isn’t your typical “barn find”, but it was “parked” and forgot in a garage years ago. Like Howie says, it’s going to need some work, but it looks solid. He posted additional info in his Barn Finds Classified as well, so be sure to take a look to find out more about shipping this arcade!

After a tune-up and some new paint, this arcade will be good to go. It would be the perfect addition to any man cave or shop, heck we would love to have it here in our office! So who else here has fond memories of playing Sega’s classic Grand Prix?

Special thanks to Howie for listing his arcade with us! If you have some cool and interesting automobilia sitting in your barn, garage or man cave that needs a new home, please consider listing it here on Barn Finds!

Asking Price: $3,500
Location: Collingwood, Canada

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Auctions Ending Soon


  1. jimbunte jimbunteMember

    The illustrations look like they were done by Tatsunoko, the animation studio famous for Speed Racer – my favorite show as a child and probably still one of the all-time greats! (How many deaths-by-car-crashes-and-gunfire can you cite in another show?!)

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    • TomMember

      Speed Racer = Agreed! way before all violence these days! Back when you could drop an Anvil or Piano on someone and it was thought to be hilarious! Boy, all of that really screwed me up …..wait a minute …..it actually didn’t screw me up, imagine that? Ok, I will quite before politics and my social commentary come out!

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  2. Dan

    This is cool, and I would like to have it, but I am curious about the price. How was it decided on?

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  3. Rx7turboII

    I have the exact same game in our arcade room downstairs…never knew it was worth more than a few hundred bucks! Wowsa!!

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  4. Mark

    Has a better dash layout than most cars….

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  5. Sam

    Seems pricey for a unit that is in at best average condition.

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  6. ScottyStaff

    That is so much cooler than my arcade-type Donkey Kong game!

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  7. Mike

    Drop in an LS3

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  8. bugnbox

    Price seems well above market for the condition, but this is a great game. Definitely an iconic man cave addition…I would love to have it!

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  9. RoselandPete

    Cool game. I think it used an 8-track for the sound and I’m amazed it still works. Good luck with that price though.

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  10. AMCFAN

    The fun factor for vintage arcade games in the home is like everything else. It wears off pretty quick. Takes up a lot of space. More so on these vintage driving games. It wasn’t until the mid 1970’s that the old mechanical driving games got smarter and allowed two players at once. (player one drives until he crashes. Then player two takes over and so on) Pretty lame in comparison to what is available now.

    But in defense to the old Sega above. To a kid in the 60’s 70’s it was the greatest thing. I am still that kid however give me an old PS2 console w/Need For Speed.

    As far as the price hopefully the guy is delivering it in person. Still a horrible deal tho. Historically mechanical drivers have never been worth more then $250. I owned my own game route in the late 80’s early 1990’s and bought traded many games.I still get calls to this day someone wanting for me to repair or more often to sell. No thanks.Back in the day larger operators would simply take the old mechanical (pre electronic) working units and junk them at the landfill.

    If you have the ability to keep them going buy a pinball machine. Remember they are only fun until they break. Better yet. Keep the game console.

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