Grabber Orange Explosion: Custom Ford Thunderbird

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This 1984 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe has been out of action for the last 18 years, following what the seller says is $20K in showcar-grade enhancements. Obviously, the first thing you notice is the outrageous “Grabber Orange” paint sprayed everywhere (yes, everywhere), but the whole package ties together decently enough and is an authentic example of how cars like the Thunderbird were modified when new. Find it here on craigslist in Massachusetts for $13,200.

I remember plastic model kits from the 1980s featuring the Ford Thunderbird often had wild details like this car, and it was certainly up to you as the artist if you wanted to paint the engine bay to match; whoever the “creator” was behind this Thunderbird made color coordination a priority, as the Grabber Orange paint is sprayed liberally under the hood, and the builder even went so far as to source orange plug wires! That’s dedication.

Underneath, the control arm assemblies, sway bar and inside of the wheel barrels are also coated in matching paint. While this isn’t for me, whoever built this Thunderbird didn’t just spray-bomb the whole engine bay or front suspension; no, the contrasting pieces indicate this was done via a piecemeal approach, with some items receiving orange paint and others getting coated in glass black. The Thunderbird didn’t do much driving after being painted, in my opinion, given how clean it is.

Thankfully, this is a manual transmission example. The auxiliary gauges should tell you everything you need to know and then some and make me wonder if this car had a drag-racing past. I doubt it, as it looks like it was much more at home parading around the car show circuit, getting dragged from one event to the next. The Thunderbird shouldn’t be changed at all, instead living as a rolling testament to how enthusiasts expressed themselves in the 1980s when armed with a paint gun.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Fred W

    May be a while before there is a market for “show cars of the 80’s”.

    Like 7
  2. Jake

    Great candidate for a Coyote swap

    Like 7
    • JimmyinTEXAS

      Absolutely. There are precious few vehicles that couldn’t be improved with a coyote and a handful of ancillary parts.
      So is it an ’84 or ’85? Inquiring minds…

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  3. Dick Johnson

    Big Bird’s ride. What? No yellow dash and carpet? No yellow mirrors. I’d have a yellow-gold window treatment applied. Then I’d sell the concept to Mattel. It’d be a kool addition to a kid’s ( I might have a few) Hot Wheels collection.

    Hey, if Smacked Monkey Gar-bage can do it….

    Like 4
  4. Jer
    • Rob John

      I knew I had seen it somewhere else. This retina searing color is not soon forgotten.

      Like 1
  5. Mark S.

    Too – much – yellow….AAAUUGGHH! It’s burning my retinas!

    Like 2
  6. mikethetractorguy

    Craigslist add states ‘too much done’. Hard to argue with the obvious…

    Like 5
  7. jw454

    Now that is one ugly T-Bird.

    Like 4
  8. grant

    This is one of those where I don’t really want it, but I can appreciate the effort and detail in it. Someone should finish it with an outrageous interior to match the rest and daily it.

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  9. dgrass

    bad judgement sure doesn’t age well…

    Like 3
  10. dweezilaz

    Lots of work with this one. Photographs make the color look like urine yellow.

    It’s rare when I would ever say I’d be embarrassed to be seen in any vehicle, but this would be it.

    That’s a shame as all of the flash distracts from one of the best looking Thunderbirds offered over the years after the 50s and early 60s. The body just seems to be working against the color.

    I hope he gets what he’s asking and appreciate all the work but the whole thing is very off putting.

    Like 1
    • nrg8

      Being seen in a urine yellow car is the least of your problem If your urine is glowing like that.

      Like 1
      • Dick Johnson

        Then there’s Bob Falfa’s line …

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  11. scottymac

    I like about anything with a ’67 Shelby hood scoop – here, not so sure.

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  12. Victor Anderson

    hmmmm…well this seems..uhhh dumb.

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  13. James Horner

    Looks like a giant terd someone took after eating 3500 lbs of Cheetos. Dude will never sell this thing, it has a 96.59% Crack Pipe rating on Jalopnik. It looks like a car Disco Stue customized with backing from the Drink Florida orange juice company, after drinking too many . Proof money can’t buy taste.

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  14. James G. Russell

    Rust under carpet under all that paint to thick sand blast it I’m willing to bet cancer- and it’s a lot of rust next color should be a dark color black or dark blue start over money is not there to bad what a waist .

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  15. CanuckCarGuy

    Eighteen years eh, i guess it’s too late for a refund at this point. Turbo Thunderbirds are incredible cars, but I prefer mine in something other than school bus yellow and without the NASA gauge package.

    Like 2
  16. HoA Howard AMember

    Yeah, but it would make one heck of a taxi,,,”don’t worry, I’ll get you to the airport on time, might want to hang on to something”,,, I know a guy with a car like this, and he says it has plenty of steam, you’d never know it was a 4 cylinder.

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  17. Miguel

    I don’t get painting everything that god awful color.

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  18. DavidLMember

    Looks like a taxi.

    Like 0

    The artist behind of this abomination will not be making money anytime soon. It would cost the asking price just to get the ugly off of this poor car. The car is already showing signs of peeling and rusting, so obviously not prepped correctly to begin with. A nightmare before you even start.

    Like 0

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