Gray Ghost: 1977 Buick Riviera

1977 Buick Riviera

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This isn’t typically what I think of when I think of a Riviera. This car was actually derived from the LeSabre of the day, and was envisioned as a stop-gap until the FWD Eldorado/Toronado/Riviera of 1979 could be revealed. Drastically changed from the boat-tail Rivieras that preceded it, only just over 26,000 left showrooms in 1977, although that was a slight increase over the year before. This car is located in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania and is for sale here on eBay where bidding is at $100 with reserve not yet met. Despite having over 100,000 miles, this car is really clean with even the interior in beautiful condition, with only minor cracks in the door panels stopping it from being show-worthy in the seller’s eye. Underhood is the same story, obviously a car that was highly thought of by its owner. This might be a little unusual for the traditional Riviera lover, but I think this would make a neat car to show up with at a Buick meet. And I’ll bet it’s comfortable, even with the optional sport suspension. Let us know your thoughts!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. moosie Craig

    Beautiful car in apparently top notch condition, it’d be interesting to see how high it bids to. Someone will wind up with a honey of a car.

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  2. RayT

    I dunno, Jamie, but I tend to wonder when I see a car equipped with the Full-Bordello interior, vinyl top and the “sport package.” What kind of “sport” are we talking about, anyway?

    Not my cup of automobile at all. No American car from the late ’70s or ’80s really does it for me. Nice condition, though, so I imagine a collector-type could get some enjoyment out of this.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      @RayT — I took “sport” with a large grain of salt :-) Maybe it would take some of the wallowing out of the suspension?

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  3. Tirefriar

    As I’m looking for another car to either give to my son or keep and swap him my E39, this looks like a great candidate. Too bad it’s on the opposite end of the country. Had this been a southern cal car with current reg and a working a/c, I’d be bidding on it for sure. I really like the lines and can imagine how cushy the ride is. Since I commute barely 10 miles a day, thus would be a great car for me.

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  4. Dan h

    My first thought was:recycle that beast!
    But on second thought, it escapes California smog testing by 1 year, maybe liberate the engine a bit (yank all the emissions crap) and make a comfy driver out of if.

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    • Tirefriar

      California smog cut off is pre-76. Being a 77 it is subject to smog.

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      • Blindmarc

        I have to say that in 83′ I had to put a “NOX” plug on the vacuum advance of my 70′ Polara. All it did was disable it and give me 5 miles per gallon. That was in Orange County.

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  5. JW454

    This ad has one of the best worded “You’re on your own” disclaimer statements I’ve read. Bid at your own peril.

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  6. redwagon

    ok, looking it over ….. nice two tone paint scheme that accentuates the hippyness of the rear quarters ….. not bad 3/4 rear view, full on rear view is ok, hmmmm ….. ok that landau roof would have to go, do not look at the front head on, what else lets see open the door and WHOA! what have we here ….. bordello red with pillow cushion seating. that’s not what i was expecting and so far from my comfort level. seriously our tastes have changed in the 35+ years since this car was made. i could see this with a light colored tan, grey or cream interior with dark grey or black carpet. great shape for its age. glws.

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  7. Jason

    To each his own, but I wouldn’t take this car even if it were free.

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  8. blindmarc

    I’d just change the wheels, and drive it. Personally I love the red interior. Only at $1400 right now.

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  9. jim s

    seller also has a lincoln and bentley on ebay right now. bidder running this up has 0 feedback. looks like a great driver if the reserve is not to high.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      @JimS — I’m guessing they are some sort of a dealer or broker as all three cars are in Pennsylvania, but in different locations.

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  10. Keith IH

    My father traded his lame ’79 Vette for a ’78 Riviera and a ’77 Camaro. The Riviera smelled
    like a hooker had dumped a quart of cheap drugstore perfume in it, but it seemed to fit the era and character of this car. It was definitely the better of the two-car deal and it was quite the boulevard cruiser. Power everything and and a plush baby blue velour interior to match its exterior. It still makes me laugh in a very good way.

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  11. dj

    These were great cars regardless if you liked them or not. I grew up in the 70’s so that’s probably why I like it. I also liked the 77-78 Sedan Deville cars as well. I’d put the earlier chrome Riveria wheels on it and drive it.

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  12. taxijohn

    Change the wheels & drive it, love the interior, tasteless but of its time & comfortable.

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  13. Tucker

    Looks like Ford copied the front-end of this to design the Panther Crown Vic.

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  14. Roseland Pete

    When this style came out, I was disappointed. I thought that the glory days of great styling were over for the Riv. I considered this model to be nothing more than a LeSabre with Riv badges slapped on. But 40 years later, I look at this car differently. While I don’t consider it to be among the top Rivs, I wouldn’t mind bopping around town in one.

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  15. Andrew

    I own this car… And I mean this EXACT car. I bought it off the guy selling it in Pennsylvania. At the time I lived in Manhattan – not exactly the most practical place for old cars. I used it mainly for road trips.

    Since then I’ve moved to sunny southern California. I’ve spent quite a bit of time getting the thing to perfect mechanical condition but now it is my daily driver. It is the only car I own and I’m constantly getting thumbs up, people telling me how nice it is, and yes, offers to buy it.

    FYI, it’s not for sale.. =D ig:@77buickboss

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Thanks for update Andrew! Good for you keeping it on the road!

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    • ernest serna

      Checking to see its its still for sale?

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  16. John Oliveri

    I actually like it now, and I’m a big Boat tail 71 to 73 fan, I owned a new 83, which was beautiful but lame, with that horrible Olds 307 in it, but the 80s were horrible thanks to Madonna anyway, id like to pull up to a car show in a 77/78 Riviera cause no one else has one, Spokes and Vogues and I’m in Disco Heaven NY style

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  17. cabinetmaker

    I too am a past owner of a ’77 Riviera , two tone gray, power everything including sunroof. Supercomfortable, and I had many comments like it is more comfortable that their living room ! I have owned a lot of cars in my lifetime. I am reaching the last years of my driving days , unfortunately. I must say that this Riviera was the most comfortable car I ever owned and I had an Eighty Eight and Ninety Eight Olds , along with a LeSabre and a few Regals. This Riviera went on many ski trips with 4-6 pair of skis on the roof mounted ski rack. What a comfortable cruiser up the 87 Northway through New York on the way to Stowe Vermont. Everything worked on my Riv and it was always serviced at the Buick dealership. It met its very unfortunate demise when I sold it to a friend and he was hit broadside , T boned by a big County Squire station wagon. He and his pregnant girlfriend were fine and escaped without a scratch but you dont want to see those pictures of my totaled Riviera in the junkyard. I felt like I had just lost my best friend , and you know what ? I did !

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