Happy 10th Birthday Barn Finds!

Disclosure: This site may receive compensation from some link clicks and purchases.

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since Barn Finds was launched! It’s been a rough road but I don’t regret going down it. I came up with the concept in 2011 (the same year my first son was born) in a dingy little office in a small town in Wyoming. While I designed the logo, my brother wrote the first few posts. Despite those humble beginnings, Barn Finds has grown into one of the world’s most popular classic car websites. We now have over 100 thousand email subscribers and over a million people visit the site each month!

Our first office was a tiny little box that didn’t have windows or good ventilation so summers could get a little steamy. Our second office was connected to a cabinet-making business and the noise and smells made it hard to concentrate most days. It’s amazing we got anything done! Our third office was a little better but not any bigger. The best part though was that we convinced the owner to let us rent the attached garage for only $100 per month! That’s where we worked on our first official Barn Finds project – a Volkswagen GTI.

Things have changed a lot since we started this site. I used to love to visit the newsstand to peruse the new car magazines but unfortunately, most of those rags have been gobbled up by conglomerates and shut down. I have watched countless classic car websites come and go. Business sure has gotten more complicated. Sometimes I even worry if the new push for electric vehicles will eventually kill off our beloved classic cars. But then I’m reminded that true classics never die.

The Beach Boys are still on the radio. Mustangs are still on the road. And every car guy still loves a good barn find. This site has been around for 10 years and isn’t going anywhere. I think it’s safe to say, it has become a classic.

I’d like to thank my wife and family for their undying support. My brother for his decade of dedicated hard work. Our amazing writers for helping us write up over 32,000 finds! And most of all, YOU! Our work wouldn’t mean much without our readers. With over 650,000 comments and counting, your insights may be the best part of this site. So happy birthday to all of us and here’s to another 10 years of amazing finds!

To celebrate this momentous occasion we are going to revisit some of our top finds. We also have a big giveaway in the works!


  1. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    Wow, time fly’s by. Congrats and thanks for the ride. Keep up the good work, this is a great site! Thanks again, Mike.

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  2. On and On On and OnMember

    I look forward to seeing it every day. I have learned volumes and enjoyed so many cool and interesting posts. Thank you guys for all your work.

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  3. Brian73 Brian73Member

    Congratulations guys! Keep up the great work and we’ll keep coming back!

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  4. sir_mike

    Happy 10th Birthday…hoping you have many more.

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  5. Autoworker

    Great site and one of my daily go-toos online. Some finds bring back a lot of good memories. Congratulations on 10 years!

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  6. Jack M.

    Congratulations boys! Have you ever thought about updating your picture after 10 years?

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      I assume you’re referring to my profile pic? You got it!

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      • Tony Primo

        It couldn’t hurt to give that red cap a rest.

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  7. Mikefromthehammer

    Congratulations Jesse.

    I am a recent follower of Barn Finds. My only real complaint is that you show too many vehicles I would love to own. Life is short, and my bank account balance is even shorter. Lol

    I do have one suggestion for BF. Is there is any way to add a virtual suggestion box? Most, who are either members or regular (daily) users like me, I find to have interesting perspectives. I don’t always agree with them but enjoy hearing what they say in the comments section. I am sure there are a lot of gold nugget ideas that many have that would be a fabulous resource for BF. 😉

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  8. Ron Denny Ron DennyStaff

    Congratulations Jesse (and Josh) and to Team Mortensen! Thank you for chasing your passion and dream and for making Barn Finds what it is today. I guess blood really is thinker than water (or cabinet varnish)! Cheers and many more!

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  9. PaulG

    Thanks for a great site; so hard to believe it’s been 10 years!
    The writers also deserve kudos for their hard work, we may not always agree with them but they work hard to put it out there for us to enjoy…

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    • Josh Joshua MortensenStaff

      PaulG, we totally agree! Every single one of the writers, whether it’s the very first ones to join the team or the most recent additions, we can’t give them enough praise. They work so hard to bring all of us the content we love to read.

      So, here’s to every single BF Staffer, past and present!

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  10. jbourne

    Congrats on a super service !

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  11. Todd Zuercher


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  12. angliagt angliagtMember

    Congratulations! I used to love picking up copies
    of Auto Trader when I went on trips ( They didn’t sell it-
    in Eureka,CA,where I lived).You’ve help fill that missing-
    gap in my life.

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  13. Bluetec320 Bluetec320

    Happy Birthday and Congratulations! Have a martini for me! Or, two!”

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  14. GarygsrMember

    Great site. Look forward to this every day. Keep up the great work

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  15. Bob_in_TN Bob_in_TNMember

    Congratulations. And thanks. My favorite automotive site.

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  16. Ken Carney

    Congrats on a job well done. I’ve been
    following you since 2013 and you won’t believe the subject matter you’ve given
    me for my auto art business. And that doesn’t even count all the friends I’ve
    made over the years just stopping by
    the site each day, viewing the finds,
    and posting my comments here. Thanks again for all you’ve done. A
    toast barnfinders, lift your glasses to
    many more finds in the future!

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  17. Ralph

    Congrats on a great site and 10 years of great content. Thanks for all the hard work. Wishing you all many more years to come.

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  18. Bob Mortensen

    Congratulations to my sons for all the hard work and dedication to this awesome site! I am proud to be called your father! You have both shown such hard work in your endeavors and dreams! Keep the good work up!

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    • stu

      Keep up the great work guys…Awesome site!

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  19. Gunner

    Congratulations on 10 years! Wow! I have been a follower for many years now and learned so much from the great write-ups from all the talented people that contribute their time and knowledge to a passion for anything with a piston. You are always on my phone. Wishing you strong growth and great times in the years ahead. Never forget why you started this great website in the first place.

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  20. DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

    A Decade of Fun!

    Happy 10th, BF!

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  21. Howard A Howard AMember

    “And then one day you find, 10 years have got behind you”,,,(best band EVER!) I know I take a lot of guff, being the most outspoken person on the roster, hey, got to be known for something. While I’ve said many times, with a few followers, the hobby has changed in so many ways, mostly the money involved, it’s refreshing to see the cars of our youth, in an entirely different context than 40 years ago, but even still, they represent a time and memories for many, and I’m not blaming BarnFinds for these outlandish prices ( don’t shoot the piano player, they seem to do well just showing them) but innernet[sic} has taken all the zing out of actually looking and finding these things, and of course, ripe for baloney, but I think we have a pretty good group here, the lunkheads seem to move on, and what’s left is good ol’ car folks, with stories you just can’t make up.
    Here’s to BarnFinds, ( yes, I think a name change might be in order, very few actual finds from barns are shown)and their writers, who do a great job, thanks for all you guys do.

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  22. Harvey HarveyMember

    Happy tenth,great job!Love BF!

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  23. Jay E.Member

    Jesse, The remarkable thing about your site is that you still personally manage it. Few companies have the originator still there and those that do rarely have that person answer questions. I’ve had multiple conversations with you over the years and have found it refreshing to deal with the boss. I’d like to see the price comparison between 10 years ago and today for the all time most popular, I guess I’ll just go through each of the years and do it myself. I really appreciate the T5OTD. I keep looking for another 57 to add to my garage, you almost got me with the beautiful Turquoise Nomad a couple of days ago. Keep it up, the site is as regular to me as a morning cup of coffee.

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  24. 370zpp 370zpp

    In the relatively short time I have been following BarnFinds, my knowledge in this area has expanded significantly and I have also identified many areas I clearly didn’t know as much as I thought I did.

    You provide a well appreciated service to we the readers, most of which have lots in common especially when it comes to looking back on what we sometimes refer to as the Golden years of the automobile.

    “Listen to her tachin’ up now
    Listen to her whine
    C’mon and turn it on, wind it up, blow it out, GTO”

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  25. fjcappyMember

    Happy 10th anniversary. You have done a great job. I have enjoyed the site immensely.

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  26. Johnmloghry Johnmloghry

    I love this site. I read it everyday. I don’t remember when I first started reading this site but it’s been a long time. Howard always writes a book in his comments but I love me all. There’s so many regular commenters that I love reading, and sometimes arguments get started but it’s all part of the fun. Looks like our birthdays are close together, but I’m a little older.
    Okay So I’m writing a book too.
    Love you guys, writers and commenters alike.
    God bless America

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Hi John, yeah, you got me, pretty obvious, I enjoy the site. The staff is nice enough to not have a limit on my babbling,,yet. It’s like a club. I realize, we all can’t pull up a 5 gallon pail in the garage and shoot the bull like we used to, maybe get something done,( I miss that the most in retirement) but this is the next best thing, we’re all bozo’s on THIS bus. Take care, pal.

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      • 370zpp 370zpp

        A left handed reference to the incredible Firesign Theater. Nope, I didn’t see that coming.

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      • Howard A Howard AMember

        “Well worth the dollar”,,, :)

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  27. Howie Mueler

    Happy 10th, i bet it went fast. Luv the site!!

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  28. chrlsful

    time flys when ur havin fun.

    Congrats! Eye candy w/o girls in the way, too many personal attacks, good write ups’n the GREAT variety. U guys have done it right (while some others have not). So that’s some hi complements on those executive decisions !

    Wish the “back pages” were a lill more easy, monitored, responsive, etc. Like the pod casts too ( 2, 3 X a yr). Keep it up, ‘s all just bout perfect !

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  29. DST1965

    Congrats-keep up the good work, love this site, brings back a ton of good memories-& I have learned so much

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  30. Lance

    Love the site guys keep up the great work.

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  31. Cristian

    Thank you for your daily dose of passion which I eagerly jump in and devour.

    Happy 10th Anniversary!


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  32. Kevin

    Thanks Jesse,and family, I wish I found this sooner, I think I have maybe been on here a year or so,but you all keep up the good work, and let’s all try our best to keep the hobby alive!

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  33. Fred C. WittmannMember

    Congratulations! A day with out Barn Finds is like a day without sunshine. Love all the comment and knowledge readers have . Keep going doing a great job

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  34. fastfredMember

    Congratulations! A day with out Barn Finds is like a day without sunshine. Love all the comment and knowledge readers have . Keep going doing a great job

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  35. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday, BarnFinds! 🎉💯💯🎊🚘😍
    I’m a recent member, but read you everyday. I look forward to it. Although I have not met anyone from the site personally, I feel friends with many of the members and non-members. I’ve learned a ton of stuff from your readers. Miguel has taught me a lot about Cadillacs and professional cars like hearses. I am The Cadillac Diva, but even I can learn a thing or two.
    Wish this site was around when I had my cars. I would have never gotten rid of them.
    Happy 10 years and hope you have many more.

    Angel D. Harris
    The Cadillac Diva
    Las Vegas, NV

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      I see by the time, you’re a night owl too. I can’t say LV is on the itinerary any time soon, if you happen to swing thru central Colorado, I’d love to meet you. That’s what this site could use, is a PM service for it’s members. The members I converse with offsite, their e-mail was obtained through less scrupulous methods.( and no FB, please, of which I’m also a member, can’t undo it) I too have all but gotten out of the hobby, except my daily driver,,,okay, weekly driver ’77 GMC, which may go soon, as well. Glad you’re here, we could use more women’s comments. They grew up in that era too, and seems recently, have taken an interest in what “dear old dad” ( or grandpa) drove. Tell your lady friends to join the fun.

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  36. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

    Thank you, Howard A. I’ve always been a car girl. I lived in Nederland, Colorado back in the 80s. And from what I’ve been seeing, you got some great junkyards up there in CO. Keep telling myself to take a drive up that way. If I do, you’ll be the first to know.
    email addy: adharris101@gmail.com

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  37. stu

    Love you guys…Sometimes things get out of hand but that’s what I like. Keeping this site open for all of us to speak about what we feel and like…
    Thank once again!!!

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  38. CVPantherMember

    I am a month behind on the posts (work got really busy), and thought I’d be too embarrassed to even admit that, but I couldn’t possibly let this go by without a huge congratulations and a thanks for running the best auto-related website on the ‘net. I feel quite privileged to be a member.

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Barn Finds