BF Town Hall: How Are We Doing?


Disclosure: This site may receive compensation from some link clicks and purchases.

Every once in a while we like to ask our readers how they think we are doing. As a result of all the great suggestions and ideas received, we have been able to make many improvements over the years. So, this is your chance to tell us what you like about the site and what you don’t. Leave your feedback in the comments section below and please try to keep it constructive. Thanks guys!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. MH

    It’s a great site. I check it several times a day. I wouldn’t mind see more off the wall things, not always just cars and trucks. I would also like more stories and less cars found on ebay.

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    • TW

      Wonderful job – Thank You – real interesting stuff – keep up the good work.

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    • Bun Ramey

      Just don’t change what you are doing, I realize this can be difficult sometimes. Although I am an old car guy, I love to see the late ’60s motos.

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  2. John Bogdanffy

    Awesome Job!
    Keep me coming!

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  3. Dean

    I enjoy all the vehicles you’ve put up, eBay or not! Personally, I would like to see more VW’s pre 1980. Thanks!

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  4. Carlos

    Thanks for your emails and for taking the time to make every one different, with some humor as well. I would suggest keep doing what you are doing, but add stories of people who bought the cars, and how they restored them. As an enthusiast, I began restoring a 1963 Beetle, as its one of the simpler cars to start with, and seeing what others have done always keeps you motivated.

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    • robert

      Great keep up the good work. I’m a barn find guy. Have over 23 vehicles in that category. But unlike guys and gals with good sense I don’t sell them. Wife says ” Next car you buy get a lawyer with it.”

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  5. Howard A. Howard AMember

    I always worry when I see threads like this. It’s like the prettiest girl in town with an inferiority complex. I think this is one of the best sites out there. These are PLAUSIBLE projects for the DIY person, not unobtainable high and mighty classics, usually offered on another well known site. ( you know, with the cars with a velvet rope around them) Not that there’s anything wrong with those cars, just a different group. The variety here is limitless, although I feel, rockets and battleships, and the like, should not be included. It should have wheels, or at least on a trailer. The only problem I have, and happens quite regularly, if it’s during the day, ( mostly after people get to work, and check out the site, you know who you are, shouldn’t you be working?) it takes forever for my comments to register. Or I’ll hit BF tab again, and it will never retrieve it. I guess that alone shows how popular the site is. Doesn’t happen with any other site. I’m 61 years old, and had like a million and 6 cars and trucks and bikes and it’s always refreshing seeing an old vehicle ( more trucks please) I had come thru. I can’t believe the prices for cars we bought for $100 back in the day, but if you had it at one time, there’s a good chance it will come thru here one day. Got some sharp folks here, and I enjoy being corrected,,,except when it comes to trucks and motorcycles, that’s MY thing. Thanks for a great site.

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  6. Luke Fitzgerald

    Don’t change a thing – love it – a truncated curbside classic with a commercial focus

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  7. Blake N

    Great site and I wouldn’t change anything! I love seeing some of the off the wall stuff (like the fighter plane). Keep up the great work.

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  8. S.S. McDonald

    Please include vehicle’s location early in each posting. Unless it’s a 1903 Mercedes race car, the west coast is too far from Florida for any thoughts of acquisition.

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    • DavidMember

      Actually, I buy trucks all over the country. As they are cheaper in other parts of the country, than they are on the West Coast. That’s why auto-hauler’s have work. It’s just another cost of buying a vehicle…..and is part of its price. Generally an auto hauler charges 80 cents to one dollar a mile. In 2 years I’ve had 20 trucks brought to Calif.
      Rough & Ready Dodge Power Wagons

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      • Matt C


        There is one languishing near me that you might want (CO).

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      • Keith

        As I’m on the east coast I bring trucks and cars over here form the west coast and the mountain west. I use the transportation cost as COB on taxes, works out quite well and I save tons of money in rust repair that most vehicles over here need. That alone pays for the shipping cost.

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  9. piper62j

    Very good site.. I’m in the ball park with MH about EBay.. However, any information about any finds is always welcome..

    I especially enjoy all the comments from members including their backgrounds, history, experience and comradery. There’s a lot of knowledge being brought here from everyone..

    Keep up the good work ..

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  10. p

    Love it.
    Cars only.
    No motorcycles.
    No boats.
    No planes.

    If known, do a tag in the beginning of a post to say final eBay price

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    • SprinterGuy

      not interested in the cars in Europe, just here in the US.
      old boats are cool
      really love old vans
      old bikes, motorized or not are fun to recall the good ole days
      Your site makes the end of the day enjoyable.

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  11. Cattoo CattooButt

    I like the conversations to be had and found in this site. This is a favorite site if mine and I spend too many hours reading it and clinking thumbnails until I’m deep into the links.
    I like the odd ball stuff quite a bit too. Thenrs random aircraft or tank, the unexpected warship tossed in. Nice break of the norm while still good finds there just may be someone reading the site that stumbles on the perfect project; could be a vintage tug or a steam donkey someone inherited. Learning about these random finds from folks who know about them is something I like and that included the barnfind autos I can only comment on. I get to drive these vehicles vicariously through the stories told by the owners of past and present and from the memories jogged back from the stories told. I miss all my old kick ass cars of the past. Great site. Thanks for all the hard work put into it. I’m sure I’m not the only one who appreciates it. – Gene

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  12. Mvm

    All well; follow only through Twitter.
    All oldies are welcome.
    Caravans would be nice as well.
    The votes from Holland: 8.5

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  13. wynkin

    Keep up the good work – and more motorcycles please.

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  14. Rich

    Love the site. Have to agree that fewer ebay cars would be nice. I think ebay vehicles have overinflated prices quite often. I love that your featuring more early Japanese vehicles. I think these are really going to start becoming more and more sought after.

    Oh yeah, fewer Pinto’s and Pacers, too lol.

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  15. SteveMember

    Great site. Fun and enlightening. Only wish I’d kept all my cars I’ve had over the years. I could retire rich. You provide an educational service providing a lot of information about some pretty unusual vehicles.

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  16. MatB

    Since few weeks when we receive daily new cars via email, the first paragraph is not complete. As some others are too, I am busy and I don’t have the time to read all of your subscriptions and often I just read the text include in the email and when the car is more appealling, I open it on your web site. Before the first paragraph was complete and I do prefer it this way than how it is now.

    Also, I tried the other day to fill a submission but I wasn’t able. It was a submission for puting a car for sale that appears.

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  17. JW

    Love this site, don’t comment on every featured vehicle but usually read the comments to learn something new. I liked the idea of when someone buys one of these finds and gets it running and drivable they keep us updated with pictures and a short article/post.

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  18. Bruce

    I happen to like it the way it is. I like the occasional plane / boat/ unusual item thrown in. While some items may not be “my cup o tea”, I’ll still learn something new, and that is why I enjoy this site. There is considerable knowledge among members, and while everybody has an opinion, everybody else doesn’t attack that persons opinion..At 61 and having been in the car business all my life, there is something new to be learned every day.
    I enjoy this site daily, keep up the good work !

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  19. RayT

    My only beef with the site is that y’all aren’t concentrating on finding the cars I want at prices I can afford! What’s up with that?

    Granted, most of the cars I’d love to find/own might provoke gales of derisive laughter or massive indifference from most BF readers, but you asked!

    Seriously: I doubt you could improve BF all that much. What’s out there is out there, and if it’s on eBay or something you or a reader found a block from home, it doesn’t matter. I read probably 95% of the postings, even if my taste doesn’t run to rotted 356s, bloated Detroit iron from the 70s, or any post-1970 Japanese stuff.

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  20. Dave

    I’ve enjoyed the sight since I joined. I really enjoy cars with a story behind them. I also enjoy reading everyone’s comments, I’ve learned alot these past few months. I work rotating 12 hour shifts I take my phone to work instead of a book ! I own three motorcycles and have been riding on the road for over 30 years so I do like the occasional bike spot as well, keep up the great work !!!

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  21. Jeff Wymer

    I agree 100% with MatB. It’s a great site but please go back to offering the option to link to the site where the vehicle is listed right away. I am very busy and don’t have the time to read through every submission to get to the link.

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  22. piper62j

    I agree with Bruce.. The personal attacks are over the line.. Less is best.

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  23. Mike

    Best site on the web. The first thing I look at in the morning and the last thing I check on before lights out. Not everything featured interests me but that’s what the scroll bar is for. I’m finding the one-offs and out of the ordinary vehicles grab my interest. I’m still going back to look at the 1949 Pontiac Cemetery Cruiser featured a while back and think how cool it would be to roll up at our weekly show’n shines in that.
    Keep them coming!
    The insight and knowledge you guys share is great and corrections or additional information in comments are tastefully submitted (which is more than I can say about some other sites or forums).
    Keep up the great work.

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  24. Andrew P.

    Maybe make a Forum part of the website for all the daily users. So to become a member you make an accounted and check the website at least 5 days a week for 3 months and then you are invited to the Forum part of the website for dedicated users.

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  25. geomechs geomechsMember

    This site is great. I can always tell how good a site is by the way my wife rolls her eyes every time I log on. But I’m coming up 63 and she’s… still 29??? The only thing I can think of to add is actually something that was deleted some time ago: Like or dislike box. Oftentimes I read someone’s input and really like/dislike the comment but don’t have anything intelligent to say/add; it’s nice just to acknowledge the comment. Now, one could ease the shock of the dislike part to varying degrees, sort of like another popular site if you want to get politically correct. As far as content is concerned, I can’t help it if I love trucks. Like Howard says: more trucks please. If the truth be known, you do OK with light trucks; we just need to see some behemoths from time to time; guys like us need to keep our IQ’s and shoe sizes matched.

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  26. Carla

    You do a great job. It would be better for me to be able to see the vehicle location listed up front with email. Thank you

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  27. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    A great site! Do not change a thing, look what happened to Playboy magazine. When new ideas come up, add them. I am sure your readers will let you know how they feel. Keep up the great work and thank you!

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  28. Jay Evans

    Great site, don’t change a thing. No ads, no pop-ups, no political BS. Love the personal commentary and the occasional oddball, plane, train, boat or steam tractor. First thing in the morning, entertaining and informative, the way the net used to be. Don’t change a thing. Thank you for this site.

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  29. Rando

    I love BF. It is MY social media…lol. Only complaint is a technical thing that it really slows my PC or tablet down. I get some errors that I can’t remember right now.

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  30. Joe Nose

    BF is the first place I go to every M-F day when powering up the office computer. That said, our screens don’t allow us to access anything related to auctions, so the links to fleabay are dead ends for me, and probably others. Any more info you can tag into the posts (like location and price) would be really useful.
    I used to go to BaT but they must have gone ALL awkshun because their site is blocked.
    Keep up the great work! You deserve a lot of thanks for the variety (I’m an orphan lover)!

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  31. L.M.K.

    Keep up the good work !

    Will you offer another run of T shirts again ?

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  32. Dave UK

    Just listen to your readers , you don’t have to act but i think most are saying great site thank you and keep up the good work

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  33. Chris

    I think the site is awesome, keep it up.

    My only suggestion would be to show less rust. I think people forget how impossible/costly it can be to fix. Some of the cars shown are so far gone its not interesting.

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  34. Richard

    The first place I look when I log on! Always interesting and informative. Keep up good work.

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  35. Glen

    I thoroughly enjoy this site. Many of the comments are from people who really know there stuff. A how-to section from those in the know would help others avoid a great many problems when buying or repairing their dream find. I realize that could be too big for one site, but it would be helpful.

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  36. RonL

    Great site, I do love the oddballs, so keep them coming!

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  37. David Zornig

    Great site and accompanying Facebook page.
    My only suggestion would be to copy and paste all the photos and copy from Craigslist finds, excluding the contact information.
    Because occasionally the vehicles are sold or the posts have been deleted by the sellers before we’ve had a chance to see them.
    It would give a chance for readers to still admire and comment on the vehicles, as frankly a lot of readers are hobbyists, and we aren’t interested in purchasing every vehicle.
    eBay has a way to go back and peruse the original ads.
    But Craigslist does not.

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  38. Mike H. Mike H.

    I think you’re doing it right. Post whatever you guys want to from wherever you find it. Most of us seem to read these as amusement; if someone is genuinely searching or seeking a project this isn’t the best possible way to source them. You guys seem to post up interesting finds all over the internet, although craigslist and The Flea-Bay seem to be the most common (because that’s where most of the finds are, duh!).

    Cars, bikes, planes, trains, tanks and other interesting military vehicles. . . Keep them coming. I subscribe to receive them all and I use a filter in my mail client to file them all away in a folder for when I have the time to view them and yet manage to keep my inbox clear. I couldn’t be a happier camper with the way things here are done.

    However, if we’re asking for things, I frequently see comments that I think are funny or helpful, intelligent, or thought provoking. Not always do I want to add a comment, but I want to acknowledge the poster’s insight and addition to the community. While I’m aware that this isn’t a forum, per se, one or two of the forum features might be nice to have, like a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” button.

    Otherwise, I think you guys are adding something beneficial to the hobby. I’ve been seeking a project for the last two years, and while 99.9% of the finds you guys post are outside of my interests I STILL am interested in seeing what is out there and how it’s priced. There’s a lot to be learned from both our hosts here and many of the commenters; the collective genius of this crowd is very impressive some days.

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  39. James

    Just a quick thought. I would see if there is a plug in for your website that allows you to beef up your search capabilities. It might be fun to be able to search by some specific check box categories.

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  40. CrazyGeorge G.T.

    I keep finding you in my spam ! I can’t figure out why !
    Do another run of T -Shirts. Some of us missed them the first time. .
    Please list it all! , don’t pay attention to the guys who only want cars… I can’t afford to buy most of these vehicles bit I love reading about them ! Maybe one day I’ll list my old junk.. When I finally admit to myself that I’ll NEVER FINISH THE PROJECTS !
    Thanks for such a great newsletter…..

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  41. ClassicCarFan

    I’m a regular reader and occasional commenter, I check this site pretty much every day.

    I think BF is doing well. I like the tone of the site is about right for me. It feels like it is aimed at “people like me”. I’d describe myself as a practical classic car enthusiast, solvent enough to have a little disposable income to pursue my hobby but not with unlimited funds. I do most of my own restoration and servicing work and prefer to drive the cars I own rather than show them. I like to see classic car barn finds that are realistically affordable for the average enthusiast.

    I also browse and enjoy BAT for example, but sometimes feel that the predominant vibe on that site is more from wealthier enthusiasts who buy and sell cars for tens of thousands, write checks to professional restoration shops to work on their cars and are more interested in showing their cars…and there’s nothing wrong with any of that of course, just not necessarily the same priorities or focus as me. BF seems more in tune with my philosophy. I like the fact that BF hails the Triumph Spitfire as a great classic car. I’ve owned, restored and driven Spitfires and that very fact that they are widely available and inexpensive to me is a great PLUS point not a reason to sneer at them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not slamming BAT. I think it’s a great site too, just notice that it is a slightly different demographic.

    Having said all this, I still like to read all about exotica like 1960s Maseratis and Aston Martins even though I’ll never own one (short of some miracle lottery win…) so keep them coming. I think BF needs to feature a broad eclectic variety of classic cars even though that will often mean there are cars I just skip straight over.

    As others have commented, I would also vote for BF to stick to cars, truck (maybe campers, buses?). I do like classic motorcycles, just don’t think they fit on this site?

    I enjoy the comments as much as the main features. I often learn something. I do feel that there is a lot of misinformation posted in the comments and repetition of internet myths and mantras at times, but I guess we just have to accept that as inevitable on a free forum.

    For example, I’d like to see comments free from – “opinions on British cars from people who’ve never owned or driven a particular model but have watched Top Gear”…. The umpteenth wise crack about how many mafia victim bodies will fit in the trunk of any large luxury sedan…. The umpteenth reference to B52 song lyric for each feature on a full-size Chrysler…. Yawn….. OK, I’m just being a grumpy middle-aged guy. I guess I’ll just sigh and roll my eyes and put up with it.

    On a more serious note. I’d like all ask commenters to continue to keep profanity, religion, political opinion, bigotry, racism and personal attacks out of these comments. This site has been very good so far. Please keep it that way. I don’t mind hearing someone else’s opinion, even if I don’t agree with it…. but we can keep it civil.

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    • Keith

      You forgot about the “flux capacitor” comments on every Delorean posting.

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  42. Jim B

    You’ve done a great job of creating a non-snob community that can explore and enjoy just about anything on wheels. That’s no small feat, considering it could be easier and probably more lucrative to focus on European cars with snob appeal (e.g. BaT) and faux-“on offer” Euro-speak language LOL.

    You’ve helped me sell two vehicles, for which I am grateful. I would only suggest that you make it easier / more prominent on how to submit vehicles for sale, kind of institutionalize the process a bit. I think you may encourage more submissions that way.

    Thanks to Jesse, Josh and the entire team for all that you do! I hope this thing is making enough money to keep going!


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    Don’t you dare change a thing.

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  44. Dan h

    When my wife says “let me guess, your on Barn Finds” you know you have a good site!
    Great job guys!

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  45. scott m

    Great job keep them coming

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  46. PaulG

    Looking good, I’ve sent in some unusual finds from the desert southwest, but it seems like you don’t get a chance to use them as often as in the past…

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    • dj

      Hi Paul,
      That’s the only problem I’ve had with the site. I”ve sent in several but none get posted. I’ll just let the others post and I’ll browse.

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  47. Brad

    Love the site! Check it at least one time a day. I am new to this hobby and would love to see more comments on value of vehicles / educational stuff about restoring / how-to’s …. Maybe more finds from Canada – minus the 3 feet of snow of course – Oh and keep the Mustangs comin!

    Great job !

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    Oh yeah, I have only one beef. Why won’t this sight let me upload photos from my IPad?
    This is very frustrating as I don’t use a pc

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  49. Fred

    Best BF site on the ‘net (I don’t even bother to visit the others). Not a big fan of planes and boats but I can see why some like them. The only improvement would be to have video features where we “discover” a car and watch it being hauled home to work on (minus the fake drama you see on the TV shows) . My day job happens to be filmmaking and I would be all over this if I were near you guys. If anyone in middle TN wants to team up on something like this, contact me through the contact form at

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  50. CitiCar Fred

    I love the site. I like the odd ball vehicles and the history behind the vehicles.From Barn Finds, I got Heidi and her Hudson to stop in our home town on her trip around the world. Would not have gotten that info from any other site

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  51. Birdman

    You guys do a great job on here! Personally, I am partial to the actual “Barn Find” stories, but I also know that there can only be so many of them. Great site! I peek in here from time to time and have learned a vast amount from my visits.

    One complaint though….

    Josh! When are you coming up here so we can go see the “Car Guy Field of Dreams” ??LOL…JK….Hope all is going well with wedding plans(if the wedding hasn’t already happened)!

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  52. Doug M. (West Coast)Member

    anything that promotes more pictures! Thanks for all you do for us to enjoy. I love it and read it every single day! Suggestion: I do like some of the sites that have a tag line that shows what cars the responder actually owns. Helps when you evaluate a comment. If a guy owns a 911 vs. a vega when he is giving advice.

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  53. barney

    Nothing wrong with the site just the way it is. I like the odd ball stuff along with the “I wish I’d found that” stories. Just keep it coming.

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  54. DavidMember

    If it has patina, rusty, dusty….and “running when parked”…….I have an affinity for it. That Rat-Rod look is my kinda’ ride. Soooo…..we need more of’em. If they are bright’n’shiny…….and run well… attraction for me.

    PS…pic of Marilyn Monroe with an WC-52 Dodge 4×4

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    • G.P.Member

      I’ll be darned, there is a truck in the back ground. If I wouldn’t have read it, I never would of seen it…

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  55. jimbosidecar

    Don’t change a thing. The site is perfect

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  56. piper62j

    Marilyn Monroe and Annette Funicello were my all time favorite women.. I would have married either or both if they asked me..

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  57. Neil G.Member

    I’m sure ALL Barn Finds are priceless and collectible to the owner. I, on the other hand, must rely on Hemmings to get the true value. Why not put a note in the upper right hand box showing a collectibility rating from 1-10 and a real world value guesstimate of the before and after restorationIs the vehicle. This would quickly let the reader know if it is a diamond in the rough or only worthy of dusting off.

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  58. bowtiecarguy

    I agree that this is a friendly group of supportive car enthusiasts whose collective knowledge is impressive. It allows the hobbyist car guy/gal with average mechanical ability to hope that a big project can be completed and enjoyed. That includes me.
    Regarding Ebay, I’m old enough to remember when parts for your project could only be found two or three times a year by combing through the flea market at major car shows like Hershey or Carlisle. Ebay has made it possible to source things as needed when budget allows. My project was just a primer body on a frame on shop casters when I got it. Summit Jegs and Ebay (as well as local car people) supplied the rest of it, one piece at a time.

    First photo 1999
    Second Last Saturday

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    • bowtiecarguy

      One more try

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    • bowtiecarguy


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    • bowtiecarguy


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  59. bowtiecarguy


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  60. bowtiecarguy

    Photo 2

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    • leiniedude leiniedudeMember

      Glad to see my photos are not the only ones not to load. It seems like a common issue. So easy to insert but never come through. Not really a complaint as much as a comment. And who qualifies for an Avitar?

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  61. Gary

    Great site, I get the updates through an RSS feed every day.

    I found it a bit difficult to submit a find. Every link to submit leads to the sell my car page that requires a payment. I finally found an article that had Jesse’s E-mail address and was able to send a submission to him.

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  62. wuzjeepnowsaab

    Love the site. Just wish there was a way for readers to share things they see…and if there is, I wish it was easy to find

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  63. DolphinMember

    So many comments today on the ‘How Is BF Doing?’—-far more than on the average vehicle. That’s good because it says that a lot of people are visiting even if they aren’t commenting every time. Visits are the lifeblood of a website, and I hope BF stays healthy. I have been visiting BF since about 2012 and it has gone from strength to strength, mainly because the guys who run it are smart, dedicated car guys.

    A mix of vehicles of all kinds on BF is good. I think that helps keep the site healthy because it draws all kinds of viewers. I look at every vehicle that’s featured even if I don’t comment. I learn a lot that way, but it’s also easy to just scroll past anything that doesn’t interest me, so I would keep the mix as-is.

    Ebay is now the largest site for car sales in the world, and that’s a difficult thing to ignore. I agree with bowtiecarguy—-going onto Ebay you know you will probably find parts for a car or truck or even a novelty vehicle you own, and likely the vehicles themselves for sale. I admit I’m biased because I have been on Ebay since 1999 and have found a lot of scarce parts for cars I’ve been working on. Even though many Ebay listings are short on information it’s still generally better than much of what’s on CL (but I would keep CL listings on BF too), and light years better than what we had years ago—newspapers. I’m OK with as many interesting Ebay listings as people can find.

    On the feedback question: I am not big on ‘social media’ (actually, BF is a big chunk of my ‘social media’). The mix of stuff on here is so broad that it’s likely that nobody will know about everything. If you believe that ‘there are no stupid questions’, it’s not too much of a stretch to think that there are no stupid comments, maybe just uninformed ones. Let people make the comments they want to make without rewarding or punishing them. Sometimes they are ‘right’, sometimes they are ‘wrong’, maybe sometimes they are just ‘different’. Everybody deserves to have his own thoughts about the very different kinds of vehicles we see on BF.

    Finally, a word of praise for the guys who created and run BF, and for the very fact that they want to know what we think of it. They are excellent ambassadors for the pleasures of finding, fixing, and then talking about and driving vehicles of all kinds. I think their creation brightens the days for a lot of us who visit BF regularly, and for that I’m thankful.

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  64. jaygryph

    Overall I really enjoy the site and the content presented. It’s much more reasonable to deal with than bringatrailer and similar sites because the content is things more in my price and interest bracket.

    An issue I do have is with the comments section. The negativity there can be outstanding sometimes. I realize that this is user generated content so there’s not all that much that can be done about it, and censoring your users is not a thing that should be done. However, there are some users of the site that consistently get in a comment right as a post goes up and have only negative, and unhelpful things to say over and over.

    It gets rather old to see the same people trashing on everything that isn’t their particular niche favorite, and ends up with a comment section that’s as painful to read as youtube comments.

    Not sure what a solution to this might be. A Reddit like voting system of up and down arrows might help, or maybe just a clickable button for “Helpful!” or “Insightful!” or just “Thanks!” under the comments with a simple number showing how many other users have clicked that on a comment might help. There may not even need to be a negative click button, because people will abuse that. The little bit of data that would provide should make a useful metric for you guys running the site as to who problem users are if there’s a trend every time they are posting.

    Just a thought.

    It’s a great site, running an ad through it for my ebay auction was worth the money I think. From all indications I had it generated a ton of traffic to my auction and helped my car eventually sell, so I rather like that aspect of the site.

    Keep up the good work guys :)

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  65. jim s

    i like everything about the site so more of the same please. keep up the good work. i hope the site can make enough income to pay the bills plus a profit while still having fun. thanks.

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  66. Matt C

    I love the site, like the fact that most of the cars are affordable, I also prefer non-eBay but understand that is tough as some interesting cars do end up there. The Glas I bought was featured here, so I’m all in.

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  67. Telly Black

    Love this site. Always look forward to opening my inbox just to find all the Barn Finds posts. Great job on a great site!

    Like 0
  68. Beaver Prince

    I love seeing everything you post I am almost home bound but love to see all, I onlu wish that we could see more from my part of the world! (Hooper Utah)

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  69. cliffyc

    Great site!. Greetings from the UK.

    As has already been said keep the oddballs coming!. Had a barnfind myself when I was younger. My grandfather passed away and left me his classic 1964 Mercedes Benz 220S Ponton,sadly no time or cash to fix it up so it was sold to someone who loved it. And,yes,it did live in a barn!. “Better to have loved and lost,than to never have loved at all”

    Like 0
  70. Blindmarc

    I like the site as is. A wealth of knowledge from the subscribers, a great variety of vehicles and everyone has something to say whether you like one or not. I personally don’t have the meens anymore to buy anything. Had to sell everything 6 years ago in order to keep a roof over the families head.

    Like 0
  71. Van

    Yes on odd balls.
    I would have 100 cars if I could.
    I have been a car nut since I was 5, that’s fifty one years. I have been around cars as a mechanic and a manager. I don’t think my knowledge is that great but I don’t know anyone that knows as much as me.
    I come hear to share with guys that know a lot more than me.
    I like hearing from guys that have done things I can only dream of.
    I talked to a pontiac engineer, that was cool.
    Guys hear work on tanks, airplanes, trains, mussel cars, English and Italian.
    Where else can you get all that.
    So thanks to BF and all you contributers
    This is my only social media.

    Like 0
  72. Jim C

    Your doing a Great Job, keep it up!! Your one of the first emails I check when I go online..

    Like 0
  73. John

    Great job. I do not mind the few odd ball planes, Russian space shuttles, Russian BMW bikes, and boats. Too many of them seems like one too many April Fools day. Great job – my go to website after bloomberg every morning.

    Like 0
  74. Neil

    Great site.
    My 1950 Dodge Special Deluxe was featured
    I am working on a couple more, 1970 Honda PC50 Moped
    and a 1978 Vespa.

    Like 0
  75. Puhnto

    Don’t listen to anybody, you’re doing fine!

    Like 0
  76. guggie

    first site I look for when I log on , keep up the good work !

    Like 0
  77. This site is what I used to call the Playboy Magazine read. I like looking at the pictures.

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  78. Wayne Thomas

    Do better at posting the final selling price, especially for cars on EBAY. The link dies and no one has a clue for what a car sold for when they search for it later. its a good way to track selling prices.

    Like 0
    • George

      Wayne Thomas mirrors my only objection to the site–I want to know what the cars sell for. Barn Finds’ Notice “this one sold but we will get more” is not very interesting and is a waste to read it. Mark it “sold” $42thousand”–isn’t that about the low end for a $3000 car????????

      Like 0
  79. Larry page

    Site is great to me as is. Enjoy looking, not wanting to purchase anything currently. Like offbeat stuff, boats , aircraft, etc.

    Like 0
  80. George B

    You guys have to figure out a way to make more money with the site so you can keep it going.

    I love the stories as well, more stories about finding cars, about a lost car looking to be found, stories about grandpa’s muscle car or first hot rod, yes please!

    Keep up the great work!

    Like 0
  81. Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

    Wow, I am shocked by all the great feedback!!! We are going to read every single comment and come up with a list of ways to improve the site. I’m so glad that the site is enjoyable to so many of you. That really makes all the hard work worth it!

    Like 0
    • Chris

      If you are not sure what to change, don’t change anything! Love the site.

      Like 0
  82. Rocco

    Great site! I love it. I don’t know how you could improve, but I’m glad you’re always thinking of ways to. I guess you can’t stand still, but in this case, you’re perfect right now. I wouldn’t change a thing. But that’s me.

    Like 0
  83. michael

    if ya wanna know, and I was going to email you guys , if it would annoy me much more.
    I can’t stand that you post cars that are either in a different country or some crapp that’e being photographed off of a trailer.
    I like to see where (which site) something is posted in my email notification, without having to go to three different links.
    if you can’t fix that , then I’ll just send your future notifications to spam, because I am not interested in some rust bucket in west end london.

    Like 0
    • Rocco


      No need to spam because you’re not interested, just disconnect. You can stop e-mails by updating your profile. Pretty simple. I don’t care about those rusted imports either, I just go down my list before opening, and delete. I think it’s a lot more respectful than threatening spam. Think before you act/speak.

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  84. Bobby D

    You’re doing great! Maybe if you could get feedback from purchasers about their experience with a listed barn find, that could be interesting.

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  85. Bryan R Orrell

    I Love BarnFinds could you put location and PRICE on first page of price lke it used to be .TY

    Like 0
  86. Robert

    WOW, That’s a lot of Comments, Love the SITE, There are a few GUYS that are Wound UP a little tight, I don’ Care about that, ( (Entertainment) ). ONE thing is I live on the West Coast, Washington, Oregon Area. So Few are’s are in this area on Barn FIND, I’ve been Watching this site every day for some time now and I’ve seen MAYBE 5 cars Between both STATES. I don’t know if anything can be done about it, I would still look at Barn Find, But I think a lot more People would be interested in Barn Find.

    Like 0
    • PhxBarbie

      I love everything about the site. I read all my BF emails first before anything else. I love all the stories and think you guys could sell ice to Eskimos. You make even the most mundane vehicles sound exciting and well worth the price. I find myself reading and learning about cars I never knew existed. Some are homely, some have fins in odd places, but all are interesting in their own way.

      You also refresh my memory on other vehicles I may have forgotten. Like much of the seventies. It’s fun to see cars or trucks I’ve had before, or ones that belonged to friends. And definitely great to see ones I’d still love to buy.

      BF is my guilty pleasure. I can dream big, let my mind wander, and fantasize about driving another cool muscle car as fast as it will go.

      I am forever grateful to you guys for working so hard to produce such a great site on a shoestring budget. You provide us with a ton of entertainment, knowledge and fun all for free. I think you do an amazing job and I would never dream of changing a thing. My dad always said if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

      Thanks so much guys!!! You’re good medicine to one sick chick on chemo.😎😇👍

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  87. Jerry

    Doing just fine. Stick with cars, especially odd ball and orphans.
    OK to trow something different occasionally if it is truly worthy. Airplanes, Boats, etc.

    Like 0
  88. Don Dimble

    Great site! I visit every day. Just another “keep up the good work” as well as a vote for more oddball stuff. Every time I see something I’ve never seen before it really makes my day. Everyone of course has their personal taste, but I think we all benefit from seeing the unexpected. Who doesn’t love a surprise? And if you don’t, well shame on you. Thanks for all your excellent work.

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  89. Glen

    Put what ever you want on this site, it’s your site.

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  90. unclehotrod13

    Keep doin what you’re doin. Whether its a car,truck,cycle,tractor,tank! It’s the excitement of finding a treasure in the damndest of places. You never know what and where you’d find it. I recently got this Excalibur custom limo . I fell in love , and got lucky…

    Like 0
  91. Stu

    Location and price BEFORE any links, please!

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  92. Blyndgesser

    I enjoy the site and I think your selection of vehicles is the best of any site like this. My only complaint is that sometimes a little more research would be in order about the history of featured models.

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  93. Doug

    Great site. Maybe readers could mention the suppliers they know of and use for the various makes they work on. I’m an old Volvo guy and call Joe Lazenby of Susquehanna spares for my needs for example.

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  94. TBAUMember

    Love this site, it’s the only website I visit everyday and the only one where I read the comments. I love all cars but I’m forever amazed by the amount of cars that went from a bad idea, to production and onto a sale. Please keep the BF site as it is and greetings from Australia.

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  95. Robbie

    Your site has gotten out of control with the highly polished cars. It seems that a lot of cars featured never saw a barn, field or old garage. I like your site very much. The pricing of the cars is out of control. When a Pinto, Pacer or other old econo is listed for 6 to 9 thousand dollars, it does nothing but to give all cars a falsely inflated price and makes it harder to buy and own an older car. Just a few thoughts form an old car guy.

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  96. Scott

    Please don’t change a thing. Your daily message/report/finds is my morning break/escape from work. It is a treat for me to read and many times dream! Keep up the great work!!!

    Like 0
  97. LD

    Keep up the good work ! Enjoy BF every day, looking for an old pickup to add to the collection , I know I’ll see it here LD71 :D

    BTW keep doing those project cars with updates, if I could drive your Dodge pickup back to CT I’d be a bidder

    Like 0
  98. Van

    Maybe add a follow up and update column.
    If anyone knows how to deflate a knuckle heads unrealistic value and just sell it for a fair price?
    Can I get an Amen.

    Like 0
  99. wagon master

    Cars of significant contribution
    well preserved and driven survivors
    oddballs and orphans

    Sorry But i CANT get into farm tractors and semi tractor OTR vehicles

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  100. Stephen

    Love the site but the last 2 or 3 weeks its been chugging along and freezing as it loads up? Never did this before.

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  101. Mike

    doing great keep up the good work, but I’m some what confused looking for an older car and you post so many I still don’t know what kind I really want…
    Maybe I just don’t want too put the money out….

    Like 0
  102. MikeK

    Keep up the good work. I enjoy all the finds, from craigslist, ebay, or where ever. But my favorites are the finds where someone has gone out, made a roadside or barn find on their own, found out the vehicle’s history / story, talked with the owner, and posts LOTS of pics!!

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  103. 67 GT fastback

    Love it – keeps me up when I should go to bed – the range is excellent – generally the humour excellent – intended and not ….
    The passion and and knowledge is also a big part of it .
    I come across stuff from time to time – like all of us infected with the old car sickness
    I contribute when I can’t avoid it – but generally let the majority of experts inform !

    I love the optimism of some people – you may well find something to giggle on this –

    Like 0
  104. 67 GT fastback

    And I see so many comments that I think yep ” like” button would be great !

    Like 0
  105. 67 GT fastback

    @michael – think you missed the point of the site buddy .

    Like 0
  106. Richard

    I am signed up for Daily e-mail and I have not been receiving your daily e-mail for about 2 weeks , could you look into it .

    Thank you.

    Like 0
    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      That’s not good. Have you checked your spam folder? You might try adding to your contacts and see if that fixes it.

      Like 0
  107. harit

    Keep it going, great side, when I was shown this site a long time ago I actually went back to the first post.
    So much knowledge being shared here.
    If the site becomes remunerative to you guys, then it may be worth considering to have a moderator as some comments are down right ugly.
    Maybe “LIKE”s can be for the post’s too, not only for comments.
    And maybe have some contributors to tell some of their barn-find stories.

    Cheers and thanks a lot for this.

    Like 0
  108. Jon RustMember

    Less econo boxes. Their ugliness is on every street.

    More classic 1955-1970 when cars were full size and had styling! Thx Jon

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  109. George

    Why are my daily up dates ending up in my junk mail? This started happing about a mouth ago. Some are in the inbox but a lot are in my junk mail.

    Like 0
    • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

      George, check your settings — if you are using gmail or yahoo mail, you can “fix” it by specifically stating that emails from our address aren’t spam.

      Like 0
      • CrazyGeorge George

        Thank you Jamie…. I have Gmail… I’ll try to correct the problem.. I still have 1/2 my barn finds in spam everyday !

        Like 0
      • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

        George, post here again if you still have issues and I’ll try to help.

        Like 0
  110. CrazyGeorge George

    Hi Jamie;
    Boy I hate computers…. But…. Thank you for the direction you sent me in !
    I fixed it !
    Now ” Barn Finds ” is important ! and delivered to my “IN BOX”…
    No More Spam !
    Thanks Again

    Like 0
    • CrazyGeorge George

      By the way, Your page is the Highlight of my day ! Please keep up the great work !
      I wish they had a site like this for CAR SHOWS and CRUISE NIGHTS !
      Some of the are a bigger secret than the Barn Finds !
      You are an excellent communicator. No fabrication, just facts and honest opinion ! Great entertainment !
      But , seriously, you guys are great ! I love it all… even the Planes Trains and Boats !
      and the occasional ? ? ? ?
      Thanks for taking the time to read and answer your comments. It’s your attention to detail that makes you so GREAT !

      Like 0
      • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

        Thanks, George! I know I speak for all the writers when I tell you we have a lot of fun doing it!

        Like 0

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Barn Finds