Introducing Bruce’s New Firebird 400!


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Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to tag along as one of our readers pulled this 1967 Pontiac Firebird 400 out of storage. Bruce caught wind of the car when we featured it last month and quickly jumped on it. A deal was struck and he excitedly let us know that he was the new owner. Obviously, we have assisted with the sale of many cars through the site, but this was actually the first one that I got to see one in-person. It was an exciting evening and I’m sure all that adrenaline helped us push that big car up onto the dolly! We are excited for Bruce and know that the car is now in good hands.


The seller was there, so I asked him a little more about the car. Apparently the Firebird had been in his family for many years. It was parked for 13 years before he inherited it and then it sat for another couple years in his garage while he tried to figure out what to do with it. Luckily, he had the good sense to realize that he was never going to get to it and that it would be better to just cut it loose. He walked away with a good chunk of cash in his pocket and a clear conscious knowing that the car would now be cared for by someone who appreciates it.


The car has acquired some small “personal touches” over the years, such as a Camaro spoiler, dark blue paint, and a tachometer. Otherwise, the car looks very original. Our good friend Bruce has plans to reverse the changes and bring this beast back to its former glory. He has a few other projects in the hopper, but we know that he will get to it eventually. The idea of just cleaning it up and getting it running so he can kick around in it was mentioned too.


Here’s what makes this specific car so special – 400 cubic inches of American muscle! This is the same engine that was strapped into the potent GTO and it was good for 325 horsepower and 410 foot pounds of torque! We bet Bruce can’t wait to get her running again so he can see what she can do. A 4-speed manual would have been nice here, but the automatic shouldn’t take away from any of the fun at the dragstrip!


Bruce does have a long way to go before he will be doing any racing though. The structure is solid, but we did spot plenty of rat’s nests and bondo. He is committed though and knows what he is doing. Remember this is the son of the late owner of that huge collection of British cars that we featured a while back. Bruce has motor oil in his blood and a few other very interesting vehicles in his garage (that we hope to feature soon too). Unfortunately, one has to let one go to make room for this Pontiac. So, anyone in the market for a Roush BlackJack?


Thanks Bruce for including us on your new journey. We are all looking forward to more progress updates as you return this old bird from the barn to the road!


  1. paul

    Good going Bruce, the 67 thru 71 are the ones to have in my book, I always liked the clean look as in no cladding, or just a rear spoiler.

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  2. St. Ramone de V8

    Nice! This thing is the right hands. Too bad so many folks we encounter are bent on keeping it until they get around to it. Looks solid, complete, and I think we all know what a blast they are with that Pontiac 400.

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  3. Rick

    So how many Simoleans does a guy have to lay dowm for a rig like that these days?

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  4. Jeff V.

    My buddy had one in hs, I remember a hood tach on it!

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  5. jim s

    great story. thanks for including us. i look forward to many updates and a photo of that motor burning the back tires off. maybe a video so we can hear what a 400 sounds like.

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  6. Dan Farrell

    I worked for Pontiac in 66 & 67 and got to drive a couple Firebirds, including the overhead cam sixes. Very cool cars.

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  7. Mark E

    I’ve been keeping my eye out for a ’67-69 Firebird for decades now. The reason why is that I’m skipping over the common 400s and holding out for the OHC Sprint-6.

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    • Joe Howell

      I had a 67, black vinyl top over yellow with with the HO OHC 6 Sprint option. I keep an eye peeled in Hemmings for anything with the OHC 6 but they don’t pop up often. Like all of GM forays into the future they weren’t that reliable and most have been scrapped(I had a Corvair and a Vega too). They would however run like a scalded cat. Always a pleasure to show whom ever I smoked that big long blue 6 banger and not the V8 they expected. It would smoke a 2 barrel 289 Mustang and give 4 barrel one a rough time. Not bad for a 6 banger.

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  8. stanley stalvey

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. LOOK AT THE Smile on HIs FACE!!!!!!. Whassup Dawg.?
    And now to think, hmmm, they picked a crusty crab mustang for a Project Car???…!!! Those Triple XXX cylinder heads on that Poncho have the Biggest Valves I ever saw in a street car before 1988…. Things could really get exotic under that hood in Modern Times….We hope he starts with a port and valve job, new valve springs, and a New Cam…!

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  9. barry

    After towing a rear wheel drive car like that, what kind of shape is the rear end going to be in?

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    • Alan (Michigan)

      As long as the bearings are in good shape, and the fluid was sufficient/not contaminated, that should not affect the diff. Think of it this way: Every time such a car is in coast mode, such as off of the gas and decelerating down a highway hill or off-ramp, there is a little pressure on the back side of the gears. No big deal. Ideal would be a full trailer, or at least towing hubs. But the real issue here is the trans. See comments from DT and me about that…

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  10. Alan (Michigan)

    I hope the driveshaft was pulled or disconnected at a u-joint before dolly towing that ‘Bird. Automatic transmissions from that era do not like being spun without a running engine to pump fluid throughout. Even in neutral, damage can be done to internal bearings. Towing with the shaft spinning for a couple of miles would probably be ok. But long distance? Nope. When in doubt, take that driveshaft out.

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  11. DT

    I hope he pulled his driveshaft,before he flat towed an automatic on a tow dolly, I have a big tex car trailer,and a really nice tow dolly that is articulated, you pull a pin and it steers itself, I bought it new in 1990,and it has many,many,many miles now

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  12. DT

    too funny,you and I were thinking (and saying)the same thing at the same time!

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    • Alan (Michigan)

      We must be right, then!

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  13. Rick

    I would guess a car like that sold in the $12-15,000 range, possibly more.

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  14. Don Barzini

    I admire people who have the skill, patience and willingness to take on projects like this. I look forward to seeing the progress updates. Good luck, Bruce.

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  15. Charles


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