Joe Bailon Custom: 1965 Chevrolet Impala

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And now for something from the “What in the Sam Hill happened here” department, a heavily customized 1965 Chevrolet Impala. Before and after images are always helpful in following a car’s progression but in this case, it’s the reverse as the images reveal this car’s “degression”. Said to be a “Joe Bailon” creation this sorta Chevy calls Anthony, New Mexico home and it’s available, here on eBay for a BIN price of $15,500. There is a make-an-offer option too.

According to the listing, this custom was created by Joe Bailon who was famous as the “King of Candy” for his development of paint shades such as candy apple red. Known as the “Executive” this wild mash-up started life as one of over a million 1965 Impalas that rolled off of five or six different assembly lines that year. The conversion date is listed as the early ’70s but the overall details are light other than a statement, “The top was chopped and a targa top made, the complete body was redone.” Besides the upper beltline, I can’t see any visual similarities between this custom and its Impala sponsor (well, maybe the hood). The listing is light on details and that’s unfortunate as I would like to know more about this car’s history and how it was actually modified. Two takeaways I’ve noticed, there’s a ton of Bondo riding on the top of both quarters in the area around the Dutchman panel and the Green Hornet’s Black Beauty-inspired front-end treatment.

A historical dive found this bit on AE Classic but it’s not terribly informative. Engineless now, Chevrolet ran the gamut in ’65 with engine displacements of 230, 283, 327, 396, and 409 CI – as to what the Executive possessed back in the day, is unknown. The same goes for the interior – it’s gone and is nothing more than a shell – and even any semblance of a dashboard has been removed. There is evidence of plywood construction in places as well as what’s left of pleated upholstery panels.

I’ll admit that I had never heard of Joe Bailon (1923-2017) as I’m not up on Kar Kustomizers from the ’60s other than maybe George Barris. Bailon’s legacy is pretty solid built on a strong resume of custom work that he performed for Hollywood A-listers such as Zsa Zsa Gabor, Danny Thomas, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr.

OK, it’s now time to decide what to do with it. Search me fish. I can’t imagine someone wanting to attempt to return this custom to its highwater mark show circuit era. Of course, I’ve been wrong, too. For a price of $15,000, I’m not feelin’ it, how about you?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Rustytech RustytechMember

    I think I saw this car at a show many years ago and it was awesome. It is disgusting that it has been allowed to deteriorate to this point. Hopefully someone will bring it back, maybe add some modern updates.

    Like 10
  2. Stan StanMember

    Wow amazing angles everywhere.

    Like 5
  3. Al camino

    It’s a Frankenstein!

    Like 5
  4. Rw

    ? Is how did it get to this condition

    Like 6
  5. Big C

    Sadly, this is what happens to a lot of Kustom’s. Because it’s only new and unique, once. It’s amazing that this Chevy even exists. There are a lot years between it’s car show life, and how it got to this state.

    Like 7
  6. Brett lundy

    Imagine if the top was complete this might have been right at home on Daytona or Talledega in the winged car era! In its prime it was what I think of as a true custom from the masters of that era the Barris, Roth, etc. Hope it’s saved and brought back to driver status for others to enjoy at coffee and cars

    Like 5
  7. John EderMember

    The DMV should buy this car, get it running and make prospective drivers perform the parallel parking portion of the driving test in it (don’t hit the cones!).

    Like 2
  8. JohnpMember

    15.00 is a better number.

    Like 9
  9. Mike’s57

    If you know nothing about customs or the original builder, why write an article about it?

    Like 6
    • Jim ODonnellAuthor

      Do you actually think we writers know every aspect of every topic of every brand of automobile? We do it for you, the reader, to provide some much-needed variety – and to create a challenge for ourselves. And of course, we know that performing that task involves receiving snotty comments. Thanks for not letting me down.


      Like 40
      • Steven Allen

        I find it interesting that some people are so rude that they can hide behind a computer screen and type up a bunch of rude comments they wouldn’t dare say to your face. There is an old saying “if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.”
        I think you guys do an awesome job and I like many others always look forward to barn finds. Keep up the good work!

        Like 24
      • Jim ODonnellAuthor

        Thank you, Steven.


        Like 6
      • oldrodderMember

        Jim, as far as I am concerned that comment was completely uncalled for.

        Like 6
      • Frog

        You just cut him a new a–hole Jim O and with swag precision and accuracy.

        Like 1
    • RMac

      Mike57 if you don’t like the articles written on this site go somewhere else
      I like Jim O never heard of Bailon but it made me go do some research which happens a lot with the odd ball cars written up on bf
      I am a fan of mild custom but not WILD customs like this

      Like 6
  10. Sam61

    Reminds me of a 3 in 1 AMT model kit I had as a kid. Green Hornet-ish Imperial front end.

    Like 7
  11. Curtis Marquart

    I don’t care if it’s a vintage custom, a ’65 lmpala has good body lines for the factory. What a way to butcher a cool auto.

    Like 8
    • Jasper

      Thank you. How to take one of the prettiest GMs ever and make it look like the fugliest ‘70-71 T-Bird.

      Like 3
  12. Nelson C

    Dad might have said “It looks like a pimple on a horse’s a**”.

    Like 3
  13. Rob Jay

    I couldn’t agree more with what Curtis said. A 65 Impala is a beautiful car, this thing is hideous

    Like 5
  14. PairsNPaint PairsNPaintMember

    Interesting that in 2010, in a far less deteriorated condition, it was priced at “$8000 firm”.

    Like 2
  15. JoeNYWF64

    If the Green Hornet black beauty was a 2 door? – & he was more like Batman?
    Where are the missing interior parts? & why pull the common as flies drivetrain?

    Like 1
  16. Roland

    If someone heavily modified an iPhone 12 right now, no one would be bothered with trying to preserve the history of these devices. They are a dime a dozen, functional but functionally obsolete, and if you could do something interesting with the device, why not? We forget that to roll over 100k miles in a 60’s car was a big deal (at least in New England, where they all rotted to death in 8-10 years). That this particular car had not been crushed by 1980 is the real surprise.

    Like 2
  17. Claudio

    This Joe guy was quite the carpenter, looking at the rear inner fender and seat arrangement, i can see $1500 for this pile of wood , certainly not 15. …

    Like 1
  18. oldrodderMember

    Agreed. When I first saw this thing I laughed until I cried, but after seeing the picture from the car show I now have a different opinion of it. I have never heard of Mr. Bailon, but his style kind of reminds of George Barris or Dean Jeffries. It would in all likelihood take someone with the talent of a Ian Rousle to restore it, but is definitely a piece of automotive history.

    Like 4
  19. William Stephan

    15.00 is a better number. I was thinking not even worth the $500 to secure it after a BIN. This would take wayyyy over $100K to get it close to what it WAS.

    Like 2
  20. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac Queen DivaMember

    @Jim O

    A comment was recently made about my writing for Barn Finds.
    I could never do what you guys do. I could not do all the researching and studying you guys do to bring us as many facts as you provide. Not to mention you guys are entitled to your own opinions on each vehicle and write up.
    You guys (and gals) are amazing at what you do. Keep up the good work. There will always be Mike’s57’s out there. Just ignore them. The rest of us do.

    Like 9
    • Frog

      These writers are seasoned veterans armed with repartee to reduce the most cynical smart asses on the planet. It was once quoted “A clever mind knows how to tell someone to go to hell and have them looking forward to the trip.”

      Like 2
    • Jim ODonnellAuthor

      Thank you, Angel.


      Like 1
  21. Frog

    If you are traveling into Minnesota north on I35 ( I’ll have to make a mental memo of the exit) there on the east side of the highway sits perched several of the most Flash Gordon Commando Cody looking contraptions you will ever see in your life. I’ve been meaning to exit off and see what else can’t be seen from the highway. Hopefully they aren’t selling pipes peyote mushrooms and LSD.

    Like 0
    • PairsNPaint PairsNPaintMember

      If you can remember the exit, please post it so we can Google Earth it!

      Like 1

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