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Do you remember watching the parades with the guys in funny hats driving little tiny cars? This is one of those cars and is listed here on craigslist with no price in Northern Michigan. There is no other information given about it. It looks like it’s mostly there except for the tires, running boards, lights and…
It might have looked something like one of these. They were typically powered by a single cylinder lawn mower engine. What could someone do with this one? Perhaps restore it and let your kids drive it? I guess you could have your own personal parade car!
Of all the cars I’ve seen featured on BF, this one is by far my fave . . .
If you want one I have one in much better shape that only needs a motor.
How much and what is your location?
You got to love these guys. They give up all adult dignity to raise money for a worthy cause. If cars could talk, this one would have some wild stories to tell !
Rich kid down the street had a brand new one in 1968. Never quite forgave him for that. He did come to me every time it wouldn’t start and dad wasn’t home.
This would be a great father son project that wouldn’t brake the bank and wouldn’t take up a ton of room either. Nice find David.
It could break the bank Mark. Right now I am restoring 6 of them for my unit. They have not run or been shown in 10 years! new motors $120 each (used Harbor freight Predator 212 cc), Wheels are $100 each (took 6 weeks to find someone who still made them) Paint and upholstery $250, running boards (same place I got the wheels are $200 a set, then add in new plating on brass $125. and that total is $1099 just to start and that is assuming that there is nothing wrong with the frame or other metal parts. By the way you can buy them NEW still for $1500 or less on sale. I am just restoring them because these are no longer made the company that made mine went belly up in 1966! that makes these about 50 years plus old
I am restoring an original one can you give me ideas on where to get parts?
Not Necessarily a Shriners Car these were popular toys We had 10 at Edaville rail road park thast were like go karts you could drive they could be steered but were restricted by a rail you couldn’t get away from .
Indeed, they were also toys, but a lot of us remember them as old guys driving funny little cars in parades. Google Shriners Cars and look at some of the fun stuff they drive! Then there were parade cars like this http://barnfinds.com/another-shriners-car-1949-austin-a-40/
Yes I remember them from Parades also, Two of my great uncles were Shriners! Just saying they were not built just for Shriners .
These were built by the mcdonough power equipment co. otherwise known as Snapper. The design was bought a couple of different times to be built by other people. The latest guy to build them is still selling parts but they arent particularly cheap. I have over a grand in mine and it isnt even done yet. Very fun to drive around cruise ins though!
Dalesdeadbug, could you pass on the contact info for parts, I picked one up a year ago that I am in the process of restoring, Thanks in advance
the company is called sharp minie cars and the web site is
phone # 1-800-310-2590
Took me 2 weeks to find them. just be aware the wheels (new cast alum and powder coated are $100 EACH)
I have two of these little cars. This one is overpriced for its condition. It is missing the fiberglass fenders and the front wheels are not original. Parts car.
Way over priced is putting it mildly. I also have one that is almost mint in comparison.
There is a Facebook group for these little cars. It has a big title for celebrating small cars.
McDonough Power Equipment Tin Lizzies/buck boards