Last Of The Line: Rust-Free 1974 AMC Javelin AMX

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The other night, I was watching an episode of Adam-12. Officers Reed and Molloy were in a helicopter, chasing a perpetrator in a yellow ’73 Javelin with black stripes. From a few thousand feet in the air, it looked like a pretty sporty car. It turns out, it doesn’t look too bad from down here, either.

Many of you are certainly aware that 1974 was the last year of AMC’s foray into the world of pony cars. A mere 27,000-odd Javelins were sold that year, and under 5,000 of them were AMXs like our featured car.

When ordering the AMX, a buyer got the 304 V8 as standard equipment, although the 360 and 401 were optional. This car has the standard engine, but the seller says that it’s been upgraded with a Holley carb, Edelbrock intake, headers, a dual-point distributor, and a Detroit Locker (!). The original parts will come with the car in case the new buyer’s hot-rodding proclivities don’t match the seller’s.

When shopping for a collector car, almost everyone looks for the most solid body they can afford, because rust repair is expensive and frustrating. This picture of the trunk floor and rear wheelwell clearly show a car that has been high and dry since new. All pony cars were susceptible to rust, so finding one this clean is uncommon.

The interior also looks original, with the AMX’s engine-turned dashboard looking appropriately sporty. The seller mentions that there is a tear in the driver’s seat. The steering wheel doesn’t match AMXs I’ve seen, so I’d guess it’s from the aftermarket. If you were hoping for a four speed behind the 304, you’ll be disappointed: This one has the automatic.

The back seat looks as if it’s hardly been sat in, and the carpet resembles a 1970s living room just enough to be original.

The seller says that the odometer reads 54,121 miles, but doesn’t claim that it’s accurate. Given the clean presentation of the car, there’s certainly a chance that it’s true.

According to the ad, the car has a new radiator, brakes, tires, and tune up. If you’re looking for a perfect example of an AMX, the seller tempers expectations a bit by saying that the paint job is older and has some shrinking and cracking. It sure looks good in pictures, so if you’re willing to drive a 10-footer, or if you want to relive your favorite ’70s cop shows in person, this could be your dream Javelin. It’s currently for sale on Marketplace for $18,500; thanks to T.J. for the tip!


Auctions Ending Soon


  1. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    Ha ! I saw the same episode yesterday Aaron! A great program for car spotting. I think Malloy had the Matador in that one also. Take care, Mike.

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  2. Richard Truesdell

    Very unusual that it appears to be a non-A/C car looking underhood and the rust-free as it appears, that makes it, for me at least, a non-starter no matter what the price.

    What does everyone else think?

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    • Steve R

      It depends on where you live and what sort of driving you do. Where I live lack of AC would not be a big deal.

      Steve R

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    • JLHudson

      Most Javelins did not have A/C. Ambassadors had A/C standard.

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  3. PaulG

    Had this car in red, black T stripe and interior, 304 / 4 speed with A/C that was purchased new in Mesa Az at Randall’s. Never left Arizona and both rear quarter bottoms were rusted through, about 2inches. The reason; bad trunk seals. Almost all of these cars had the same issue. Nice to see this one, and great period colors too.
    I also love watching an occasional episode of Adam 12 or C.H.I.P’s for the background cars; in fact the opening scene in chips has a Javelin!
    IF this was a 4 speed w/ air I’d seriously consider it…

    Like 4
  4. That AMC guy

    I saw the same episode of Adam-12 last night! (A few episodes ago was the one where Pete Malloy brings home his new AMC Matador coupe which looked to be the same color as this car – and promptly gets a scraped front fender.)

    Minor nit, I don’t understand why so many people just say “marketplace” when they’re talking about Facebook ads. There are many marketplaces, makes no sense at all to me – Facebook is generally the last thing I ever think about unless someone specifically mentions it. (I never go near it myself.)

    Nice looking Javelin/AMX! Kind of a shame it has the smallest V8 though it is dressed up nicely. The 304 wasn’t putting out a lot of power in 1974, though of course today you can build it up to do a lot better. Also a shame there’s no AC but one could always elect to install a Vintage Air system. The odds of finding another one of these cars that is otherwise this nice is probably slim.

    Those compact inflatable spare tires are pretty rare and even rarer are the compressed air bottles they came with, and apparently missing here. I wouldn’t try to actually use one of those tires at this point, being 50 years old.

    I’m not sure what the gadget is under the dash on the left-hand side. It’s too thin to be a cassette tape deck, let alone 8-track. Maybe an FM converter?

    Like 4
    • Howard A. Howard A.Member

      Looks like an FM converter. Just a quick note on Facebook. I too was a long time holdout, some of the people it attracts are pretty rude, even though FB tries to regulate that. I’ve found lost friends I hadn’t heard from in 40 years, and sadly deaths too I never would have known about, family too, I have 3 nieces I’ve never met, but through FB, I at least know what they look like.
      To access any FB ads, you have to go through the heading “Marketplace”. It then directs you to vehicles, homes, whatever. Like it or not, most ads you see here are from FB, and it’s the hot button for any sales. I bought my Jeep off of FB, 10 miles away, I never would have known about it otherwise. Facebook is here to stay, and like any other tool, you may as well use it, or you’re at the loss.

      Like 6
      • That AMC guy

        I understand what you’re saying, but I look at logging onto Facebook the same way I’d look at wading into a rat-infested sewer – it’s just not anything I care to do and don’t feel I’m at a loss at all steering clear of it. (People really into Facebook seem to be in their own world, I know folks you can’t even have a conversation with without every other word out of their mouths being “Facebook” this or “Facebook” that.)

        Like 9
  5. Daleone3

    So I think we can all make one determination from this post and that is that we have a lot of Adam-12 fans on this site. I am 58 and will routinely put on for my oldest daughter and we enjoy all the car spotting that happens in thirty minutes. CHIPS is another one for some nice west coast cars though it is painful to watch them launch them on a rolling ramp when they are creating an accident scene on the highway. As for the car, never been an AMC fan but I would love to own this one, great driver for not alot of stupid SS/Z28 money, just a car to enjoy.

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  6. wjtinfwb

    Nice looking Rambler! Its funny how people think if the 71-73 Mustang as being big and bloated, the Javelin met the same fate! But these were nice cars with distinctive exterior lines and style, not everyone’s cup of tea but I like them. The 304 is no powerhouse, but since all AMC V8s were the same externally, build yourself a nice 401 and slip it in in place of the 304 one weekend. No one will know until you hit the gas and leave them in your mirror.

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  7. mustang melvin

    I used to have a 1970 AMX, and never cared for the hump fender 71-74 cars. It’s funny how these have grown on me over the years and now like them.

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  8. stillrunners stillrunnersMember

    Sweet !

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    For some reason I like it too, however that steering wheel gives me the creeps, I have a sport steering wheel that was standard on the AMX. that’s reason enough for me to buy it. However I am several Benjamin’s short.

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  10. PRA4SNW PRA4SNWMember


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