Mercedes 300SL on a U-Haul

Mercedes 300SL Sighting

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Everyone here in Idaho knows that there’s money in Sun Valley. So, it should come as no surprise that my wife and I spotted some high-end machinery during our quick drive up there the other day. We were on a mission to pick up a find of our own, but I won’t divulge any details about that just yet. Anyway, the highlights included a handful of Ferraris buzzing around, many classic cars cruising, and this Mercedes 300SL sitting on a trailer. What really caught my attention though was the fact that it was being towed on a U-Haul trailer. I don’t have anything against U-Haul, but people who can afford this kind of  car can afford to have a transporter do the dirty work. So, it makes you wonder if this was just a normal guy scoring his barn find of a lifetime. What do you think?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Aaron B.

    It could be a case where this is a project car for someone, and they have no need to buy a car hauler. I’ve hired a friend or two over the years who had haulers to tow the occasional car for me, but have never felt the need to go out and invest in a hauling setup of my own.

    Neat car, I must say…I could see it cruising up and down the streets of small town USA(or Canada in my case), with a retried couple just enjoying the day.

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    • david

      The 300 is not in Sun Valley. Maybe Ketchum FWIW

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  2. cat7

    Isn’t the Silver Auction there this weekend?

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    • JesseStaff

      Sure is. I don’t see a 300SL on the lot list though.

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      • jim s

        so what did you buy at the silver auction?

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  3. Doug M. (West Coast)Member

    Way to totally blow my concentration on the Friday before a 3 day weekend! I am just checking my emails before settling in to a productive day at work and I see your post of a 300SL!! There it sits on a U-Haul trailer!…. and my mind starts to imagine what all might be going on…. and there goes my Friday concentration… I’ll have to work through this with my therapist later on, as I am trying to “not think of any project cars” until I thin out a few in my “collection” that I haven’t made any progress on to date! :)

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  4. Leo

    500k + in price for one of these and hauling it on a uhaul… Really… Someone obviously doesnt belive in protecting their financal investments. These are no longer just cars, they are investment vehicles

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    • Paul Wegweiser

      They’re now currently changing hands (regularly) in the $1M range. Cars are meant to be driven. Paintings are meant to be looked at. I work on a few 300SLs… (my work in photo – underside of engine / suspension area) and you really NEED to run ’em! Gawd they’re complex beasties!

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  5. Chris in Nashville

    A good clue might be in the tow vehicle, if it was a nice SUV of some sort, could be a guy who earned his money the hard way and still believes in doing things himself. Heck if I had the cash to buy that car I would still want the adventure of going to pick it up.

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    • JesseStaff

      It was a crusty old pickup…

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      • Bentleyguy

        I knew a self-made man in Oregon, net worth in excess of $150,000 million who regularly drove a rusty 30 year old Chevy pick-up.

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  6. bowtiecarguy

    Amen Chris. Jesse, no fair not including a picture of what was towing this.
    Leo, a similar car was on BaT auction recently and bidding went to 900k but didn’t meet the reserve.

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  7. bcavileer

    We are all not Wayne C. out here. I have used a U-Haul a few times to haul to a show or new residence etc. Enclosed carriers are great, but if the weathers good…
    why not. Now a cross country transport, sure. I have used a national firm for that and they did a great job every time. Kinda like stopping for fuel or food and having people just start up conversations about the cars too. That don’t happen with a big box. I am with Chris.

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  8. Frank

    Thanks for using the open car hauler and enjoying the beauty up close. So many of these are locked up inside collections.
    How many times have you passed enclosed trailers and wondered about the treasure inside?
    Not this time

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  9. Olivier Perrault

    This car look’s fantastic. The gaps are really close, the paint and bright works.
    Obviously pulling the car in the ramp would be worrisome!
    I would think that this owner should have this 1.1 Million car on a more secure mode of transport. I would really hate to get a rock chip flying into the windshield!

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  10. dj

    I was at the Pontiacs in Pigeon Forge show this summer. Many of the show cars were hauled there on U-Haul trailers.

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  11. B and A

    I´ll go for the Burger & Chips instead.
    And the patio is open too!!!

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  12. Clay Bryant

    Maybe it’s an ad for U-Haul?
    Maybe he had told his wife that car he’s been working on for twenty years was just “a car” and he had to leave for the weekend to show it to some buyer named Ashley Madison that called him and would meet him part way…………..

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  13. Fogline

    My guess is that it is someone that has had it a long time and really hasn’t kept up on what they are worth. Around the time I bought my ’65 Mustang convertible it seems like the market was around $30K for these at the same classic car place I made my purchase and one was available in red. Would have been a much better investment it turns out than the Mustang (which I still have 20+ years later).
    I honestly didn’t realize until very recently that these had appreciated so much and I kind of pay attention.

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  14. roundhouse

    And the guy has never hauled a car before or he’d know you can’t load like that, with the car forward and not balanced on the trailer properly. If he’d let me take the MB for a spin I’d show him how to load it so he doesn’t lose everything before he gets where he’s going.

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  15. Paul Wegweiser

    I work on a few of these cars (300SLs) as a professional. Many of the owners have had them since they were merely $8000 old German cars. And many are truly “hands on” owners…which (though it might cut in to my work a bit) is a fantastic and beautiful thing, as far as I’m concerned. Seeing an owner that is intimate with their valuable classic (and has spent decades learning about it’s inner workings) is infinitely more enjoyable / gratifying, than seeing those that simply cart them to shows, wipe them off, and eventually auction them away, right after a high dollar restoration. Anyone can write a check…but love is priceless.

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  16. onebugatti

    I think the guy stopped for a $4.99 burger.
    I haul my own cars. When I need to get them done and dusted without waiting. When I hear of a deal, I connect the trailer, insert Fleet-Wood Mac and ”Go my Own Way”. Not being there FIRST when a car is offered by a waffering seller, waiting for a transporter , or WORST leaving the car behind for a later collection is 1000% more riskier. I use a sturdy steel 4 wheel, pulled by a 2008 diesel 4matic Merc, never over 65mph and slow in easy. The weight is on the Hitch- ALWAYS. For 40 years, never a problem. Not once.You think that old 300SL too valuable for an old open trailer? It just merely an old German car! Ha !

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  17. TVC15

    Maybe the cars owner owns U Haul ! I notice that it has Rudge knock off wheels , I am pretty sure only 29 of the total production of these roadsters had them from the factory , unless they are the very good repos out of Canada ?

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  18. Fred

    I’m sure this one is the real thing, but when I spotted a Gullwing in my little home town I was quickly educated about the repros that were once made. For a short time I thought I was gonna get a nice finders fee from that big classic car dealer of the same name.
    Of course, the car disappeared quickly and I can only assume it was a repro, never knew for sure.

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  19. TVC15

    @ Fred , Yes it is real ( the car ) I was writing about the knock off wheels

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  20. marc

    Just saying…..

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  21. rjc

    Great pic Marc!

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  22. Wiley Robinson

    Million dollar car being hauled on a U-Haul trailer behind a ratty old pickup? My guess is that there’s going to be some guy somewhere who’s livid when he opens up his garage and founds out his car has been stolen.

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