Save this MG Magnette from the Crusher


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Reader James A. just found this MG Magnette that the seller claims will be crushed if not sold soon. He thought someone here might want to save it, even if it’s just for parts. These are rather rare here in the States, so there surely has to be someone out there that who sees some potential here. It can be found here on craigslist in Columbia, South Carolina with an asking price of $650. A special thanks goes to James for the tip.


It appears that someone has already started parting this MG out, with many of the major components already gone. Hopefully there is still enough here to make it worth saving.


Considering its location, the body is surprisingly intact and could provide another Magnette with some necessary components. It would be a shame to see such a rare vehicle parted out further, but it’s better then the alternative. Hopefully someone will save it from impending doom!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. jim

    what is that car in the background? if the seller makes it a 2 for 1 price someone might buy. seller would have to spend time/money to remove so maybe something can be worked out.

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    • Ray Pittam

      I was thinking the same thing Jim, It looks like an old Jag. It caught my eye faster than the MG. I bet there are several old cars at that place.
      I am a Volunteer who deliver’s water Tanks to areas burnt out by Forest Rires and other disaste’s. And you would be greatly surprised what I find out in the wild where it has grown up over 50 to 90 years in brush. I found a 1901 Oldsmobile that was redone in the 1950’s then lost for over 60 years in Manzanita and Black Berry’s. I am now representing the
      KIAHONORFLAG as well as SoldStarWall and the Americanfallenwarriormemorialfoundation with it. I am raising awareness by driving it across the Western U.S.A. 90 days and 455 miles. I am trying to find sponsors for some of my expenses. But will do it either way. The weather has been divistating as well as minor break downs.

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  2. Robert J

    With all respect for the parts car, you would be upside down even if he paid you $650 to take this pile away.

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    • Ray Pittam

      Robert: I traded a 1955 Studebaker President with a Great Paackard motor and good solid body for three Brass head Lights and two Brass Tail Lights and a 20″ Air Horn for my 1901 Oldsmobile and none of them matched. But, as I see it, he car is 113 years old and who cares if the lights match if it is raising $1,000,ooo.00 for our Wounded and Fallen Warriors. Answer: Only those who think they are so high and mighty who just happen to have had a real one passed down to them or some Member of a Club I belong too and found to be mostly a bunch of snobs. You know, sometimes it is not how great a car is, But how great the service is that it provides. With my Old refurbished 1901 Oldsmobile Imposter, everyone loves it enough that I have raised several Thousands of Dollars with it when people with Real Model A or even appear with me to help fund raise for our Hero’s. IF, I wanted an Old Model A. or T, or anyother style Vintage vehicle, I am like most of them, a Senior Citizen, Former business Owner, and can find the money to buy most anything I wish. I turned down a 1929 Cadilac and a 1927 Buick Touring car just a month ago because I love the Imposter more and peope also love it.

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  3. Ian

    looks like a Mk II Jaguar in the background

    MG Magnettes are getting rare (and expensive) in the UK now as well

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  4. Richard V

    It looks like a Jag 3.8 MKll sedan.

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  5. MikeG

    What an interesting little beast. Too bad the owner opted for the damp leaves storage method.

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    • Ray Pittam

      With People like you sir, Our History of yesterday will die fast. It is a shame you can only see the negative and not one ounce of Positive. Go try to buy those tail Lights today. Or the Bumer and the Doors even if they have rust in them. If you are a Car Buff, Those are Gold. Sorry for your ignorance, it shows.

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    • Horse Radish

      I second that.
      Nowadays the cars are built to be thrown away, so along come the same thinking.
      The poster above must have been bred in that environment or has a serious character flow (imho)……
      And he is screaming too.
      I would say take all the 2008 (for example) Kias and stick those in the crusher before this car here…..

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  7. DolphinMember

    These were upscale sedans when they were new, and were very nice inside, with leather seats and an attractive interior, even if the exterior was a bit underwhelming to look at. Many British cars from this era were more impressive from the inside than the outside.

    Too bad this is so far gone and missing so many components. It’s certainly not feasible to restore, but before it gets crushed I hope someone saves all the trim, bumpers, lights, glass, steering wheel, small mechanisms like window winders, and so on. For someone trying to restore a Magnette or keep one on the road all those pieces would be worth the $650.

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    • Ray Pittam

      Dolphin: I salute you in your post, A man with Common sense. Thank You!

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  8. Ray Pittam

    I wish I knew how to post the photo of my 1901 Oldsmobile I found on a ranch where the owner didn’t even have an idea he had. We found it October 10 2012, and a 97 year old Mechanic had the Old Kohlar motr runnng in two days. I drove that motor over 500 miles before it blew the rod. I have rebuilt the car, and am still upgrading it, But it raises $5.00 U.S. every time I do a short ride around a six block area in the name of a Fund Raiser. Some people have donated as much as $40.00 U. S. and gave the ride to a child. The wood on the Old car was in such bad shape I could grind it into dust with my finger’s. I would not take $50,000 for it today only seven months later. I have over $16,000.00 tied up in it with the stupid high price of labor of today. Sad thing is, Most Mechanics are not worth $3.50 Per Hour U. S.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseStaff

      Please email us a photo.

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  9. Mike Bowman

    This guy is also selling a 69 XKE, if you type in his phone number into the search bar on craigslist it pops out a decent amount of stuff that he is selling

    Heres a link to the XKE

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseStaff

      Thanks for bringing that to our attention. He does have a lot of unique stuff.

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      • jim

        in the background of the some pictures from his other listing there is even more items of interest. if someone lives close and can make a visit it maybe what we are seeing is just the “tip of iceberg”. this has turned out to be a very great find. i wonder why/if they are selling out?

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    • Horse Radish

      I think that Smirnoff box (!!) says a lot between the lines, no ?

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  10. Bernie

    Hey, Mike B., thanks for the link to the Jag. I’d sure love to see this guys shop!!, the background in these pix sure look interesting. I’ll bet this was a junk yard some time ago, and now its a “project sales -rare venicles outlet”. I’m as bad as those American Picker guys, I love roaming thru old yards. All of my vehicles have been some elses unfinished projects.

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  11. Bryan Cohn

    I wonder if this stuff is part of Tony Drum’s Sports Car Salvage in Mt Holly, NC? The CL add is out of Charlotte, the phone is SC. He was/is a pack rat of the high caliber from what I’ve been told…..

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseStaff

      You may be right Bryan. I just updated the new post with a map.

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  12. Jesse Mortensen JesseStaff

    We went ahead and wrote up a post about the other cars:

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  13. Horse Radish

    About this and other cars in the same situation.
    Bottom line:
    The lowest and cheapest of the junk yards will pay about 500 a car. A metal recycler /crusher will give you not much less for it.
    SO, to think, that you can get this for less is ludicrous, unless the seller deems it necessary to donate the difference to that gracious cheapskate who comes along.

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  14. Ian was suggested at the top….it would be great parts car if nothing else..
    and if nothing else-started a whole lot of posts !!

    check out Wikipedia for more info just to see what a nice car they are !

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  15. John

    In its day, this was a wonderful car. They had grey flannel interiors, and looked like baby Rolls Royces. I think I saw one with red leather seats. Most had polished walnut dash boards and little grab loops in the back seat.. Its so sad to see one that no one loves anymore. Its cars like this that may someday make me buy lottery tickets. It would cost a small fortune to restore it, and the investment could never be recouped except in the feeling that you get when you get in it and look around. Come to think of it, that may well be the best imaginable return on the investment. I hope someone rescues it.

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