Whether it’s rocket ship lamps, robots, or even one-of-a-kind automobiles, Los Angeles artist Baron Margo has been fabricating unique steampunk-style metal creations for years, with this far-out-wheeled oddity being one of them. If you’ve been searching for something truly custom with a guarantee that there’s none other like it in the world, this work of art might be a good way to spend $20,000, though I’m guessing it will probably receive mixed reactions at your local car gatherings. Barn Finds reader Jack M. spotted this one for sale here on Facebook Marketplace in L.A., and we’d like to thank him for sending us the tip!
When a seller markets their goods, attractive pictures and favorable surroundings are essential, and unfortunately, this one just doesn’t present very well amongst its stash of siblings sitting in the dirt in what looks like it could be somebody’s backyard. I’m trying to imagine how much more appealing this Baron would look at a better photo shoot location, cleaned up a bit, and moved to perhaps a lakefront area with a nice sunset in the background. Presently, it kind of comes across as abandoned, and that’s a shame because I’m convinced somebody out there needs this!
No information is provided as to what event in particular inspired this one, if any, or maybe the artist just woke up one morning with a vision. That’s how Salvador Dali often operated when getting behind a canvas, and it’s not all that surprising to find out that Baron Margo cites the late painter as his favorite artist. But going back to the car, the seller says it measures more than 20 feet in length, with room for the driver plus one more occupant.
Among the body curvature, some fun details begin to emerge once you start to look closely, such as the wings and antenna-like object in front of the driver, the latter of which must extend out at least three feet beyond the front wheels. However, I believe my favorite feature is what appears to be an air induction system near the rear, proving that a successful mix of form and function can indeed be achieved.
We don’t get to view any engine pics, but this one’s said to be powered by VW products, including the engine, transmission, and front suspension. Judging from the rust that’s formed on the steering wheel, the car seems to have spent more time stationary than moving, although it is said to have been road-tested. I am spotting some appropriate lighting in the correct places, so if they’re functional, maybe you could get this registered and operate it on the streets in your town. Is this Baron Margo creation a piece of art you’d be interested in owning, and maybe even driving?
American Pickers visited this Baron fellow in L.A. one episode. Apparently, this is only one of this guys creations. He does some radically different stuff. Like it or not, the guy is a genius. I always wonder how they fund this craziness, but after all, it is California.
California isn’t necessarily expensive if you’ve been a long time resident and bought before housing prices skyrocketed in the late-1990’s when manufacturing was replaced by tech companies. My parent house is paid off, they live on the peninsula half way between San Francisco and San Jose, my dad doesn’t have a pension, yet they live comfortably on their combined social security of $30,000 a year without touching his IRA or 401k other than the annual RMD, which goes directly into savings. It’s incredibly expensive for new home buyers and renters, especially those wanting to near LA and SF, but it’s a misconception that it’s expensive for everyone.
Steve R
House prices in Toronto have gone through the roof. Seems that everyone immigrating to Canada wants to live in the GTA. Very few homes for less than 1.5 million. Didn’t your parents tax go up up accordingly?
Jack, California dealt with uncontrolled increases in property taxes in the late 1970’s, Google prop 13, which caps increases assessments at 2% and I believe the rate at 2%. Every time a house sells, it’s assessed value is reset to the purchase price, then limited to the same 2% annual increase. This has save many elderly home owners from having to sell their houses because of property taxes. Cities and new home owners hate it, but it constrains the cites from wasting money, which they would. Over time as houses turn over the property taxes increase enough that financially prudent cities still meet their needs.
Steve R
I beg to differ. Many are not long time residents. Those folks sold out for subdivisions years ago. My daughter lives in L.A., bought a house 10 years ago for $650K, now worth over a mil. I should talk, Colorado is one of the worst. $4 figure rent for a transformed garage is common. I live in an assisted housing for seniors, and couldn’t live here otherwise. I read, people are leaving California in droves, headed for guess where? Yep, the housing has exploded in my little town, not so little anymore.
I think one can live cheaply, but getting harder to find. I try and keep up with what the current administration will do with assisted living grants.
I would have to disagree on this. Housing costs and taxes have driven everything through the roof. The high cost of basic needs in CA is MUCH higher than other states. Think $200.00 water bills, $3000.00 rent, $60.00 daily food costs, forget about eating out. When I visit family I can’t understand how residents get by. Their entire life is spent earning to pay bills.
I escaped 40 years ago and it was overpriced even then.
I do like this car, it just needs a C-20 turbine in it to complete the vibe. It appears to be well done, but really needs some love.
“the annual RMD, which goes directly into savings”. Copy THAT! 4%.
Funny… I thought this was site was about cars…
All this California property tax chat makes me wince having just gone through the sale of a half dozen properties in California upon the passing of my father. Prop 13 was largely torpedoed a few years ago by Proposition 19 which basically re-assesses your property tax on all inherited properties. Prior to Prop 19 you could inherit your families property and the existing property tax carried over to the inherited party. Proposition 19 largely did away with that. Upon my fathers passing, our property tax went up 14x essentially forcing us out of the state. Additionally, Prop 19 requires you to move into the inherited property, make it your primary residence and THAN your property tax is reassessed on anything over the first $1M in value. That means if the inherited property is worth, say $2M, the property tax is going to increase by roughly $11,000 per year, on top of what you are already paying! You can thank the California Board Of Realtors for getting this on the ballot in an attempt to create more inventory. The CA voters were too stupid to realize in impact.
(Social security completely maxes out at age 70 with a benefit of $4,873.00. X2= $9,746.00.)
A car in need of a car-toon. Where’s Dastardly when you need him?
Heh heh heh….
Or something Wile E. would use chasing the Roadrunner.
Or something Wile E. would use chasing the Roadrunner b
Its best attribute is it makes a Cybertruck look good.
Sorry, Terrry, NOTHING can make a cybertruck look good.
With the driver and a passenger on board, you could use the HOV lane- a great selling feature.
Shouldn’t this be vertical instead of horizontal?
This would be a big hit at Cruise Missiles and Coffee…
Wonderful find for a aluminum recyclers nightmare.
Did anyone see the shifter knob?
Obviously the late ’60s thru today have been good for this man.
Price wise, he’s out to lunch.
Have fun ya’all!
If ever a “car” screamed out to be electrified, this is it. A battery pack and a small motor would make it the talk of the town.
I met Baron years ago at my friend Tony Tierno’s fabrication shop in Silverlake. He would come in for advise and show off his latest projects. I thought they were so frickin cool. But Tony always remarked that they were all death traps and should not be allowed on any sort of public roadway. Still everyone loved his contraptions.
Controls on the left similar to an aircraft’s throttle, mixture and prop controls.
Those are the heater controls. Gets chilly when yur wrapped in aluminum and stain.
Don’t care what it costs to live in Ca, let’s talk the car. See 3 pedals and knobless shifter, what are the aviation controls on the left? Hiding an Afterburner in there? Interior looks alot like an old Formula V racer had years ago
Wes, check the shifter again. It has a mans head replica. I’m assuming it is of the owner, maker?
That rocket car is pretty wild, I know how it would attract attention like my Moto Guzzi powered Morgan replica does. It has aircraft yoke steering, quick turns are a bit awkward not being able to do hand over hand like a normal steering wheel. Scarier still is looking over and seeing a driver with his camera taking a vid.
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About the car, thank god there’s only one!