Period Modifications: Rusty Alfa Romeo GTV

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I spotted this 1973 Alfa Romeo GTV on craigslist a few weeks ago, as did Barn Finds reader Roger. This is a complete basketcase, but I can somewhat understand why someone purchased it from a Copart auction and is now trying to save it. More on that in a minute, after you’ve feasted your eyes on the amazing combination of rust and bubblegum that’s somehow keeping this Alfa in one piece. Find it here on craigslist with an ask of $3,800.

Now, GTVs are obviously sought after cars but like anything vintage and Italian, it is extremely prone to rust if left neglected. The sticker in the windshield is a tell-tale sign of a Copart auction site, and how they ended up with this car which is clearly craigslist fodder is a mystery. What’s intriguing about it, however, is that it retains numerous period modifications that could likely be salvaged and installed on another GTV.

The period mesh alloy wheels, the Recaro seats, the three-spoke Momo-or-something-similar steering wheel – these are all hallmarks of car that, at one time, was likely in decent condition and cherished by an owner. You don’t throw money at expensive aftermarket parts like those if your intent is to let it rust away in New Jersey winters. Those seats are likely worth at least $1K even in their current condition, and the wheels and steering wheel might make it an even $2K.

Then, you factor into a period turbocharger kit and suddenly, the asking price here almost seems justified for the parts value alone. Could it be a Jayco or Callaway kit? I’m not equipped to make that judgement call, but there’s little doubt the parts thrown at this GTV should live on in another more worthy car. The seller’s asking price is still too high considering the work the next owner will have to do (and they’ll have to discard the carcass), but perhaps it’s a starting point for negotiation.


  1. ChebbyMember

    That is perfect to buy and leave in the “BOSS” parking spot at work.

    Like 13
    • Superdessucke

      Yes. At somebody else’s workplace. And then run like hell.

      Like 3
  2. Vance

    I need a tetanus shot just looking at the picture.

    Like 16
  3. Gaspumpchas

    parts car looks like flood damaged. Fliiper wants to make some fast $$ with a copart junk…good luck…might be some saleable parts there..ask seems high…



    Like 3
  4. Scott Marquis

    Ran when sunk.

    Like 16
  5. Sukey

    Was this found on the sea floor next to the titanic ?
    If so put it back
    It can act as an anode to protect her

    Like 4
    • Rocket8

      No, this was closer to the Andrea Doria…

      Like 1
  6. Fiete T.

    Are we sure Teddy Kennedy was driving an Oldsmobile that night..?

    Like 17
    • Matt

      yeah, I’ve been to the Dyke bridge. but this thing looks like it sat at the bottom of the same pond since it was built. he should be paying someone $3800 to remove it. the cost of restoration would bankrupt Bezos.

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  7. Ralph

    Copart does sell donated cars, that what this could have been, probably run hard and modded in the 70’s speedo reads 51K miles or possibly 151K, which would be astronomical for an Alfa.

    Its cool to see the period era “driving enthusiast” modifications like the Recaros, my guess is that this was enjoyed thoroughly until the turbo probably killed the motor and it was left to rot.

    Like 2
  8. MikeG

    Nothing a little Naval Jelly won’t handle.

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  9. Bob S

    In 1976, I had the opportunity to buy one for $2500 asking, can’t remember the year, but it had the twin Webers on it. It was a pretty car, but I couldn’t imagine how a high maintenance car like that would have survived as an airport car. I passed on it and stuck with my beetles. I liked the car enough to always wondered how it would have worked out if I had bought it. It was a joy to drive,
    I loved the styling, but knew they had a bit of a reputation.

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  10. MikeG

    Nothing a little Naval Jelly won’t handle.

    Like 4
  11. Sam61

    Too nice and too low of a price to be a BHCC listing.

    Like 2
  12. Vegaman Dan

    I wouldn’t touch that one. The windows are dirty! Nope, not worth it with dirty windows.

    But really, it is so far gone as to be worth a challenge to rebuild it just to say you did. But only if it were free and you got a ton of parts with it.

    Like 2
  13. BobinBexley Bob in Bexley

    I’d take the steering wheel & who cares about the rest ! & maybe the alloy wheels.

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  14. Superdessucke

    Yup. Looks like it was neglected alright!

    Like 1
  15. Ike Onick

    The “SpongeBob Square Pants” Special Edition. Very rare.

    Like 0
  16. Wrong Way

    What a cryin shame it was left to the elements to rot! These are, and were very fun cars! My buddy had one and I guess still has it mothballed away! I would love to get with him and put his back on the road! We did a whole bunch of women, back in the day! Don’t know if it was the car, or a couple crazy jar heads, I didn’t care then! It was all about the good times and the moment!

    Like 1
  17. Jasper

    Yeah, don’t leave your car next to the dryer vent or parked over a sewer grate.

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  18. Tara

    Well…….it does have 1 perfect rear light and that has to be worth $10.

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  19. Del

    Todays Barn Find Joke


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  20. Sheffieldcortinacentre

    Good condition for one of those, those steering wheel s are cheap enough new & the seat’s will cost the same as any pair of recaros to recover so I see a grands worth of running gear that probably needs a rebuild.

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  21. Bodyman68

    I see junk ! 2 j-hooks and a t-bar and drag it back to where ever it was and let it rest and rust in peace

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  22. meace3

    Is that seaweed on the top of the dashboard?

    Like 0

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