Rare Coupe: 1967 Glas GT

1967 Glas GT

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Being a 1967, this Glas GT was built just prior to the company’s acquisition by BMW. By late 1967, this basic shell was being sold with the BMW 1573cc engine, but it looks like this one has the original 1682cc Glas powerplant. Located in Sacramento, California and offered here on craigslist for $7,500, this unusual small-volume German coupe would provide an opportunity to have the only one like it at your local cars-n-coffee. I think the plastic wheel covers would find a trash can shortly after purchase (like at the one-mile stop to check on trailer strap security), but hopefully the California climate has been kind to the body, making a quick resurrection a possibility.

1967 Glas GT Interior

The photography in the ad leaves a little to be desired, but as far as I can tell the car is largely complete. I keep seeing Porsche 911 in the greenhouse styling; am I the only one? Overall, I can see this being a fun but frustrating project, with the frustration coming from the rarity (only just over 5,000 produced) and therefore parts availability. I did find a great purchase guide to the model from the Glas club in Germany that also states that many spare parts are being reproduced, although sheet metal is not. Are any of you Barn Find readers up for this challenge?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. DT

    CAUTION: Flipper in training!

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  2. Grr

    does anyone know the specific differences between the two engines?

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    • Bosse J.

      Both engines are OHC, 4 cylinder, cross-flow engines.
      BMW has a timing chain, Glas has a rubber timing belt. First in the world.
      Glas has a double barrel carb from Solex, BMW has 2 double barrel carbs Solex PHH.
      Cylinder capacity are almost equal: 1700 Vs. 1600. There was a 1300 engine from Glas.

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  3. DT

    I know Glas invented and patented the rubber timing belt,Thats why BMW got nervious and bought them out.The motor made by Glas was a 1700,with the rubber belt,and the motor instaled by BMW was the same 1600 motor from the 1600 sedans.The body was desinged to be the next generation of Borgward Coupes,But BMW pushed Borgward out of business.

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    • BosseL.

      BMW bought a trailing Glas company for one reson; they needed capacity nd that was available in Dingolfing.
      There was a contract between Glas and Frua for a big nunber of bodies so BMW modified the body for their 1600 M10, gearbox and rear end. 1257 were built.
      I restored one of hem. Extremely rusty!
      Mercedes pushed Borgward out of business and got some fine technology to use.

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      • Bosse J.

        This statement stands also today, but I missed to say that the engine was the Ti, with 2 doublebarrel Solex PHH carbs.
        Regretfully, I sold my car last winter and I miss it deeply.
        During a BMW rally in Germany I happened to meet a member from the US with a former Swedish 1600 GT, exported from Sweden to USA! Great to meet him in Germany.
        All together, these nice cars are great cars to drive once you got rid of the rust.
        Check my home page for restoration details: http://www.bgj.se

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  4. DolphinMember

    This is a very rare and desirable car, so unfortunately the seller is probably right that it’s worth the $7500 that he wants to the few people who might want to buy one. This must be one of the last of the very few unrestored Glas 1700 GTs that ever made it to No America. No underside shots, but it is a CA car—-for its whole life I hope—-so there’s a chance the underside is reasonably OK. It could be just the front fenders that need metalwork.

    I also see some 911 in the greenhouse, but I don’t know of any influence between Glas and Porsche. Both the 911 and the Glas 1300GT, which has essentially the same body design as the 1700GT, came out in 1963, so it’s hard to make a case for influence in one specific direction. Probably the greenhouse design idea was simply ‘in the air’ in Bavaria at the time.

    BMW bought Glas in 1966 and got the land and plant in Dingolfing, which has become one of the most important places in Germany for BMW manufacturing. IIRC BMW M is there, which makes it very important for people who like M cars and BMW racing.

    And those hubcaps might be included in the sale, as the seller says, but they definitely are not original. The originals were small chromed caps that covered not much more than the hub area. DT is right—–probably a flipper in training, one who knows little about the car and less about photography and marketing.

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    • Horse Radish

      Not quite the last as I have a half dozen awaiting resto, and had the chance to by a half dozen more.
      In fact a green one just like that about 20 years ago at a pick part and it was gone after one week before I could get there to take (more) parts off….(I still have the original ID tag, if anybody here knows IF and where the car was saved).

      The emphasis on “needing restoration” as the majority of the surviving cars do.

      Flippers have gone into resto-car market made fashionablle by certain dealers…..
      With one very limiting factor: buyers

      I CERTAINLY WOULD N O T SUPPORT THAT and therefore PASS on this one…..

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      • Horse Radish

        the sad part about this post is that the extra ‘traffic’ this will bring reaffirms this person’s asking price, though it’s probably double or more of what this car is worth, even to the most dedicated “Glas’ enthusiast…..

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      • Stan

        I am hoping this email reaches you. You can reply stan.chamallas@me.com.

        I see in your post you have “at least half a dozen” waiting resto” I am searching for a 1700 GT or BMW 1600 GT in need of restoration as a project.

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  5. Leon

    Why do owners of unique and rare cars put the butt ugly Wal Mart wheel covers on them. Really detracts from the styling of the cars

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    • Horse Radish

      as said above : Flipper in training
      (He thinks he’s justifying selling price for upgrade)

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  6. DT

    Frua designed this body for Borgward,These were to be the second series coupe’,he also designed the Lloyd coupe,@ 1959-1960,They only made a few Lloyd coupes,I dont know how many of these bodies were made,but I assume more than the Lloyd. Then the powers that be manipulated Borgward out of business,so that project got put on the back burner.Then Glas builds the German motors to go into the Italian Bodies.Thats the Glas 1300gt &1700gt.BMW gets nervous and buys out Glas.Then BMW tries their motor,but that was very short lived.Giving Porsche plenty of time to come up with something very similar.

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  7. David Frank DavidMember

    If anyone is seriously interested in this Glas, I’ll be happy to contact the owner and see if he’ll let me take more pictures if there’s something you’d really like a picture of. (My mirrorless DSLR has a tilt up screen that’s great for taking pics of the underside) I live in the area.

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  8. Horse Radish

    I wouldn’t mind to see more photos.
    Especially from underneath shock towers, the bottom of A-pillar and inside front fenders, rocker panels and floor, trunk.
    I don’t see the bumpers he has promised and what they look like…..
    front fenders are welded with body, so there’s probablt rust underneath the same as on BMW E9s…
    does the engine turn ?

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    • Matt

      @ Horse Radish: I’d like to hear about your half-dozen and get advice.

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  9. Matt

    I ended up purchasing this car (at a reasonable price), so if anyone has advice/parts/experience please contact me at deltahf_2@yahoo.com. The pans and trunk are fine, the most serious rust is by the passenger’s A-pillar (pillar ok) and on top of the fender on the driver’s side, but it should (hopefully) be repairable without too much work and there appears to be nothing structural. It hasn’t run in quite some time so for the moment I am beginning the mechanical restoration.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      Thanks for letting us know, Matt! Keep us informed on how things go, and we’d love to see some better pictures!

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    • JesseStaff

      Thanks for letting us know Matt! Please send in progress updates so we can publish them on the site. Good luck!

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