What To Do? 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback

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When the Mustang was born in the Spring of 1964, the fastback version was not part of the line-up. That would arrive until a few months later when full-year 1965 production commenced in the Fall of 1964. When the dust settled, more than 77,000 fastbacks were built in 1965 (out of 559,000 total Mustangs). This one has led a hard life, having been in a rollover and most of its important stuff removed. As a potential parts car, this Ford is in the woods in Pine Grove, Pennsylvania, and available here on eBay where a handful of brave bids have raised the ante to $1,136.

According to the seller, the VIN on this pony identifies it as having the basic 289 cubic-inch V8 when it left the factory, along with an automatic transmission. But the engine compartment is bare now, so they may have been extricated after the car’s accident that left the roof and left rear quarter a mess. And from the right side of the car, it appears to bow in the middle, indicating that attempting to do anything but remove a few items that may be reusable.

The car has a clear title and a good VIN although the door tag is missing. Rust has begun to consume what was left after the mishap and the seller is willing to part out what’s left. So you’re welcome to come harvesting and then leave the rest of the car. We don’t see much of the interior, but there doesn’t seem to be much there to get excited about either. What do you see here that would help with your own Mustang project?


  1. 8banger 8bangerMember

    Wowzers, I can’t see this even being good for parts…

    Like 37
    • Kevin Kendall

      Rougher than three nights in jail

      Like 6
    • Bryan N

      Landfill would be nice!

      Like 3
  2. Nevadahalfrack NevadahalfrackMember

    Compare this to the one Adam edited on 24 February that sold for $48+K- IMO it’ll take at least that much coin just to make it drivable and even then it’s still a complete total remade..

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  3. Troy

    Crush it I don’t see any usable parts

    Like 20
    • James


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      • Tom

        Maybe a good passenger door handle.

        Like 1
  4. Mike D

    “HAS GOOD VIN AND TITLE” and “ BUYER MAY PULL WHAT THEY WANT AND LEAVE THE REST”. Says it all. VIN tags for sale to highest bidder.

    Like 32
    • Danno

      VIN tag and a bunch of money to Dynacorn.

      Like 9
  5. Howie

    I would like to test drive first before i bid.

    Like 36
  6. mike

    Just another ”you have to be kidding”ad.

    Like 18
    • bobhess bobhessMember

      Already added to the list.

      Like 2
  7. Maggy

    Detail w/ a Carnuba wax buff job and good to go…..to the crusher.Even a dead man gets a new suit.

    Like 14
  8. TomP

    I must be getting old. I thought switching vin tags and titles was illegal. But nowadays sellers are right out in the open about switching vins and titles… Maybe it’s ok to do that now…
    I took a ride with a friend last week, he drove through twelve stop signs, and never used his turn signal once. All these years I’ve been abiding by the laws, but maybe they just don’t matter anymore.

    Like 21
    • Steveo

      Welcome to Earth. You must be new here…

      Like 14
    • gary

      The laws matter when you get caught and find yourself in front of a judge getting sentenced to 5 years for car theft. I know two guys that rebuilt their old trucks, replaced sheet metal with good used stuff. 70’s F100 drivers door and a dashboard on a 90’s GMC, both with serial numbers from stolen vehicles. Both sat in jail for a week end before they could be bailed out and almost went to prison. Be stupid and switch VIN’s, brag about it on line like morons begging to be caught. There are at least four hidden numbers on cars that will be found on a police inspection. Chryslers have numbers on the radiator support, cowl, frame rails and under the package trays to start. Then you have people suing you because you sold them a car with phony paperwork so fraud charges will be added. Not worth it for a few bucks imo

      Like 19
    • Dick Gosinya

      switching vins and title is illegal hiway patrol knows all the tricks fat chance to do it and pass dmv inspection there are hidden vins etc. yours truly, Dick Gosinya

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  9. Oldschool Muscle

    Not worth SQUAT!!!

    Like 5
  10. Joe

    Just let the poor thing fade away. She’s suffered enough humiliation.

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  11. Big C

    Looks like a teenage kid took out his rage on this thing. After he rolled it into a ditch. Beat to a pulp. Farewell.

    Like 4
  12. Rusty Trawler

    You buy this just for the Vin # number and nothing else.

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  13. Ken

    Not even interested in car but first thing that came to mind was sending the WeGoLook person out to take detailed pictures. Just struck me as funny…

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  14. Tom Goodhall

    Take off the rear bumper, and put a fork in the rest of the car.

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  15. Clipper

    This Mustang already ran off into the sunset.

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  16. John C.

    Gee! finally a car that’s reasonably priced, looks like a easy restoration too! lol!

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  17. Lance

    I’d go for the Ford pickup .

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  18. bull

    Cut the fastback roof off, repair the roof damage on the fastback roof and install the fastback roof on a good Mustang coupe.

    Done all the time now!

    Gets ya a good Mustang fastback on the CHEAP!

    Like 3
  19. Hammer

    Hahahahahahahahahahah deep breath hahahahahahaha!

    Like 7
  20. Shuttle Guy Shuttle GuyMember

    Why is it we seem to see more Mustangs in this shape here than any other make?

    Like 2
    • bone

      1. They made millions of them
      2. They were/are extremely popular , so even ones that were junked quickly were stripped out by others who still drove them
      3. They were notorious for rusting out
      4. junkyards held on to everyone they had, thinking the stripped out ,rusty old carcasses still had :gold” in them.

      And now, with everything old going for big money, all those Mustangs that were rusting peacefully in the woods are being dragged out with a hefty price tag

      Like 5
  21. Michael Freeman Michael Thomas Freeman

    This is pointless. Just cut the VIN/Data plates off and take a picture with a sale tag on them. A wrecker would pull it in half.

    Like 1
  22. TouringFordor

    I find it interesting that it is a “clear” title, and not a salvage title. My M35A2 was “totaled” after an engine fire. Just needed a wiring harness and fuel lines, which my son-in-law is doing now.

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  23. Dick

    The rear end might be good

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  24. Bunky

    What to do? Put your hand over your heart, and play “Taps” – as it’s drug onto the rollback.

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  25. Phil

    He’s dreamin.

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  26. Max

    Based on all the entertaining comments, I believe there’s a movie script here – “VINtage in 60 Seconds”.

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  27. Jeff W

    junk it,,not enough metal there to get a 12 pk

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  28. danny

    As long as the vin tag is attached to the original sheet metal, the transfer would not be illegal. Cars have been rebuilt by the insurance companies for years, removing damaged sheet metal from every aspect of a car, or rebuilding around the original vin tag or firewall tags. Nothing wrong with that process!

    Like 2
    • Terry

      So, you cut out a 2′ piece of metal and weld in in a car with no title and it is legal? I dont think so. You better talk to a Highway Patrol inspector before you cross that line

      Like 0
  29. DA

    Easily fixed in a weekend. Just weld in a couple of plates.

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  30. T. MannMember

    What to do?


    Like 3
    • timothy r herrod

      What to do? The answer is obvious

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  31. wayne

    ran when parked

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  32. ACZ

    Talk about a horse that’s been rode hard and put up wet a time too many!

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  33. eric22t

    there MIGHT ahsayyy might be a grand worth of pickie parts left in there

    Like 1
  34. R.I.P.

    it will buff out…..just needs a $150,000 detail job….lol

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  35. robh693


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    • Phil

      Definitely not driving

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  36. Paul S

    Why does the hood look so long.
    Junk it, not worth saving. Put it to rest.

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  37. conrad alexander

    can i drive it home ?

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  38. Phil

    The tire looks like it still has a lot of rubber left.

    Like 1
  39. Robert Levins

    Barn Finds is a fantastic place to be. Where else can you find so many great, like minded people just like us who will comment endlessly on a worthless piece of junk? I love it. Keep‘em coming! I’m looking forward to more and more stories from you folks! I’ll even tell a few myself! As with this car, or should I say “worthless” junker, just give me $200.00 and I’ll take it off your hands and scrap the rest – Nice article.

    Like 1
  40. John C.

    Bidding is up to $1325.00! somebody wants it

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  41. Dave

    when you can buy everything new for a Mustang….you’d hafta pay me to haul that pos off to the scrapper/

    Like 1
  42. Phil

    Sold!!! $2753. Just a little more than I paid for a ’66 Mustang, V8 automatic in perfect condition from original owners around 1990. Traded it for a ’76 Fiat Spyder. Wish I had both of them today.

    Like 0

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