Sitting Since ’78: 1967 Shelby GT350


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The owner of this GT350 has had it for over 30 years now and just came to the realization that they are never going to get around to restoring it. That’s a shame, but it’s good to know this prized pony can now go to someone with the resources to finish the job. It needs a full restoration, but appears to be mostly complete. It was a factory red car and the seller has the Marti report and a clear title. It’s located in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee and is listed here on craigslist for $49,500 or best trade. Thanks goes to Keith C for the tip!


The photos are terrible, but I can see enough to believe that this is a real Shelby. Well, some people would still say it’s not. Shelby’s actual involvement in these cars was starting to diminish by this time. Production had moved out of his facilities and into Ford’s. Some would say that the cars had grown soft when compared to their predecessors. That wasn’t really anyone’s fault though. Ford had to keep up with the times and that meant they needed a bigger car that they could fit a big block into. This GT350 still had a whole lot to like about it though.


The K-Code 289 was still the powerplant of choice! The high rise Cobra manifold isn’t in place in the photo, so let’s hope it’s in a box somewhere. This high revving engine put out a decent amount power for its size and was perfect for a car that needed to do more than go in a straight line. Sure, this car may not have been as hardcore as earlier versions, but I bet that most people welcomed the small comforts added. They made better drivers, but were still ready to put up a fight when needed.


There’s proof of that fact inside. A roll bar with shoulder harnesses was still bolted in place. Notice how it bolts to the seat belt mounts on the roof instead of having a bar go back to the fenders. This design probably didn’t add as much protection, but it maintained backseat space and surely stiffened up the chassis. Original bars like this are expensive so it’s nice to see that it’s still with the car. Let’s just hope that all the other Shelby specific bits are included.


If this car really has been stashed away for three decades, I’m sure the Shelby registries and forums are going to be ablaze with excitement. I don’t see any reason to think this is a fake, but as with any valuable automobile, you should do your homework before handing over any cash.


To make the Shelby standout from the Mustang crowd, many scoops and louvers were added. This gave the car an aggressive look that let everyone know that you meant business. The optional automatic transmission found here is the only obvious clue that the GT350 was starting to soften up a bit. I’d still love to have this car though. It had the performance, good looks, and rich heritage that only a Shelby could provide. Let’s just hope this one doesn’t sit in a garage for another 30 years!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Fred W.

    Not surprised to see it in Red Boiling Springs. A few weeks ago I went to the local AACA car show there, which has been going on for 40 years straight! Rolling hillsides covered with old cars, many of them from right there in town. Friend of mine grew up there and probably knows the owner or his family. We make a pilgrimage there yearly for the car show and lunch at the ancient, untouched 2 story hotel. It’s also home of Cyclemo’s, a motorcycle museum where picker Mike Wolfe has his bikes restored.

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  2. racer417

    At that price, it might sit for another 30 years!

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      I know it’s hard to swallow, but the asking price does not seem that far fetched. We featured another one in August that was in similar condition and it went for $56k. When you consider that this car should be worth over $100k when finished, the numbers make sense.

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  3. Dave666

    K-Code 289??? I don’t think so with those manifolds….

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Well, it’s supposed to be a k-code.

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    • Rocco

      Manifolds bolt on any eng. Maybe the originals were lost over the 30 yr. period.

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  4. DrinkinGasoline

    49,500 ?? Yikes !

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  5. Magstar67

    The 67’s were the last year they were finished at Shelby’s facility at LAX so these were still under Carroll’s supervision, from ’68 on the production was moved to Michigan and done by Ford. ’67 was also the last year for the k-code 289 motor, ’68s were 302 cars.

    I think it’s probably worth that much but most prefer a 4-speed. Looks pretty solid compared to a lot of them. Good color too

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Thanks for pointing that out Magstar. We have updated the post.

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  6. JW

    OH how I lust for one of these cars but sadly not enough cash to buy it or restore it.

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  7. rusty

    Why is the roll bar bent?

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    • rusty

      Has it come out of another car as the car looks straight.

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  8. Moose Feather

    They decided they weren’t going to get around to restoring it or did they decide, “Hey, if we can get $49k, why not!” Don’t need to throw $50 k at it to make 50K.

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  9. D Wylie

    My boss in 1968 had one of these all in white of course he was a pressman fully made up so was pulling down 60 grand a year,, A lot of money when a helper was making 5 grand a year

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  10. CowboyChris

    Good point moose feather, you never get ahead in life trading dollars for dollars.

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  11. piper62j

    Nice project and I’m sure it’ll be worth big bucks when completed.. I question all the different color shades on the finish.. some dark,,,, some light… Also can’t figure the bent roll cage.. Incorrect manifolds…

    There’s lots to research on this car, but after it’s all said and done, the value is truly there if it’s original..

    Here’s one for sale in great shape, but unrestored.. $50k

    Nice find.

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    • Alan (Michigan)

      I see $70K, with only 2 bids?

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  12. Barzini

    Why are rivets missing from the VIN plate?

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  13. Adam Wright

    The ad is down, so I guess we can assume it is sold, and once again the market speaks louder than the naysayers.

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  14. Robert_B

    This is too much $$ to pay for this car in this condition. Not only does it need total restoration, it needs to be put back together, it is not even a driver.

    Why is this too much money? Because restored Shelby cars just like this are going for 80K.

    I have seen 3 listed for this price in the last few months. 2 of them in the Seattle area and now, one in the Phoenix area here >>

    I have not seen any of these cars or verified they are in fact real Shelby’s so potential buyers, be sure to do your home work. Not sure about this phoenix car but I do believe the 2 Seattle Shelby cars were legitimate.

    I can say this, I think it is going to cost far more then 30K to restore this car. I can also tell you that if I was a collector or had the means, I would be buying every one of these 80K Shelby’s as if things do get better economy wise, I think you could own and enjoy these cars and make a few bucks to boot in 5 – 10 yrs.

    I would bet some one bought this car based on in person on site negotiation, or stupidity thinking 49.5K is/was a good price and not knowing the real cost of restoring one of these cars. The big block Shelby cars are king but for driving and enjoying and not just showing off, the small block cars are great and should appreciate well in the future.

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    • Rocco

      The Phoenix car is a ’68 without any pic. This is apples and oranges I say.

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